1. You have summoned, O Tareef, with the summons of an ignorant man,
Foolishly, though you knew better if you had known,
١. وَلَقَد دَعَوتَ طَريفُ دَعوَةَ جاهِلٍ
سَفَهاً وَأَنتَ بِمَنظَرٍ لَو تَعلَمُ
2. And you met alive on the field of battle men of distinction,
And the army was put to rout in the name of their father,
٢. وَلَقيتَ حَيّاً في الحُروبِ مَحَلُّهُم
وَالجَيشُ بِاِسمِ أَبيهِمُ يُستَهزَمُ
3. So when they called upon the name of Abee Raabi'ah they advanced
In battalions, having veiled themselves less than the women,
٣. فَإِذا دَعَوا بِأَبي رَبيعَةَ أَقبَلوا
بِكَتائِبِ دونَ النِساءِ تَلَمَّموا
4. And you met among them Hanei' with his weapons,
A hero, while the horsemen fled, pressing forward,
٤. فَلَقَيتَ فيهِم هانِئاً وَسِلاحَهُ
بَطَلاً إِذا هابَ الفَوارِسُ يقدمُ
5. They stripped you of your coat of mail and the youths overcame you,
And the sons of Usayyid made you their captive and pressed hard upon you.
٥. سَلَبوكَ دِرعَكَ وَالأَغَرَّ كِلَيهِما
وَبَنو أُسَيِّدَ أَسلَموكَ وَخَضَّمُ