
Let us welcome the guests who have descended upon us

دعينا لأضياف وقد نزلوا بنا

1. Let us welcome the guests who have descended upon us
Rafida and Al-Qain ibn Habes and Aamer

١. دعينا لأضيافٍ وَقَد نَزلوا بِنا
رفيدةُ والقينُ بن حبس وعامرُ

2. And Bahraa has descended behind our homes
As necklaces and bracelets descended upon us

٢. وَقَد نَزلت بهراءُ خلف بيوتنا
كَما نَزَلت تَبغي قرانا الأساورُ

3. We had barely stayed an hour in their towns
When the swift and hastening supplies were being praised

٣. فَما أن لَبِثنا ساعةً بقراهمُ
وَقد يحمد الرفدَ السريعُ المبادرُ