
My people, my love for so-and-so's son has now

يا قوم عشقي ابن فلان غدا

1. My people, my love for so-and-so's son has now
Become better than love for the daughter of the tribe

١. يا قومُ عِشْقِي ابن فلانٍ غدا
أَحسن من عِشْقِ ابنةِ القوْم

2. How many blamers criticized it, but when it appeared
He repented to God for blaming

٢. كم لائمٍ فيه فلمَّا بدَا
تابَ إِلى الله من اللَّوْم

3. And he was dead to love before this day
But on it he came alive from this day

٣. وكان قبْل اليوم مات الهوى
وفيه قد عاش مِن اليَوْم

4. My kisses hover on his lips
But he got nothing except loss

٤. يَحُومُ تقبِيلي على ثغْرِه
ولم يَنلْ شيئاً سِوَى الحَوْم

5. By God, musk is not more fragrant
Than his mouth after afternoon during fasting

٥. والله ما المسكُ بأَذكى شذاً
مِنْ فيه بَعْدَ العَصْرِ في الصوم

6. I was wrong, for musk when compared
To it is like rubbish in a dunghill

٦. غَلِطْتُ فالمسكُ إِذا قسته
إِليه مثلُ الزَّبُلِ في الكوْم