
My vision saw in you what it loves

رأت منك رائيتي ما تحب

1. My vision saw in you what it loves
And good tidings for it that it did not love

١. رأَتْ مِنكَ رائِيَّتي ما تُحبْ
وبُشرى لَها أَنَّها لَمْ تَحِبْ

2. And how can it fail while it hoped in you?
Did the one hoping in you ever despair?

٢. وكيف تَخيبُ وقد أَمَّلَتْك
وهَلْ خَابَ آَمِلُك المُرْتَقِبْ

3. My words preceded with this arrival
And I abhor lying

٣. تقدَّم قولي بهذا القُدوم
وحوشيتُ مِن أَنْ أَقولَ الكَذِب

4. My words are too lofty to
Say what is unlawful, but duty calls

٤. ترفَّع قوليَ عن أَن يُقا
لَ فيه يَجوزُ ولكن يَجِب

5. From you I learned the truth of speech
And from you I learned good manners

٥. وفيك تَعَّلمتُ صِدقَ المقالِ
ومِنْكَ تعلَّمتُ حُسنَ الأَدَب

6. From you I took possession of pearls of speech
And I left counterfeits for the vulgar world

٦. وفيك تملَّكْتُ دُرَّ الكَلامِ
وأَبْقَيْتُ لِلْعَالَم المُخْشلَب

7. From you I gleaned and from you I gained
So to me gold is the most worthless thing

٧. ومنك اجتنيتُ ومنك اقتنيتُ
فأَحقَرُ شَيءٍ لديَّ الذَّهبْ

8. You made me deserving of sublime rank
And I have from you many means to attain it

٨. وإِنَّك أَهَّلْتَني لِلعُلا
وكم لِي إِلى نَيْلها مِن سَبَب

9. For a time my vision was ashamed
But it is a shame that went away

٩. ورائِيَّتي خَجِلتْ مدَّةً
ولكنَّه خجلٌ قد ذَهَب

10. The letter "r" continuously served me
And was given to me as a title

١٠. وما زالت الراءُ مبذولةً
ومنسوبةً عندهم باللَّقَبْ

11. Wasel punished it by ignoring it
And took it out of the Arabs' speech

١١. وعاقبها واصلٌ بالجَفَا
وأَخْرَجَها مِن كَلاَمِ العَرَبْ

12. So Wasel brought it bliss when he did not avoid it
And a rising star brought it elevation when he did not set

١٢. فأَسْعَدها واصِلٌ لا نَأَى
وأَصْعَدها طالعٌ لا غَرَبْ

13. You rose upon us like the rising of the sun
And you came to us like the coming of clouds

١٣. طلعْتَ علينا طُلوعَ الشموس
وجئتَ إِلينا مَجيءَ السُّحب

14. You came and so you uncovered our worries for us
And you came and so you relieved our distresses for us

١٤. أَتيتَ فجلَّيتَ عنَّا الهمومَ
وجئتَ فَفَرَّجْتَ عَنَّا الكُرَب

15. While we have not stopped seeing you
Even if your person was veiled from us

١٥. على أَننَّا لم نزل مُبْصرِيك
وإِنْ كان شَخْصُك عنَّا احْتَجب

16. He whose excellence does not cease still comes
And he whose generosity is absent is not absent

١٦. وما زال مَنْ فَضْلُه لا يزول
وما غابَ مَنْ جُودُه لَمْ يَغِبْ

17. Egypt cried about the Nile until it flooded
Drowning the highest ground in ancient times

١٧. بكت مصرُ بالنِّيل حتَّى طغى
قديماً وغَرَّق أَعْلَى الكُتُب

18. But tears run out with prolonged weeping
So this year, the Nile in our land ran dry

١٨. وتَفْنَى الدُّموعُ لطول البكا
ءِ فالنِّيلُ في عَامِنا قَدْ نَضَب

19. The earth turned red
And its water was replaced by flames

١٩. وأَصبحت الأَرضُ مُحَمرَّةً
وعَن مائِها بُدِّلَت باللَّهَبْ

20. Growth in its soil was killed
So its redness was colored with blood

٢٠. وقد قُتِل الخِصْبُ في تُربِها
فمحمرُّه بالدِّماءِ اخْتَضَبْ

21. The desert feared the death of echoes
And that they would not inhabit it after the death of cascades

٢١. وخافَ البريّةُ موتَ الصَّدى
وأَلاَّ يقيموا بِموتِ السَّغَب

22. Since he returned, he returned and watered the countries
And blamed with the irrigation one who blamed

٢٢. فمذ عادَ عادَ وأَرْوى البلادَ
وأَعْتَب بالرِّي من قد عَتب

23. So God saved us after destruction
And God delivered us after impairment

٢٣. فأَنقذَنا الله بَعْد الرَّدى
وسَلَّمنا الله بعدَ العَطَبْ

24. And no one remains in Egypt who has not come to you
To Damascus, out of enchantment or seeking

٢٤. ولم يَبق في مصرَ من لا أَتَاك
إِلى الشَّامِ مِنْ طَرَبٍ أَو طَلَبْ

25. Their sights race their horses
One flies and another bounds

٢٥. تُسابق أَبصارُهم خيلَهم
فهذا يَطيرُ وهَذَا يَثِب

26. They came to you, so you hosted them generously
And they returned, so you sent them off with sustenance

٢٦. أَتَوْكَ فضيَّفْتَهم بالغِنَى
وعَادُوا فزَوَّدتَهم بالأَرَبْ

27. They are with their Master wherever he was
Of the land, and man is with whom he loves

٢٧. فهُم معَ مولاَهُمُ أَيْن كان
من الأَرْضِ والمرءُ مَعْ مَنْ أَحَبْ

28. Everyone who came to you
Passion and yearning bring him closer

٢٨. فكلُّ امرئٍ جاءَ منهمْ إِليْك
فبِالشَّوق تَقْريبُه والخَبَب

29. You are their chief, you made him sit
Because you fixed him in place firmly

٢٩. وقاعُدهم أَنْتَ أَقْعدتَه
لأَنَّك أَنْشَبْتَه بالنَّشَب

30. They frequent the most sublime Master
And they come to the most generous and gave

٣٠. يَؤُمُّون أَرْفَع مولىً عَلا
ويأْتُون أَكْرَم مولىً وَهَب

31. The jewels of his deeds are collected
And the chastities of his money are seized

٣١. جواهِرُ أَفْعالِه تُجْتَنَى
وأَعْراضُ أَمْوالِه تُنْتَهَب

32. When the most generous of people bestows
The obtainer does not refrain from obtaining

٣٢. إِذا أَكْرَمُ النَّاسِ هابَ النَّوالَ
فنائِلُه لم يَهَبْ أَن يُهَب

33. He bestows as if he were sleeping
So in clemency he slept, and in generosity he gave

٣٣. يَهُبُّ كَما أَنَّه قد يَنامُ
فبِالحِلْمِ نامَ ولِلجُود هَبْ

34. A minister whom kings come to
With their sons grouped around them

٣٤. وزيرٌ تجيءُ إِليه الملوكُ
وَأَولادُها عُصُباً في عُصُب

35. Hearing from him what they love
And seeing in his person one who is loved

٣٥. فتسمعُ من رأْيِه ما تُحِبُّ
وتُبْصِرُ مِن شَخْصِه مَنْ يُحَب

36. His pens and the gray hair of heads
Are like their standards and yellow banners

٣٦. فأَقلامُه وهي سودُ الرءُوسِ
كأَعلامِهم وهْي صُفْر العَذَب

37. Damascus attained what it desired through your auspicious opinion
And through your victorious resolve came the conquest

٣٧. أَصابَ بك الشَّامُ ما شَاءَه
ولَوْ لَمْ تَكُن حاضِراً لَمْ يُصِبْ

38. Struggle and fortune serve you
One does not disappear and the other does not depart

٣٨. رميْتَ عِداهُ بحربِ الدُّعاءِ
فأَسمَعْت منهم دُعاءَ الحَرَبْ

39. You crave, but the approach of prayers
While others crave beauty and curls

٣٩. وما زلتَ حتَّى محوتَ الدِّماءَ
وما زلتَ حتَّى كسرْتَ الصُّلُب

40. You seduce with the love of shyness
While others seduce with the love of charms

٤٠. بميمونِ رأْيكَ كان الفتوحُ
ومنصورِ عَزْمِك كانَ الغَلَب

41. What a difference between one whose night continues
And one who has fallen obligated on his side

٤١. لك الجِدُّ والسَّعدُ مُستَخْدَماً
فذا لا يغيبُ وذا لا يَغِبْ

42. Before you, the eyes of suns are dimmed
And below you, the highest ranks are lowered

٤٢. وتهوَى ولكنْ وِصالَ الصَّلاةِ
ويَهْوَى سِواكَ اللَّمَى والشَّنب

43. Your house flies above Suhā
And your fire burns above cottages

٤٣. وأَنَّك مُغْرىً بِحُبِّ الحياءِ
وغيرُكَ مُغرىً بِحُبِّ الحَببْ

44. If you were pleased, then where is the glory?
But if you were angry, then how can one escape?

٤٤. وكم بَيْن مَنْ لَيْلُه قائِمٌ
إِلى مَنْ على جنبِه قَدْ وَجَب

45. Your time asks you for safety
And your age takes etiquette from you

٤٥. تَغُضُّ لديك عيونُ الشُّموسِ
وتَنْحَطُّ دونَك أَعْلى الرُّتَب

46. The enemy said many things but transgressed
And the envious one added but lied

٤٦. منزِلُ فوق السُّها تَستَطيرُ
ونارُك فوقَ الدَّراري تُشَب

47. Your enemies scheme what will not happen
So it does not go right and does not settle

٤٧. إِذا ما رَضِيتَ فَأَيْن المحلّ
وإِمَّا غضبتَ فكيْفَ الهَربْ

48. They did not appoint you as they claimed
Rather, they were assigned to pitfall

٤٨. زمانُك يطلُب منك الأَمانَ
ودهرُك يأْخذُ منكَ الحَسَبْ

49. True merit is not of the sort that can be bought
Nor is fortune of the kind that can be earned

٤٩. وقَالَ العدوُّ ولكن عَدَا
وزادَ الحسودُ ولكن كَذَب

50. The insolent one fails, and how many a sleeper
Is led to his fortune by force

٥٠. يرومُ أَعاديكَ ما لا يكونُ
فلا يستقيمُ ولا يَسْتَتِبْ

51. He assumes things that do not exist
And things he did not account for come to him

٥١. وما ناصَبُوك علَى زعمِهم
ولكنهم نُصِّبوا للنَّصَب

52. One with merit, his merit abandons him
And comes to another with triviality

٥٢. وما الجِدُّ من جنس ما يُشتَرى
ولا السَّعد من نوع ما يُكْتَسب

53. How many a wisher for what belongs to someone else
Who hates it! Oh what wonder!

٥٣. يخيبُ الحريضُ وكم راقدٍ
يُساق إِلى حَظِّه بالسَّلب

54. The youth doubts the decree of God
In sustenance, so it throws him into fatigue

٥٤. ويحسِبُ أَشياءَ ليست تكونُ
وتأْتيه أَشْياءُ لَمْ تُحتَسب

55. One who enjoys his world confused
Like a scabby wretch enjoys scratching scabies

٥٥. وذو الجِدِّ يهجره جَدُّه
ويأْتي إِلى آخر باللَّعِب

56. So O most generous of people when pleased
And O most forbearing of creation when angry

٥٦. وكمْ مُتَمنٍّ لما غَيْره
له كارِهٌ يا لَهذَا العَجب

57. The Arabs ennobled when you traced back
To them, elevating them through ancestry

٥٧. وشكُّ الفَتى في قضاءِ الإِلـ
ـهِ في الرِّزق أَوْقَعه في التَّعب

58. And if they trace you back to Ya‘rub
It is only to you that he traces back

٥٨. وملتذُّ دُنْياه في خَجْلةٍ
كأَجْرَبَ يلتذُّ حَكَّ الْجَرَب

59. You raised the pillar for the people of pillars
And you brought out for their good fortune what set

٥٩. فيا أَكْرمَ الناسِ يومَ الرِّضا
ويا أَحْلَم الخلق يَوْمَ الغَضَب

60. You are their origin, O their branch
May God not cut off the origin of the Arabs

٦٠. تَشرَّفَ يَعْرُبُ لما انتسبتَ
إِليه وعظَّمْتَه بالنَّسب

٦١. وإِن نَسبُوك إِلى يعربٍ
فما هو إِلاَّ إِليكَ انْتَسب

٦٢. رفَعتَ العِمادَ لأَهلِ العمودِ
وأَطلعْتَ من سَعدِهم ما غَربْ

٦٣. وأَصْلهُم أَنتَ يا فرعَهم
فلا قطع اللهُ أَصل العَرب