
If we were sent back from the graves, suffice it

لو بعثنا من القبور فحسبي

1. If we were sent back from the graves, suffice it
That I am a worshipper of your beauty's magic

١. لو بعثنا من القبور فحسبي
أنني عابد لسحر جمالك

2. What angers God if I were
An angel worshipping Him through you

٢. ما الذي يغضب الإله إذا كنت
ملاكا عبدته من خلالك

3. The heart fluttered at your first glance
And its beats softened thereafter

٣. خفق القلب عند نظرتك الأولى
وحنت دقاته إثر ذلك

4. And intense affection turned into love
Nurtured by my devotion and your extreme charm

٤. واستحال العطف الشديد إلى حب
نماه ذلي وفرط دلالك

5. So enter my temple and heal my state
And rejoice and chant the revelations of your imagination

٥. فادخلي معبدي ورقي لحالي
واطربي واهتفي بوحي خيالك