
O sons of my father Sa'd, though you are my brothers

أبني أبي سعدٍ وأنتُم أخوة

1. O sons of my father Sa'd, though you are my brothers
Reproach after today is a bitter thing

١. أَبني أَبي سَعدٍ وَأَنتُم أُخوَةٌ
وَعِتابُ بَعد اليَومِ شَيءٌ أَفقَم

2. Why did you not restrain your evil with your good
And not violate what is sacred to me

٢. هَلّا بِخَيرِكُم كَفَفتُم شَرَّكُم
عَني وَلَم يَهتَك لَكُم بي مَحرَمُ

3. Why did you not fear that I would return the same
Upon you and then abandon you like one who knows not

٣. هَلّا خَشَيتُم أَن أُصادِفَ مِثلَها
مِنكُم فَتَترككم كَمَن لا يَعلَمُ

4. They filled from the two encampments a camel litter
With booty and returned safe while they profited

٤. مَلأوا مِن الأَقطانَتَينِ رَكِيَّةً
مِنّا وَآبوا سالِمين وَغُنِّمُوا

5. They killed Ta'niyah on the basis of a single suspicion
That spilled blood comes from her family

٥. قَتَلوا تَعَنِّيَهً بِظَنَّةِ واحِدٍ
تِلكَ المُعَطُِّ مِن أسِرَّتِها الدَمُ

6. So a pledge is owed you for a day of mischief
And for an incident in which severe punishment is due

٦. فيدى لَكُم رَهنٌ بِيَومٍ مُفسِد
وَبِوَقعَةٍ فيها عِقابٌ صيلَمُ