
A youth possessed allure, so I was struck with wonder

شاب فيه العذار فازددت عجباً

1. A youth possessed allure, so I was struck with wonder
For a dawn that began with the eve of night

١. شاب فيه العِذَارُ فازددت عُجباً
لصباحٍ بدا بأَوّلِ لَيْلِ

2. He feared my inclination from him, so he was upon it
And little was my deviation and inclination from him

٢. خَافَ مَيْليَ عَنْه فكانَ عَليْهِ
وقليلٌ لهُ انحرافِي وَميْلِي

3. And gray hair demanded from him the reversal of my generosity
Like the goodness of him corrupting my attainment

٣. واقتضى الشَّيْبُ مِنْه مقْلُوبُ جُودِي
مِثْلَ ما طابَ منه تصحيفُ نَيْلي

4. That gray hair came in other than its time, so it covered him
The gown of my saliva with its train

٤. جاءَ في غَيْر وقْتِه ذلك ال
شَّيبُ فغطَّاهُ ثوبُ لَثْمِي بِذيْل

5. And it increased his beauty and goodness
Increased my pining of love and my misery

٥. ولقد زَادَهُ جَمالاً وحُسْناً
زَادَ نُوْحِي من الغَرامِ وَوَيْلِي

6. And gray hair acted childishly, so we said
The childish gray-haired one beautified my little child

٦. ولقد طَفَّل المشيبُ فقُلنا
أَحسنَ الطِّفْلَ ذا المشيبُ الطُفَيلي