
Ask the people, did our steeds shake the tumult

سل الناس هل هزت فوارسنا الوغى

1. Ask the people, did our steeds shake the tumult
In the evening when we rode our steeds to Umar

١. سَلِ الناسَ هَل هَزَّت فَوارِسَنا الوَغى
عَشِيَّةَ أَوطَأنا فَوارِسَنا عَمرا

2. Eager horses from every side
Glowering with the young men who drive them on sternly

٢. عَلى حَنَقٍ لِلخَيلِ مِن كُلِّ جانِبٍ
عَوابِسَ بِالفِتيانِ تُقحِمُها زَجرا

3. When the dust of battle parted before them
They appeared circled by blondness for a time

٣. إِذا اِنكَشَفَت عَنها عَجاجَةُ مَعرَكٍ
لِحينِ تُعاديها بَدَت حَولَها شُقرا

4. We abandoned the milk of war for the seeker of dwellings
That we may test those who would chide us for excuse

٤. هَجَرنا لَبونَ الحَربِ لِلطالِبِ القِرى
لَنَبلى فيمَن كانَ يَخبِطُنا عُذرا

5. Whenever people thundered, we thundered
We thundered and rained heavily armed

٥. وَكُنّا إِذا ما اِستَمطَرَ الناسُ رَعدَنا
رَعَدنا فَأَمطَرنا مُثَقَّفَةً سُمرا

6. With them we defended a neighbor and attained fortunes
With them we attained a home and mourned with them estrangement

٦. حَمَينا بِها جاراً وَنِلنا طَوائِلاً
وَنِلنا بِها داراً وَحُزناً بِها وَفرا

7. We sacrifice with them on every hated day
Until our enemies submit to us by compulsion

٧. نَجودُ بِها في كُلِّ يَوم كَريهَةٍ
لِأَعدائِنا حَتّى يَدينوا لَنا قَسرا

8. That the praiseworthy be praised and the perishable perish
Loyally fulfilling a pact we do not betray treacherously

٨. لِيُحمَدَ مَحمودٌ وَيَهلِكَ هالِكٌ
وَفاءً بِعَهدٍ لا نُكَذِّبَهُ غَدرا

9. There we do not cease to kill at times
And pursue people and take them captive

٩. هُنالِكَ ما نَنفَكُّ نَقتُلُ تارَةً
وَنَلحَقُ أَقواماً فَنَأسِرُهُم أَسرا

10. For our days and swords have left
Our spears among those who remember us a memory

١٠. فَقَد تَرَكَت أَيّامُنا وَسُيوفُنا
وَأَرماحُنا في الذاكِرينَ لَنا ذِكرا