1. O night, will you ever have a dawn
And will your captive star ever be set free?
١. أَلا يا لَيلُ هَل لَكَ مِن صَباحِ
وَهَل لأَسير نجمِكَ مِن سَراح
2. O night, you lingered over me long enough
As if you were created without a dawn
٢. أَلا يا لَيلُ طُلتَ عَليّ حَتّى
كَأَنّك قَد خُلِقتَ بِلا صَباحِ
3. Did Futooma spend the night in you, complaining
As I complain of my estrangement and displacement?
٣. فَهَلأ باتَت فُطَيمَةُ فيكَ تَشكو
كَما أَشكو اِغتِرابي وَانتِزاحي
4. I utter the groan of distress as if I
Am a wounded man crying from pain
٤. أَرَدِّدُ زَفرَةَ المُضنى كَأَنّي
جَريحٌ أَنّ من أَلَمِ الجِراحِ
5. Sadness tosses me from side to side
As if I am above the tips of spears
٥. يُقَلِّبُني الأَسى جَنباً لِجَنبٍ
كَأنّي فَوقَ أَطرافِ الرِماحِ
6. Passion calls me to you or to Amro
So I flapped my wings in flight toward you
٦. دَعاني الحُبّ نَحوَكِ أَمَّ عَمروٍ
فَطِرتُ إِلَيكِ خَفّاقَ الجَناحِ
7. And if I could, from such passion and longing
I would ride the wings of the wind to reach you
٧. وَلَو أَسطِيعُ مِن طَرَبٍ وَشَوقٍ
رَكِبتُ إِلَيكِ أَجنِحَةَ الرِياحِ
8. Patience, friends, do not blame us
For passion has singed all the feathers
٨. أَحِبّتَنا رُوَيدَكُمُ عَلَينا
فَقَد جَمَحَ الهَوى كُلّ الجِماحِ
9. It is destined and fated for us
And who can escape destined fate?
٩. هُوَ القَدَرُ المُتاحُ جَرى عَلَينا
وَمَن يَسطيعُ لِلقَدرِ المُتاحِ
10. A stranger lodged in your abode so it
Became dreary, desolate areas for him
١٠. غَريبٌ حَلَّ دارَكُم فَأَضحَت
لَهُ يَهماءَ مُوحِشَةَ النَواحي
11. Faces there scorned him
Though once cheerful and mirthful
١١. تَناكَرَتِ الوُجُوهُ بِها عَلَيهِ
وَكانَت ذاتَ عَرفٍ وَاِنشِراحِ
12. Had you wished I would not have isolated myself
With my passions, making me shun company
١٢. وَلَو شِئتُم لَما حَسُن اِنفِرادي
بِأَشواقي وَلا وَجَبَ اطِّراحي
13. And you claimed you share my love
Yet alas, disease never makes for health
١٣. وَقُلتُم إِنَّكُم تَجِدونَ وَجدِي
وَهَيهاتَ المِراضُ مِن الصِحاحِ
14. I blame you because you were stingy
When you are able to be most generous
١٤. أَعاتِبُكُم لِأَنَّكُمُ بِخِلتُم
وَأَنتُم قادِرُونَ عَلى السَماحِ