1. I remembered while my heart is captive to remembrance
On a night of union that passed from my life
١. ذكرتُ والقلبُ أَسيرُ الذِّكْرِ
ليلَةَ وَصْلٍ سَلَفَتْ مِنْ عمْرِي
2. Shorter than my endurance and patience
It softened, almost to the point of flowing
٢. أَقْصَرُ من تجلُدي وصَبْري
رقَّت فكادت رقَّةً أَن تَجْرِي
3. As if it was created from my poetry
It exceeds in my view a thousand thousand months
٣. كأَنَها مخلوقةٌ من شِعْرِي
تفضُلُ عِنْدِي أَلْفَ أَلِف شَهْر
4. It is but an instant in the cheek of time
I exposed through it its full moon with my full moon
٤. ما هي إِلاَّ خالُ وجْهِ الدَّهْرِ
فَضَحْتُ فيها بَدْرَها ببَدْرِي
5. And through it her excuse and my excuse became clear
And in it I sold my sobriety for my drunkenness
٥. وبان فيها عذرُها وعُذْرِي
وبعْتُ فيها صحْوَتِي بسُكْرِي
6. From the slim waist, slender of waist
More beautiful than Salma and Umm ‘Amr
٦. منْ خَصِر الريق رقيقُ الخَصْرِ
أَحسنَ من سلْمَى وأُم عمرو
7. With languid eyes, exhausted from languor
She has been ransomed from lethal poison by sorcery
٧. ذي مُقْلةٍ مل فترَتْ من فَتَرٍ
قد عُوضت من إِثْمِدٍ بالسِّحرِ
8. By Allah, if my matter were up to me
I would have cast the lid of her eye in splints
٨. واللهِ لو كانَ إِليَّ أَمْري
رميتُ كَسْرَ جَفْنِهَا بِجَبْرِ
9. Perhaps it would mend me from my breakage
And I would spend the night hiding the light of that smile
٩. لعلَّ أَن تَجْبُر مِني كَسْري
وبتُ أُخْفِي ضوءَ ذاك الثَّغْر
10. Lest I startle my night with my dawn
O night that went too far in blessing me
١٠. كي لا أَرُوعَ لَيْلَتي بفَجْرِي
يا ليلةً قد أَسرفتْ في بِرِّي
11. It passed and my gratitude to it did not pass
Today I was derided for the best of my hoards
١١. مضَتْ ولم يمض عليها شُكْرِي
رُزِئت منها اليومَ خيرَ ذُخْرِي
12. So may Allah increase its reward from me
١٢. فأَعْظَمَ اللهُ عَلَيْهَا أَجْرِي