
Should I not ask how time's vicissitudes

هلا سألت وريبُ الدهر ذو غيرٍ

1. Should I not ask how time's vicissitudes
Have made our fortunes change, and brought dismay?

١. هَلّا سَأَلت وَرَيبُ الدَهرِ ذُو غِيَرٍ
أَن كيفَ صَفَقَتُنا ذُهلَ بنَ شَيبانا

2. They, from the water debarred, give drink to thirst,
While we must water on Al-Ahsa's sand our beasts.

٢. صَدُّوا عَن الماءِ يَسقُونَ ذا كَلَم
وَنَحنُ نَسقي عَلى الأَحساءِ كَلمانا

3. In every quarter are men puffed with pride,
While we are most abased and driven forth as prey.

٣. في كُلِّ حَيٍّ مِن الحَيَّينِ أُبَّهَةٌ
وَنَحنُ أَكثَرُ مَغبوطاً وَجَذلانا

4. When Banu Al-Hisn lost their riding-camels, look,
Men must go naked of their robes today.

٤. أَما بَنو الحِصنِ إِذ شالَت نَعامَتُهُم
فَيَخرُجُ المَرءُ مِن ثَوبَيهِ عُريانا

5. Abu Salma, Sufyan - when the lutes were silenced
And turned against us - we were left with no one.

٥. أَما الرِبابُ فَوَلَّونا ظُهورَهُمُ
وَأَجزَرونا أَبا سَلمى وَسُفيانا