
Polish your shoes for your feet

أجدوا النعال لأقدامكم

1. Polish your shoes for your feet
And prepare a saddle for your steed

١. أَجِدّوا النِعالَ لِأَقدامِكُم
أَجِدّوا فَوَيهاً لَكُم جَروَلُ

2. Send my regards to Sulaiman, if you meet him
For the spinning wheel bears no resemblance to her

٢. وَأَبلِغ سَلامانَ إِن جِئتَها
فَلا يَكُ شِبهاً لَها المِغزَلُ

3. It clothes the people yet strips their dignity
As the riffraff slither behind

٣. يُكَسّي الأَنامَ وَيُعري أَستَهُ
وَيَنسَلُّ مِن خَلفِهِ الأَسفَلُ

4. For Bujayr and his associates
Are like a sheep bleating as it wanders

٤. فَإِنَّ بُجَيراً وَأَشياعَهُ
كَما تَبحَثُ الشاةُ إِذ تَدآلُ

5. They roused the wolf from its lair and it ambushed them
Passing its throat over their necks

٥. أَثارَت عَنِ الحَتفِ فَاِغتالَها
فَمَرَّ عَلى حَلقِها المِغوَلُ

6. And the last days for her were woeful
A pond and a mourning willow for her weeping

٦. وَآخِرُ عَهدٍ لَها مونِقٌ
غَديرٌ وَجِزعٌ لَها مُبقِلُ