
The caravan hastened at dawn with ease,

أجد الركب بعد غد خفوف

1. The caravan hastened at dawn with ease,
And thousands no longer kept you company.

١. أَجَدَّ الرَكبُ بعدَ غَدٍ خُفوفُ
وأضحَت لا تواصِلُكَ الألوفُ

2. My heart was obsessed with madness over you,
And I saw no one like you among those who wandered.

٢. وَكانَ القَلبُ جُنَّ بِها جُنوناً
وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَها فيمن يَطوفُ

3. You appeared one day, date palms in Musabkar,
The breeze softly rustling through its branches,

٣. تَراءَت يَومَ نَخلَ بمُسبَكِرٍّ
تَرَبَّبَهُ الذَريرَةُ وَالنَصيفُ

4. Enveloped in darkness, a tender sprig,
Whose torment I cannot lessen or appease.

٤. وَمَشمولٍ عليه الظَلمُ غُرٍّ
عِذابش لا أَكَسُّ وَلا خَلوفُ

5. Like the gurgling of a ripe pomegranate
And the cooing of a dove to its mate.

٥. كأَنَّ فَضيض رُمّانٍ جَنيٍّ
وَأُترُجٍ لأيكَتِهِ حَفيفُ

6. When she draws near the breast, the weakling
Submits the bucket to her readily.

٦. عَلى فيها إِذا دَنَت الثُرَيّا
دُنوَّ الدَلو أَسلَمَها الضَعيفُ

7. Umm 'Abda did well when they met.
The camels roared and thousands milled about.

٧. أَجادَت أُمّ عَبدَةَ يَومَ لاقوا
وَثارَ النَقعُ وأَختَلفَ الأُلوفُ

8. He brings Habtar in violent anger.
He has a gazelle when the plucking is done.

٨. يُقَدِّمُ حَبتَراً بأفَلَّ عَضبٍ
لَهُ ظُبَةٌ لما نالَت قُطوفُ

9. He left behind him a foundling crying out,
Whimpering to him from the shelter of the overhang.

٩. فَغادَرَ خَلفَهُ يَكبو لَقيطاً
لَهُ من حَدِّ واكِفَةٍ نَصيفُ

10. As though the skulls of heroes when
We met at dawn were ominous and unlucky.

١٠. كأَنَّ جَماجِمَ الأَبطالِ لَمّا
تَلاقينا ضُحىً حَدَجٌ نَقيفُ

11. Each tribe's protector defended their father,
And the swords became like piercing pickaxes.

١١. وَحامى كُلّ قَومٍ عَن أَبيهم
وَصارَت كالمَخاريقِ السُيوفُ

12. You see the right side of the brigade, whoever faces it,
Stumbling over their shoulders, the bumpy ground.

١٢. تَرى يُمنى الكَتيبةِ مَن يَليها
يَخِرُّ عَلى مرافِقَها الكُثوفُ

13. We have a gray she-camel who wards off those facing us,
Bloodstained, whose color is autumnal.

١٣. لَنا شَهباءُ تَنفي من يَلينا
مُضَرَّجَةٌ لَها لَونٌ خَصيفُ

14. And a Doe, who instructed her sons,
"The belts and saddles have lied."

١٤. وَذُبيانيَّةٍ أَوصَت بَنيها
بأن كذَبَ القَراطِفُ وَالقُروفُ

15. She equipped them as she could and said,
"My sons, each of you is a polished sword."

١٥. تُجَهِّزُهم بما وَجدَت وَقالَت
بَنيَّ فَكُلُّكُم بَطَلٌ مُسيفُ

16. But we betrayed her affection, so she stayed awake
And the overflow of her eyes was ceaseless circling.

١٦. فأخلَفنا مودَّتَها فَقاظَت
وَماقيءُ عينَها حَذِلٌ نَطوفُ

17. Whenever she saw lament, she came to him,
Moaning, while her palms slapped her thighs.

١٧. إِذا ما أَبصَرت نَوحاً أَتَتهُ
تُرِنُّ وَرضجعُ كَفَّيها خَنوفُ

18. To mourn Abu Rawaha, a band of horses
And people the guest had honored.

١٨. لِيَبكِ أَبا رَواحَةَ جَملُ خَيلٍ
وَقَومٌ قَد أَعزَّهمُ المُضيفُ

19. Both sides cry to dismount and stand still,
As settling down and halting has become virtuous.

١٩. يُنادي الجانِبانِ بأن أَنيخوا
وَقَد عَرَسَ الإِناخَةُ وَالوقوفُ

20. The right-hand helpers were the Banu Numayr,
Walking before them was the Caliph.

٢٠. وَكانَ الأيمنونَ بَني نُمَيرٍ
يَسيرُ بِنا أَمامَهُمُ الخَليفُ

21. No cowardice to make us shrink if we meet,
Nor does the rout of armies touch us.

٢١. فَلا جُبنٌ فَيَنكَلُ إِن لَقينا
وَلا هَزمُ الجيوش لَنا طَريفُ

22. We left the valley, not heeding it,
And descended as our confidante knew.

٢٢. تَرَكنا الشِعبَ لَم نَعقِل إِلَيهِ
وَأَسهَلنا كَما عَلِمَ الحَليفُ

23. We drive the girdled women ahead of us,
Mingled with the dripping sweat.

٢٣. نَسوقُ به النِساءَ مشَمِّراتٍ
يُخالِطُها مَع العَرَقِ الخَشيفُ

24. When the tribe's ropes are slackened, they are pulled tight,
And no towering woman can withstand them.

٢٤. إِذا أَستَرخَت حِبالُ القَوم شُدَّت
وَلا يَثني لقائِمَةٍ وَظيفُ

25. They left the bellies of maidens by night,
The coolness of shelter caressing them.

٢٥. تَركنَ بطونَ صاراتٍ بِلَيلٍ
مطافيلُ الرَباعِ بِها خُلوفُ

26. So he who has battlefields remains with each
Skirmish, and his Lord saved him from defeat.

٢٦. فَظَلَّ بِذي معاركَ كلّ مُرباً
وَنجّى ربَّهُ الهَزمُ الخَفيفُ

27. Of those whose teats are poison, milk mingled
With curdled milk and licorice root.

٢٧. من اللائي سنابِكُهنَّ شُمٌ
أضخَفَّ مُشاشَهُ لَبَنٌ وَريفُ

28. It sucks and is perfumed with aromatics,
As blood gushes forth from the wound.

٢٨. يؤيَّهُ وَاللَهيفَ بوارداتٍ
كَما يَتغاوثُ الحِسي النَزيفُ

29. When we routed the people, delegations came
From our league, presenting gifts.

٢٩. فَلمّا أَن هزَمنا الناسَ جاءَت
وفودٌ من رَبيعَتِنا تَزيفُ

30. And a chief fallen, his ribs alongside his flank,
Hollow-legged, his logic forgotten and abandoned.

٣٠. وَشِقٌّ ساقِطٌ بضلوعِ جَنبٍ
رَجوفُ الرِجلِ منطِقُهُ نَسيفُ

31. Delirious, as though his forehead were a crescent
In the darkness of a neighbor and protector.

٣١. أَغَرُّ كأَنَّ جبهَتَهُ هِلالٌ
لِظُلمِ الجارِ وَالمَولى عَيوفُ