
My heart recovered from Umm Al-Khunaif, and it would not

صحا القلب عن أم الخنيف ولم يكن

1. My heart recovered from Umm Al-Khunaif, and it would not
Have recovered except after a procrastinating eye.

١. صَحا القَلب عَن أمّ الخُنَيفِ وَلَم يَكُن
لِيَصحُوَ إِلّا بَعدَ عَنيٍ مُماطِلِ

2. So I became turned away from passion and love,
Rarely inclining, resting from obstacles.

٢. فَأَصبَحتُ مَصرُوفَ اللُبانَةِ وَالهَوى
قَليلَ التَصابي مُستَريحَ العَواذِلِ

3. Except for pouring tears whenever
A tear appeared to me or saddened me between mounts.

٣. سِوى عَبرَةٍ مَسفوحَةٍ كُلّما بَدَت
لَهُ دِمنَةٌ أَو شاقَهُ بَينَ راحِلِ

4. O riders of the noble horses, stop
The features of the steeds at the features of the abodes.

٤. أَرُكبانَ أَنضاءِ السِفار أَلا قِفُوا
رُسُومَ المَطايا في رُسومِ المَنازِلِ

5. I ask when the homes were accustomed to settlement
Though they be mute, they inform the questioner.

٥. نُسائِل مَتى عَهدُ الديارِ بِسَكنِها
وَإِن كُنَّ خُرساً ما يُبِنَّ لِسائِلِ

6. Oh, would that I knew, will it return as we were accustomed
To nights we folded, folding the miles?

٦. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل تَعُودُ كَعَهدِنا
لَيالٍ طَوَيناهُنّ طَيَّ المَراحِلِ

7. When the soul remembers it, it nearly
Leaks at the beginning of the pouring tears.

٧. إِذا ذَكَرَتها النَفسُ كادَت مِن الأَسى
تَسَرَّبُ في أَولى الدُمُوع الهَوامِلِ

8. And I left Umm Talha after
My love for her chained my joints.

٨. وَإِنّي وَتَركي أُمَّ طَلحَةَ بَعدَما
تَسَلسَلَ مِنّي حُبُّها في المَفاصِلِ

9. I am thirsty in a barren desert when I saw water yearning
While it was forbidden from its edges with barriers.

٩. لَظَمآنُ قَفرٍ أَبصَر الماءَ حَسرَةً
وَقَد ذيدَ عَن أَطرافِهِ بِالمَناصِلِ

10. Were it not for my hope in the time's kindness I would not
When one of the calamities befell my soul.

١٠. وَلَولا رَجائي عَطفة الدَهرِ لَم أُبَل
مَتى نَزَلَت بِالنَفسِ إِحدى النَوازِلِ

11. Ask the eye from which sleep is long absent
Though it was little during a few nights.

١١. عَنِ النَوم سَل عَيناً بِهِ طالَ عَهدُها
وَكانَ قَليلاً في لَيالٍ قَلائِلِ

12. I spent the night in the refuge of imagination, and beneath it
Are mattresses of rest and habit of night birds.

١٢. أَبيتُ بِمُستَأنى الخَيال وَدُونَهُ
طُرُوقُ سُهادٍ وَاعتيادُ بَلابِلِ

13. When the bird of worries saw the den of my eyelids,
It thought it a trap, fearing the snares.

١٣. إِذا ظَنّ وَكراً مُقلَتي طائرُ الكَرى
رَأى هُدبَها فَاِرتاعَ خَوفَ الحَبائِلِ