
Let Nu'man's staff or sand dunes delight

دع قضب نعمان أو كثبان يبرين

1. Let Nu'man's staff or sand dunes delight,
None has tossed my heart but the eyes of eyes.

١. دع قضْبَ نَعْمَان أَو كُثْبانَ يَبرين
ما قلَّبَ القَلبَ إِلاَّ أَعينُ العِينِ

2. And my heart fell in love with one whose glance
Kills me, and with another glance he revives me.

٢. وقد تعشَّقَ قلبي مَنْ بِنَظْرتِه
يميتُني وبأُخْرى منه يُحْيِيني

3. My soul suffers, and the bend of his eyelashes hurts it
By breaking it, so it hurts it, and hurts me.

٣. يضنى فؤادي ويُضْني جفنَ مقلتِه
بكسرها فهو يضنِيها ويُضْنِيني

4. He resembles a branch in height and slenderness
And resembles a spear in color and softness

٤. قد أَشبَه الغُصْنَ في قدٍّ وفي هَيَفٍ
وأَشبَه الرُمْح في لَوْنٍ وفي لِينِ

5. Tell him we entered his garden and meadow
Even though, like a mole, it has something like a gap between the teeth

٥. قولوا لهُ قد دخلنا رَوْضَ وجنتهِ
مع أَن صُدْغاً عليها مِثْلُ زُرفين

6. And he said, while his lips were picking his rose:
"If I pick it, he picks me"

٦. وقالَ واللْثمُ يَجْني منه وَرْدَتَهُ
إِن كُنْتُ أَجْني عَليْهِ فهوَ يجْنِيني

7. I separated the "noon" of the mole, or I returned
My two "noons" from him, and the mole was like the "noon"

٧. فرَّقْتُ باللَّثم نُونَ الصُّدغ أَو رجعت
نونينِ منه وكان الصدغ كالنُّونِ

8. And if I had bought his smile's kiss with my soul
I would know that I am not cheated

٨. ولو شريتُ بِنَفْسِي لَثْمَ مَبْسمِه
لكنْتُ أَعْلَمُ أَنِّي غير مغبون

9. A mouth like the letter "meem", and in it a smiling "seen"
And the mind is lost between the "meem" and the "seen"

٩. فمٌ كميمٍ وفيهِ سينُ مُبْتَسمٍ
واضيعةَ العقلِ بين الميمِ والسِينِ

10. The smile shows a string of pearls from his kiss
The pearls of his mouth are not hidden

١٠. يُبْدِي التَّبسمُ عِقداً من مُقَبَّله
فلؤلؤُ الثَّغْرِ منه غَيْرُ مَكْنُونِ

11. If the beauty of the innocent one had not risen
My heart would not have been afflicted with one smitten

١١. لو لم تكن فتنةُ المعصومِ طلعتُه
لما بُلِيت بِقَلْبٍ فِيه مفتون

12. If I try patience, my soul does not obey me
Or if I shun him, my heart does not release me

١٢. إِنْ رُمْتُ صبراُ فَنفْسِي لا تطاوِعُني
أَو رمت هجراً فَقلْبي لا يخلِّيني

13. And if you see my passion for him
Is intentional, his coyness makes me coy

١٣. وإِن رأَيتَ انصرافي في تَعَشُّقِه
تعمّداً فالتَّثَنِّي منه يُثنِيني

14. O he whose turban's pleats
Reminded us of the day of martyrdom

١٤. يا مَنْ أَقام لَنا تصفيفُ طُرَّتهِ
وقائعاً أَذكرتْنا يَومَ صِفِّين

15. I envy a necklace you are wearing
And how can that neck get it instead of me?

١٥. إِنِّي لأَحْسدُ عِقداً أَنت لابسُه
وكيفَ يحْظى بذَاك الجيدِ من دُوني

16. If it weren't for you I'd never say this, O my eye
My generosity and my tears, just be this way

١٦. لولاكَ ما قلت يا عَيْني كَذا أَبداً
جُودِي ويا عبراتي هكذا كُوني

17. And I said to my soul, of my love and my affliction
In love, O soul, console me; in passion, console me!

١٧. وقلت للنَّفْس من وَجْدي من كَلَفي
في الحُبِّ يا نفسُ هُوني في الهوَى هُوني