
A craving depiction yearned anxiously,

هاج رسم دارس طرباً

1. A craving depiction yearned anxiously,
So long you remained depressed and gloomy,

١. هاجَ رَسمٌ دارِسٌ طَرَباً
فطويلا ظَللّتَ مُكتَئِبا

2. When you saw the abode deserted,
With clay how long it resisted and endured,

٢. أن رأَيتَ الدارَ موحِشَةً
بِلغاطٍ كَم لَها رَجَبا

3. A house of affection with curtains,
The rope of the pact snapped and broke,

٣. دارَ هِندٍ بالسِتارِ وَقَد
رَثَّ حَبلُ العهد فاِنقَضَبا

4. Between the valley streams like
The starling of Mundhir's son sang,

٤. بَينَ سيلِ الواديَينِ كَما
نَمنَمَ ابنا مُنذِرٍ كُتُبا

5. The birds informed you when they chanced,
And the ominous raven when it croaked,

٥. أَنبأتكَ الطَيرُ إِذ سَنَحَت
وَالغُرابُ الوَحفُ إِذ نَعَبا

6. That Hind is not veiled,
In the abode like the one who reckoned,

٦. أَنَّ هِنداً غَيرَ مُسقِبَةٍ
بالديارِ كالَّذي حَسِبا

7. And a bare-headed Arab woman
Whose gratitude I earned deservingly,

٧. وَعروبٍ غيرِ مُسقِبَةٍ
قَد مَلكتُ شُكرَها حِقَبا

8. Then she became unable to speak to us,
Every living being has what comes after,

٨. ثم آلت لا تُكَلِّمُنا
كُلُّ حَيٍّ مُعقِبٌ عُقَبا

9. And I took refuge in Thu'ba,
Where they have good manners between them,

٩. وَلَقَد آوى إِلى ثُبَةٍ
يُحسِنونَ بينهم أَدَبا

10. Then I watered the camels and did not
Become a dog among dogs,

١٠. ثم أُروي الواغلينَ وَلَم
أَكُ كَلباً بينهم كَلِبا

11. And Mayyi whose abode
Meeting him was not playing,

١١. وَكَميٍّ قَد أَدَوتُ له
لَم يكن لِقاؤُه لَعِبا

12. So we were separated by a glance
That kindled the ashes,

١٢. فَتحاجَزنا به رَمَقٌ
جَسِدَ اللَباتِ مُختضِبا

13. And we gambled our souls though
Parting causes laments,

١٣. وَتخاطَرنا النفوسَ وَقَد
يُفلِجُ الموائِلُ النَدبا

14. And I visited a relative
And looked a wondrous look,

١٤. وَلَقَد وَصَلتُ ذا رَحِمٍ
وَنَظَرتُ نَظرَةً عَجَبا

15. Of the offspring of Hawran I said to him
While both of us were intent and busy,

١٥. من ذُرى حَورانَ قُلتُ لَه
وَكِلانا ناظِرٌ دأَبا

16. Do you see, O Aba Ubayd,
Approaching companies bound tightly,

١٦. أَعُبَيدُ هَل تَرى ظُعُناً
أَقبلت حَزايقا عُصَبا

17. Roaming together
From the heights of Hail ascending,

١٧. طايفاتٍ يعتَسِفنَ مَعاً
مِن أَعالي حائِلٍ كُثُبا

18. Cutting through the belly of Mafeqah,
Brandishing weapons and spears,

١٨. قاطِعاتٍ بَطنَ مافِقَةٍ
يبَتَدِرنَ الهَجمَ وَالقَرَبا

19. Terrifying with cries together
From the heights of Azif ascending,

١٩. جازِعاتٍ بالغُطاطِ مَعاً
مِن أَعالي عازِفٍ شُعَبا

20. Are they human, I said, you think
Or palm trees laden with fruit,

٢٠. أفأَثلا قُلتُ تحسِبُهم
أَم نخيلاً أَينعَت رُطَبا

21. And on the litters unveiled
Sporting pearls and gold,

٢١. وَعَلى الأَحداجِ مُغزِلَةٌ
يَبتَذِلنَ الدُرَّ وَالذَهَبا

22. Inform the kings, whichever
Drew apart or came near in the land,

٢٢. أَبلغِ الملوكَ مألُكَةً
مَن نأى في الأَرضِ أَو قَرُبا

23. That around me are offspring of Ajaa
Whose valor seems established,

٢٣. أَنَّ حَولي مِن ذُرى أجأ
زَلَقاً تَخالُه نُصُبا

24. Around it our camels graze
Eating thorns and anab,

٢٤. حَولَهُ تَرعى حَمولتُنا
تأكُلُ العِضاهَ وَالكَنَبا

25. O Burayqa who spent the night awake
Hiding in the baggage,

٢٥. يا بُرَيقا بِتُّ أَرقُبُه
كانِساً في المُزنِ محتَجِبا

26. He spent the night ascending in the sky as
A shooting star kindled the reeds,

٢٦. باتَ يَرقى في السَماءِ كَما
حَرَّقت حاريَّةٌ قَصَبا

27. Under it a yamani wind
Stirring up a storm,

٢٧. تَحتَهُ ريحٌ يمانيةٌ
فَتُثيرُ وادِقاً هَدِبا

28. Then it sweeps the water that calmed
So when it rages it is turbulent,

٢٨. فَتسُحُّ الماءَ ما سكنَت
فَإِذا هاجَت له اضطَرَبا

29. So let the clan of Thu'al water it
And let its meadows give it to drink,

٢٩. فَلِتَرعَهُ بنو ثُعَلٍ
وَليَسقِ نَؤوه العُشُبا

30. And the clan of Jarm, though they claimed
That my poetry was fabricated,

٣٠. وَبَنو جَرمٍ وَإِن زَعَموا
أَنَّ شِعري كانَ مؤتَشِبا

31. I am not the one they claimed
A mediator among Tayyi in lineage,

٣١. إِنَّني غَيرَ الَّذي زَعَموا
واسِطٌ في طَيءٍ نَسَبا

32. I am from Ghadbah who grazed
A peak when she was not with calf,

٣٢. إِنَّني مِن غَضبَةٍ فَرَعَت
ذِروةً لما تَكن ذَنَبا