
The nights have cast their worn-out robes upon you,

ألقت عليك الليالي ثوبها البالي

1. The nights have cast their worn-out robes upon you,
And placed between wandering and questioning.

١. ألقت عليك الليالي ثوبها البالي
وضعت ما بين تجوال وتسآل

2. Your dark days, their weaver went astray,
And the neck of your lifetime was slaughtered like my hopes.

٢. أيامك السود عقد ضلّ ناظمه
وجيد عمرك مذبوح كآمالي

3. And over you is revived debris wrapped in a shroud,
And a pearl that was lost in the mud of graves.

٣. ويحيى عليك هشيما ضمه كفن
ودرّة غيبت في قبر أوحال

4. And over you, and alas from you, revived what was weakened
By the fire of your trials, my ribs and limbs.

٤. ويحيى عليك وويحي منك ما وهنت
من نار بلواك أصلابي وأوصالي

5. I am the one whose joy the world was too narrow for,
Yet not too narrow for my wounds and tribulations.

٥. أنا الذي ضاقت الدنيا بفرحته
ولم تضق بجراحاتي وإعوالي

6. O son of the road left except for injustice,
And a storm not knowing the mercy of the breeze.

٦. يا بن الطريق خلَت إلا من الظلم
وعاصف ليس يدري رحمة النسم

7. And a grieving poet whose melodies
Were the cure for heartsickness, so they became the illness.

٧. وشاعر جزع كانت ملاحنه
برء الطليح فأمست علة السقم

8. He saw you and a flutter shook his ribs,
And his lips recited the surah of pain.

٨. رآك فاهتز خفّاقٌ بأضلعه
ورتلت شفتاه سورة الألم

9. The flute quivered in his hands, trembling,
And did not show weeping what bitterness it contains.

٩. وأجهش الناي في كفيه مرتعشا
ولم يرو البكا ما فيه من ضرم

10. The night is your night, O son of the night, O most wondrous,
Apportioner, and for my poetry the tearful words.

١٠. الليل ليلك يا بن الليل أخيلة
وقسمة ولشعري دامع الكلم

11. My brother, we both descended from Adam,
And our destinies are sorrows and adversities.

١١. أخي وقد ضمنا من آدم نسب
ومن مقاديرنا الآلام والنوَبُ

12. You sell the people their share of money, perturbed,
While the orphan's teardrop in your eye is perturbed.

١٢. تبيع للناس حظ المال مضطربا
ودمعة اليتيم في عينيك تضطرب

13. O you wasteland, the breeze blew above his comfort,
A basil plant whose nobility and lineage it scattered.

١٣. يا أيها القفر رفت فوق راحته
ريحانة من شذاها الجاه والحسب

14. O you cup, people quench their thirst,
While its interior aches, inflamed.

١٤. يا أيها الكاس يروى الناس من ظمإ
وجوفه مرمَضُ الأحشاء ملتهب

15. So if you turn away, no mother tends to you,
Nor a father poured affection on you.

١٥. فإذا جنبت فما ترعاك والدة
ولم يفض من حناياه عليك أب

16. My brother, I call you, so have mercy on a poet who called out
When he found none but his own weeping as provision.

١٦. أخي أناديك فارحم شاعرا نادى
لما يجد غير باكي شعره زادا

17. These palaces that their dwellers went astray in
Returned to their forlorn silence and did not return.

١٧. هذي القصور التي تاهت بساكنها
عادت إلى صمتها الساجي وما عادا

18. Wealth was not enough for him to lavish on his family,
So he built with his money in the earth high columns.

١٨. لم يكفه المال دفاقا بعيلمه
فشاد من ماله في الأرض أطوادا

19. His hopes made him forget the pains of his brothers,
So he wreaked in the earth havoc and corruption.

١٩. أنسته آماله آلام إخوته
فعاث في الأرض إعداما وإفسادا

20. And he filled this base world with slaughtered limbs,
With destiny over them a whip and executioner.

٢٠. وملء هذي الدنى أشلاء مذبحة
كان القضاء بها سوطا وجلادا

21. My tears for you suffice, though they do not suffice me,
And tears seep into the livers of the destitute.

٢١. تكفيك مني دموعا ليس تكفيني
والدمع ينقع أكباد المساكين

22. I weep for you, child of wishes, your edifice erected
On the pillar of pretentious flowers, deceived.

٢٢. أبكيك طفل الأماني قام هيكله
على عماد كذاوى الزهر مؤهون

23. I weep for you without affection, except that my blood
Ravages within it the death throes of madness.

٢٣. أبكيك دون وداد غير أن دمي
تعيث فيه المنايا عيث مجنون

24. And you, O judge, whose judgments
Were storms upon the victims of water and clay.

٢٤. وأنت يا أيها القاضي الذي عصفت
أحكامه بضحايا الماء والطين

25. Have mercy, for the victims, their star has vanished
And they were deprived of the sweet melodies.

٢٥. رحماك إن الضحايا غاب كوكبهم
وحرموا سمعهم عذب الأرانين