1. If you wish to see us, then meet us
On the day of turmoil, when the spears clash
١. إِن كُنتَ تَرْغَبُ أَن ترانا فَالْقَنا
يومَ الهِياج إِذا تشاجرتِ القنا
2. The first encounter will yield them the fruit of exaltation
Canes with which the souls in the meadows find joy
٢. تَلْقَ الأُولى تُجْنيِهُم ثَمرَ العُلى
قُضُبٌ يَطيبُ بها الجَنى مِنَّنْ جَنَى
3. They drink nothing but blood in draughts
As they burst out from the lilies, lilies
٣. لا يَشْربُون سوى الدِّماءِ مُدامَةً
إِذ يَنْشَقُون من الأَسنَّة سَوْسَنَا
4. And when the swords in battle sing to them
They shed their souls upon that singing
٤. وإِذا الحُسامُ بمعركٍ غنَّى لهم
خَلَعُوا نفوسَهمُ على ذاك الغِنَا
5. Being cautious, so if the morning sun appears
They take off the dark garments for it, darker garments
٥. مُتَورِّعينَ فإِنْ بَدتْ شمسْ الضُّحى
خَلَعُوا العَجَاجَ لها رِداءً أَدْكَنا
6. The day complains of their steeds' stomping
And the night complains of their teeth's glittering
٦. يشكو النهارُ خيولَهم من نَقْعِها
واللَّيلُ يشْكُو من وجُوهِهِمُ السَّنا
7. And the intensity of their might almost
Transcends the spear, it almost makes us waver
٧. وتَكادُ تُعدِي القِرْنَ شدَّةُ بأْسِهِمْ
فيكادُ يومَ الرَّوع أَن لا يَجْبُنا
8. And when the brave sees their resolute determination
He dislikes the spears and almost does not thrust
٨. وإِذا رأَى الخَطِّيُّ حدّةَ عزمهم
نَكِر السِّنانَ وكادَ أَن لا يطْعنَا
9. If I spend my morning with them, they
See in me a nature more gentle and soft
٩. إِنِّي وإِن أَصبحت منهم إِنهم
ليَرَوْن لي خُلُقاً أَرقَّ وأَلينا
10. I love the gazelle and the young gazelle and sometimes
I chide myself for modesty and piety
١٠. أَهوى الغزالَة والغزالَ وربَّما
نَهْنَهْتُ نفسي عِفَّةً وتَدَيُّنا
11. Then I worry and fear the aftermath of a people
I pity the evil end of the immoral
١١. وأَهِمُّ ثم أَخاف عُقْبى مَعْشرٍ
أَخْنى عليهم سوءُ عاقبةِ الخنا
12. And I held back the rein of my eye, striving
Until, when I grew tired, I let it loose
١٢. ولقد كَفَفْتُ عِنان عيني جاهداً
حتَّى إِذا أَعْيَيتُ أَطلَقْتُ العَنا
13. So it flowed, but in truth a tear
That kept on the cheeks a clear mark
١٣. فَجرتْ ولكن في الحَقيقةِ عَبْرةٌ
أَبقَتْ على الخَدَّينِ رَسْماً بَيِّنا
14. O injustice of this love in its rulings
A cheek that is reddened and a glance that committed adultery
١٤. يا جَورَ هذا الحُبِّ في أَحْكامِه
خدٌّ يُحَدّ ولَحْظُ طَرفٍ قد زنا
15. And I think it intended the paronomasia because it is
A glance that committed adultery when it saw a glance that glanced flirtatiously
١٥. وأَظنُّه قصدَ الجناسَ لأَنه
طرْفٌ زنا لما رأَى طَرْفاً رَنَا
16. O may God destroy the amorists, what do we have to do with them
We have no need of them, but how needless they are of us
١٦. يا قاتَلَ اللهُ الغوانِي مالنا
عنهم غِنىً بل كَمْ لَهمْ عنَّا غنَى
17. And the beautiful Milkah was stingy and she was the proof
For stingy women, and they said this is our excuse
١٧. ومليحةِ بَخِلَتْ وكانت حُجَّةً
للباخِلات وقُلْنَ هذا عُذْرُنا
18. Like the full moon, except that she cannot be eclipsed
Like a branch, except that she cannot be picked
١٨. كالبدرِ إِلا أَنها لا تُجْتَلى
كالْغُصْن إِلاّ أَنَّها لا تُجْتَنى
19. She was stingy with the shade of a shadow after its sickness
Have you seen one who was so stingy even with shade
١٩. ضنَّت بطَرْفِ ظلَّ بعدي سُقْمُهُ
أَرأَيتمُ من ضنَّ حتَّى بالضَّنَى
20. She said, blaming whoever happens to be miserly
"So why was the stingy one called a friend by our love?"
٢٠. قالت تعيِّر من يكون مُبَخَّلاً
فعلامَ أَسْموك البخيلَ بِوُدِّنا
21. And when the heart complains of the haste of purpose
She remains complaining of its excessive passion
٢١. وإِذا تَشَكَّى القلبُ إِسْراعَ النَّوى
ظلَّت تَشَكَّى منه إِفراطَ الونَى
22. And when my eyes weep she says, smiling
"Tears have breaches with us"
٢٢. وإِذا بكتْ عيني تَقُولُ تبسَّمت
إِنَّ الدموعَ لها ثُغُورٌ عندنا
23. O you who blame, you are ignorant of love's merit
So you blamed in ignorance, but I
٢٣. يا عاذلين جهلتمُ فَضْلَ الهوى
فعذلتُم جهلاً ولكنِّي أَنا
24. I saw the sun then I saw it
What fault is it of mine if I loved the most beautiful
٢٤. إِنِّي رأَيت الشمسَ ثم رأَيتُها
ماذا عليَّ إِذا عَشِقْتُ الأَحْسَنَا
25. And I asked: "From what mines is her mouth?"
So I found it was from Abdul Rahim's source
٢٥. وسأَلْتُ من أَيِّ المعادِن ثغرُها
فوجَدْتُ من عبد الرِّحيم المعدنا
26. I saw the essence of her mouth and her words
So I truly knew that this was from over there
٢٦. أَبصرتُ جوهَر ثَغْرِها وكلامَه
فعلمتُ حقّاً أَنَّ هَذا من هُنَا
27. Those words were from the perfection in a place
That none can attain except the earnest striver
٢٧. ذاك الكلامُ من الكمالِ بموضِعٍ
لا يُدْرِكُ السّاعِي إِليه سِوى العنا
28. It comes close to minds except that they
Meet it farther away the closer it draws
٢٨. يَدْنُو من الأَفْهامِ إِلاَّ أَنَّها
تَلْقَاهُ أَبعَد ما يكونُ إِذا دَنا
29. And it moves while residing in her beauty
So wonder at that, moving while residing
٢٩. ويسيرُ وهْوَ لِحُسْنِها مُستوطِنٌ
فاعجبْ لذلك سائراً مُستَوطِنا
30. And so the excellent is the best there can be for hearing
Its precious essence made ornamented
٣٠. فالجِيدُ أَحسنُ ما يكون لمسمَعٍ
أَضحى بجوهرِه النفيسُ مُزَيَّنَا
31. And when the pages contain it, it opens eyes
From its flowers that the eyes pour unto it
٣١. وإِذا حواه الطِّرسُ فَتَّحَ أَعْيناً
من زَهْرِه تصبُو إِليه الأَعْيُنَا
32. So the pages are a plain of silver and its lines
Are musk that grace branches out into branches
٣٢. فالطِّرسُ ساحةُ فِضَّةٍ وسطُوره
مِسْكٌ تُفرِّعُه اليراعةُ أَغْصُنا
33. Thanks to God for Abdul Rahim's grace
That makes the swords safe from the defeated remnants
٣٣. لله من عبد الرحيم يَراعَةٌ
تَذرُ الحُسامَ من الفُلول مُؤمَّنا
34. His tongue, were it not for his gratitude
For the blessing of its favor, would be mute
٣٤. فلسانُه قد صارَ لولا شكرُه
لجميل نعمتِها لساناً أَلكنا
35. And his book, what a battalion it is for the kingdom
That leaves the enemy confused and crazy
٣٥. وكتابُه للمُلْك أَيُّ كتيبة
تَدَعُ العَدُوَّ محيَّراً ومُجنَّنا
36. It is his wall where the lines are its towers
So for that it became refined and fortified
٣٦. هو سورُه حيثُ السطورُ بروجُه
فلذاك صار مُحسَّناً ومحصَّنا
37. And he rose with my father Ali as his pillar
Who made hoping in Him the most precious possession
٣٧. ولقد علا بأَبي عليّ جِدُّ من
جعل الرَّجاءَ إِليه أَنفسَ مُقْتنى
38. Calling upon Him when destitution frightens him
So if he calls, success is assured
٣٨. يَدْعُوه حين يُخيفُه إِقتارُه
فإِذا دعا كان النجاحُ مؤمَّنا
39. If you come to him, you meet a honored guest
And you find flourishing gold facilitated
٣٩. إِن تأْتِه تلْقَ النزيلَ معزَّزاً
وتصادِفُ الذَّهَب النُّضارَ مهوَّنا
40. And the face brighter, and the courtyard expanded
And honor more mighty, and highness enabled
٤٠. والوجْهَ أَبْلَجَ والفِناءَ موسَّعاً
والعزَّ أَقعسَ والعَلاَءَ مُمَكَّنا
41. He enriched and satisfied those who visited him so they all
Praise and do not refrain their reins from praise
٤١. أَغْنَى وأَقْنَى قَاصِديه فكلُّهم
يُثْنِي ولا يَثْنِي عَنَاناً للثَنا
42. Hearts praise his generosity and sometimes
Hypocrisy rides with the tongues' praise
٤٢. تُثْنِي القلوبُ على نَداه ورُبَّما
ركبَ النفاقُ مع الثناءِ الأَلْسُنَا
43. How many who blame generosity said to him: Slow down
Let no errors creep in it, lest errors creep in
٤٣. كم عاذلٍ في الجود قال له اتئد
لا تَلْحَنَا فيه لئلا تَلْحنَا
44. He who meets him seeking his benevolence
Vacillating in his promise, fluctuating
٤٤. يفديه من يلقاهُ قاصدَ بِرِّه
متكوّنا في وَعْدِه مُتَلوِّناً
45. I became, praising the glorious, strictly unitarian
And so much praise came to me from his hands
٤٥. أَصبَحْتُ في مدح الأَجل موحَّدا
ولكم أَتَتْنِي من أَياديه ثَنَى
46. And I started loving him, following him enthusiastically
O you who saw an enthusiast, fascinated!
٤٦. وغدوتُ من حبِّي له مُتَشَيِّعاً
يا من رأَى متشيِّعاً متسنِّناً
47. And I saw his company as an immediate bliss
So I saw sacrificing the soul in it as trivial
٤٧. ورأَيتُ صحبتَه نعيماً عاجلاً
فرأَيتُ بذلَ النفسِ فيها هيّنا
48. And he wanted me, but I thought it was someone else he intended
So I saw my fate submitting ever since it submitted
٤٨. وأَرادَني فَظنَنْتُ غَيْرِيَ قَصْدَه
فرأَيت دهري مُذْ عَنَانِي مُذْعِنا
49. If only my people knew that I attained rarely attained bliss
From his palms, may you make my envious enemies know for certain that ease is his simplest state!
٤٩. يا ليْتَ قومي يعلمون بأَنَّني
أَدركتُ من كفّيه نَادِرةَ المنى
50. So I filled my palm with your overflowing generosity
And I filled my hearing with your gentle words
٥٠. أَوليتَ حسَّادي بما أَوليْتَنِي
علموا يقيناً أَن أَيسرَه الغنى
51. You made me forget my family despite my suffering with them
And I remembered that I forgot my homeland
٥١. فملأْتُ كفي منك جوداً فائضاً
وملأْتُ سمْعي مِنْكَ قَوْلاً ليِّنا
52. And I knew from my traveling that I have never ceased
Being an expatriate since I clung to the dwelling
٥٢. أَنْسَيْتَني أَهلي على كَلَفِي بهم
وذَكَرْتُ أَنِّي قد نَسِيتُ الموْطِنَا
53. How many distraught lovers cry for me and complain
Agonizingly from the separation that parted between us
٥٣. وعَلمْتُ من سَفَرِي بأَنِّي لَمْ أَزَلْ
متغرِّباً لما لَزِمْتُ المسْكَنَا
54. And when he sees my traces he cries as though he is
Ruins whose era passed away with the course of fate
٥٤. كم والهٍ يبكي عليّ ويشتكي
أَلماً من البَيْنِ المفرِّق بيننا
55. And my fate assumes it did wrong, but if it knew
My state it would be certain it did good
٥٥. وإِذا رَأَى أَثَرِي بكى فكأَنَّه
طَلَلٌ تقادمَ عهدُهُ بالمنْحَنَى
56. Your view of me does not cease to increase your rectitude
In accompanying me and increases my enviers' resentment
٥٦. ويَظُنُّ دَهْرِي قد أَساءَ ولو دَرَى
حالي لأَيْقَنَ أَنَّه قد أَحْسَنا
57. And there is a feast, you are a feast in it
And that's why it has become most worthy of joy through you
٥٧. لا زال رأَيُك لي يزيدُك صِحَّةً
في صُحْبَتي ويزيدُ حسَّادِي ضَنى
58. And you remained as long as survival remained, so if
Decline draws near survival, you will remain or extinction will occur
٥٨. وهناكَ عيدٌ أَنت عيدٌ عندَه
ولذاك أَضحى فيكَ أَوْلَى بالهَنا
٥٩. وبقيتَ ما بقي البقاءُ فإِن دنا
منه الغناءُ بَقِيتَ أَو يَفْنَى الْفَنَا