1. May Allah heal you of your illness
And make it fall upon your enemies
١. شفاك الله مِنْ دائِكْ
وعدَّاه لأَعْدائكْ
2. And free those who wish you well
From the evils that afflict you
٢. وأَبرى مِنك بالبرءِ
قلوباً لأَودَّائك
3. So tell me at dawn
Of your wellbeing and evening
٣. فَخَبرني بإِصْباح
ك في الخير وإِمْسَائك
4. And gladden hearts that pour
Towards the good news of you
٤. وطيّب أَنفساً تَصْبُو
إِلى طيِّب أَنْبَائك
5. For my heart has been worn out
By worries to the point of exhaustion
٥. فقَلْبي بات قد أَعْيا
من الهمِّ كإِعْيَائك
6. A brother in God who adores you
And follows after your passions
٦. أخٌ في الله يَهْوَاكَ
ويَجْرِي خَلف أَهْوَائك
7. And prays to God secretly
And openly for your eternity
٧. ويدعو الله في السرِّ
وفي الجَهْرِ بإِبقائك
8. And if he doesn't watch over kin
He would revere your forefathers
٨. وَلَوْ لَمْ يَرْعَ لِلْقُرْبَى
رَعَى حُرْمَة آلاَئِك
9. For you have been bound by
A thick and intertwined noble origin
٩. وقد ضمَّكما أَصْلٌ
كريمٌ شَابِكٌ شَائِك
10. And if you are absent, still
My heart does not stray from your absence
١٠. وإِن غِبْتَ فما غَابَ
فؤَادِي بين أَفْنَائِك
11. And my excuse, if it is a sin
Then counter it with your disdain
١١. وعُذْرِي إِنْ يَكُنْ ذَنْباً
فَقَابِلْهُ بإِغْضَائِك
12. For how many are absent from you
That you meet with your gathering
١٢. فَكَم مِنْ غَائِب عَنْكَ
وَتَلْقَاهُ بِلُقْيَائِك
13. And how many present with you
Are not among those you love
١٣. وكم من حُضَّرٍ عنْد
ك لَيْسُوا مِنْ أَحبَّائِك