
My sun from which I shine joyfully

أيا شمسي منك أشرق بهجة

1. My sun from which I shine joyfully
Even if veiled by clouds' wonder in clouds of veils

١. أَيا شمسِي منكِ أَشرَقُ بهجةً
وإِن حُجِّبت بالعُجْب في سُحُب الحُجْب

2. And O sweetest honey to me in taste
The drink of delight in her sweet kissing

٢. ويا شهدُ أَحلى منكَ عندي مَذَاقَةً
شرابُ رُضاب في مُقبَّلِها العذْبِ

3. And musk is inferior in competing its diffusion
Say the like of this saying to the ripe jujube

٣. ولِلمِسْكِ نكْبٌ عَنْ مجارَاةِ نَشْرِها
وقُلْ مثْلَ هذا القولِ للمنْدَلِ الرَّطب

4. So I surpass the edge of swords when it passes
A sword for her between the skull and neck

٤. فأَقطعُ من حدِّ الحُسَام إِذا مَضى
حُسامٌ لها بين المَحاجرِ والهُدْب

5. And I speak more eloquently than an archer
A silence for that anklet or that heart

٥. وأَخْطَبُ من قُسٍّ وأَفْصَحُ منطِقاً
سكوتٌ لذاك الحِجْلِ أَو ذَلِكَ القَلْبِ

6. And I write better than the script of the minister Ibn Muqlah
Lines for those locks in the soil

٦. وأَكْتَبُ من خَطِّ الوزيرِ ابنِ مُقْلَةٍ
خطوطٌ لهاتيكَ الذوائبِ في التُّرْبِ

7. Looking from the full moon of the sky to a fellow
And watching from the sand dune of the wilderness to dust

٧. تطلَّعُ من بدر السماءِ إِلى أَخٍ
وتَنْظُر مِنْ رِيمِ الفَلاة إِلى تَرْبِ

8. I yearn for a tribe whose people descended therein
And her people are not my people nor her tribe my tribe

٨. أَحِنُّ لِشعبٍ نازلٍ فيه قومُها
وما قومُها قَوْمِي وما شِعْبُها شِعْبي

9. And they pester my soul in her love and she is
The sister of that soul, the heart's basil

٩. ويُلحُون نَفْسِي في هَواها وإِنَّها
شقيقَةُ تِلْكَ النفسِ ريحانةُ القلبِ

10. She has changed me from many dispositions
She has turned over my heart and stolen my stolen goods

١٠. وقد نَقلَتْنِي عَن طِباعٍ كثيرةٍ
وقد قَلَبَت قَلْبي وقد خَلَبَت خَلْبي

11. And how much anguish was heated from her for the passionate lover
And how much torture was poured from her upon my pouring

١١. وكم حُمَّ منها من حِمامٍ لذِي الهَوى
وكم من عَذابٍ صُبَّ مِنْها عَلى صَبِّ

12. She changes so enslaves our minds with her glances
And how many courageous men have raided and not taken prisoners

١٢. تُغِيرُ فَتسْبي باللِّحَاظِ عُقُولَنا
وكم مِنْ شُجَاعٍ قد أَغارَ ولم يَسْب