
With urine his hunger turns the floor to swamp

بسمنان بول الجوع مستنقعاً به

1. With urine his hunger turns the floor to swamp
Yellowed by the length of its stagnant dwelling

١. بِسَمْنانَ بَوْلُ الجوع مستنقِعاً به
قَدِ اصْفَرَّ من طولِ الإقامةِ حائِلُهْ

2. A third by the window, a third on the mat
His family settled by the upper wall

٢. بُبرقانه ثُلْثٌ وبالخَرْتِ ثلثُه
وبالحائطِ الأعلى أقامتْ عيائِلُهْ

3. Above his eyes a yellowness as though
Remnants of the horizon's glow, night covering him

٣. له صُفرةٌ فوق العيونِ كأنها
بقايا شعاع الأفْقِ والليلُ شاملُهْ