
The phantom of your image wandering past

لم يدر طيف خيالك المتأوب

1. The phantom of your image wandering past
Did not know that I toss on the embers of sorrow.

١. لَم يَدرِ طَيف خِيالِكِ المَتأوّبُ
أَنّي عَلى جَمرِ الأَسى اَتَقَلَّبُ

2. My vigilant critic gave me no respite -
Sleep comes not, nor does slumber depart.

٢. وَافى يُعارِضُهُ رَقِيبي لَم يَدَع
نَومِي يَجيءُ وَلا سُهادِيَ يَذهَبُ

3. O mother of Talha, though the abodes be near
And the star closer than the heedlessness of your people,

٣. يا أَمَّ طَلحَةَ وَالديارُ قَريبَةٌ
وَالنَجمُ مِن غَفلاتِ قَومِك أَقرَبُ

4. Do you remember me when the camel litters were struck
And the meeting place was active and your house bustling?

٤. هَل تَذكُرِينَ إِذ الأَعاِي نُزّحٌ
وَالمُلتَقى كَثَبٌ وَدارِك مُشغَبُ

5. O Sara, you are forbidden to me, yet you are
Sweeter than the water of life and more pleasurable.

٥. يا سَرحَةً حَرُمَت عَلَيّ وَإِنَّها
لَأَلَذّ مِن ماءِ الحَياةِ وَأَعذَبُ

6. After your shade I have no resting place, so know
Indeed, without your water I have no drinking place.

٦. ما بَعدَ ظِلِّكِ لِي مَقِيلٌ فَاِعلَمي
كَلّا وَلا لي بَعدَ مائِكِ مَشرَبُ

7. O my friend, to you I complain of a friend
Whose stratagems failed and whose course grew narrow.

٧. يا صاحِبي وَإِليك شَكوى صاحِبٍ
عَجَزَت محالتُهُ وَضاقَ المذهَبُ

8. Pass by the object of desire; it is to me
At evening a desired object and beloved.

٨. امرُر عَلى هَدَفِ المَسِيلَةِ إِنّهُ
هَدَفٌ إِلي مَع العَشيّ مُحَبّبُ

9. The spirits there engage my passions
And the gentle south wind embraces my fragrance.

٩. تَتَجاذَبُ الأَرواحُ فيهِ ذُؤابَتي
وَيَضُمُّ بُردَيّ الغَمامُ الطَيّبُ