
They departed, and yearning's anguish prevailed,

ظعنوا فخيم لاعجُ الأشواق

1. They departed, and yearning's anguish prevailed,
The day of parting is the lover's doomsday.

١. ظَعَنوا فَخَيَّمَ لاعِجُ الأَشواقِ
يَومُ الفِراقِ قِيامَةُ العُشَّاقِ

2. Their patience ran out, but they did not care,
Trusting my ever-flowing tears.

٢. صَفِرَت مَزادُهُمُ فَما اِكتَرَثوا لَها
ثِقَةً بِواكِفِ دَمعِيَ المُهراقِ

3. They set up the tent of patience when they embarked
Towards the hearts with gaze's spears.

٣. نَصَبوا مِجَنَّ الصَّبرِ ساعَةَ أَشرَعُوا
نَحوَ القُلوبِ أَسِنَّةَ الأَحداقِ

4. Tell troubles that I now occupy Shuqurah,
Caring not for it or Abul Ishak.

٤. قُل لِلخُطوبِ قَدِ اِحتَلَلتُ شُقورَةً
ما تَرتَجِي وَبِها أَبو إِسحاقِ

5. I take refuge in Him who protected me from its harm,
If it seeks me, it has no power over me.

٥. إِنِّي اِعتَصَمتُ بِمَن وَقاني شَرَّها
فَإِنِ اِبتَغاها ما لَها مِن واقِ

6. O Hamshakh's son, your Ibrahim
Revives the dead and kills despair.

٦. أَبَني هَمُشكٍ إِنَّ إِبراهيمَكُم
مُحيي العُفاةِ وَقاتِلُ الإِملاقِ

7. O cupbearer, extend the cup of generosity for the land is full,
How can they be sober when you are the pourer?

٧. أَمُديرَ كاسِ الجودِ قَد ثَمِلَ الوَرى
أَنَّى لَهُم صَحوٌ وَأَنتَ السَّاقِي