
O you who turned away, it is time you turned to face me

يا معرضاً قد آن أن تقبلا

1. O you who turned away, it is time you turned to face me,
And you who were absent, it is time for you to return.

١. يا مُعْرِضاً قد آنَ أَنْ تُقبلا
وغائِباً قد حان أَن تَقْفُلا

2. You turned away not out of displeasure,
And you were absent not because you grew weary.

٢. أَعرضتَ إِذ أَعرضْتَ لا عن رضىً
وغبتَ لمَّا غبتَ لا عَنِ قِلَى

3. It is no disgrace for you to be seen fleeing,
For this is the way of the shy and timid deer.

٣. ليس بعارٍ أَن تُرى هارباً
فإِنها عَادَةُ رِيمِ الفَلاَ

4. Nor is it a fault for you to be seen absent,
For it is the nature of moons to set.

٤. ولا بعيبٍ أَن تُرى غائباً
فعادةُ الأَقمار أَنْ تأْفُلا

5. And that you seem worn by parting is only natural,
For even swords will rust after battle.

٥. وأَن تُرى من فَرَقٍ شاحباً
فالسيفُ قد يصدأُ بَعْدَ الجِلاَ

6. It is as if the governor and his men
Attacked your beauty that they may divide the spoils.

٦. كأَنَّما الوالي وأَعوانُه
غاروا على حُسْنِكَ أَن يُبْذلاَ

7. That branch was too noble to be plucked by them,
And that moon too sublime to be extinguished.

٧. قد جلَّ ذاك الغصنُ أَن يُجْتَنَى
منك وذاكَ البَدْرُ أَن يُجْتَلى

8. How they searched for him but did not know
That he resides in my heart, never to leave.

٨. كم بحثُوا عنه ولم يَعلَموا
بأَنَّ في قلبي له منزلا

9. I hid him from them! Let them ask the night
Why it revealed him to me in my dreams.

٩. كَتمتُه عنهم فَقُولوا لَهُ
ما بالُه دلَّ عليَّ الملا

10. Should they deny I am sick with love now he is gone,
My pale face stands as testament to my condition!

١٠. إِن أَنكرُوا سُقْميَ مِن بَعده
فصفرةُ اللونِ دليلٌ على

11. Would that he had wronged me that I might find
Some excuse for this heart now that he has abandoned me.

١١. يا ليته أَذْنَب حتى أَرَى
عُذْراً لقلبي بعد ما أَنْ سَلا

12. Would that he had been cheap with his affection
So my heart might forget him now he has become dear.

١٢. أَوليته كان رخيصاً على ال
قلبِ فَتَنْسَاهُ إِذا ما غَلا

13. My love and contentment went with his departure-
Such has transpired, and such is my fate!

١٣. وُدِّي وَعَيْشِي بعد تودِيعه
ذلك ما حالَ وذا ما حَلاَ

14. Since his leave no kohl has touched these eyes,
For he was the dark-eyed youth who applied it.

١٤. لم يكتحل طرفِي بغمضٍ وقد
فارَقَ ذَاكَ الرَّشَأَ الأَكحلا

15. Tell my critic I am one who, after enduring separation,
Has been denied even a sip of affection.

١٥. فقل لندماني إِنِّي امْرؤُ
بعد الطَّلا حُرِمْتُ شُرْبَ الْطِّلاَ

16. And I have a mouth that has met, after our parting,
Only the chains of my falling tears.

١٦. ولي فَمٌ صَادَفَ مَنْ بَعْدِهِ
سلاسلَ الدمْعِ به سَلْسَلا

17. My eye afflicted me, but it missed its target,
O my killer, it did not attain the hoped-for death.

١٧. عين أَصابَتْني ولكنَّها
يا قاتلي لم تُخْطِئ المَقْتلا

18. How fair is patience - but how can I be patient
When I cannot see your face even for a day!

١٨. ما أَحسن الصبر وأَمّا على
أَن لا أَرى وجهَكَ يوماً فلا