
Whenever adversity deliberately crosses your path

كل خطب إذا تخطاك عمدا

1. Whenever adversity deliberately crosses your path
And goes beyond you, it has not gone beyond

١. كُلُّ خطْبٍ إِذا تخطَّاك عَمْدا
وتعدَّاك إِنَّه مَا تعدَّى

2. The age was best when the full moon rose in it
With a small price of stars to be ransomed

٢. أَحْسَن الدَّهرُ إِذ غدا البدرُ فيه
بصغيرٍ مِنْ الكواكب يُفْدى

3. So if you make the age spacious with blame
With your survival, I make the age spacious with praise

٣. فلئن كُنْت تُوسِعُ الدَّهر ذمّاً
فبِبُقْيَاك أُوسِعُ الدَّهْر حَمْدا

4. Of all people, I have a thousand with whom I am bored
And when you are absent, I find no substitute

٤. لي مِن الحلْق كلِّهم أَلفُ بدٍّ
وإِذا غبت لم أَجد عَنْك بُدَّا

5. O rod that intoxicates with joy and guides
And I see it intoxicating with worries and fervor

٥. يا قضِيباً يميسُ سُكْراً وَدلاًّ
وأَرَاهُ يَمِيسُ همّاً وَوَجْدا

6. Do not diminish with sorrow the water for a cheek
As long as it has been watered from your clouds

٦. لا تغَيِّض بالحزْنِ مَاءً لِخدٍّ
طالما كان مِنْ حَبَائك يَنْدَى

7. No, and do not cry, for I will ransom
You with my tears, a tear for a tear and a cheek for a cheek

٧. لا ولا تبكِ إِنَّني سوف أَفْدِي
ك بدَمْعِي دمعاً وبالخَدِّ خدّاً

8. I strung a necklace of kissing your cheeks
But your tears scattered the necklace

٨. أَنا نظَّمت عٍقْدَ لَثْمٍ بَخَدَّيْ
كَ فنثَّرت من دُمُوعك عِقدَا

9. You, lost, fend off the ecstasy of the soul
So why have you succumbed to worries?

٩. أَنت تيها تَصُدُّ عَنْ طَرب النَّفْ
سِ فَلِمَ صِرْتَ للْهمومِ تَصدَّى

10. I wanted you to fend off and from your sorrow
This made you unable to fend off

١٠. كُنت أَنهاكَ أَنْ تصدَّ وَعَنْ حُزْ
نِكَ هذا أَنْهَاكَ أَلاَّ تَصَدَّى

11. So let some of your most ardent lovers
Really, rather the most lost, suffer this worry

١١. فَهَب الهَمَّ بَعْضَ عُشَّاقِكَ الأَشْ
قَيْن جَدّاً بل الأَضلِّين قَصْداً

12. It is more fitting to make sorrow your slave
Every master the beauty has enslaved

١٢. إِنَّ أَوْلَى أَن تَجْعَلَ الحُزْنَ عَبْداً
كُلُّ مَوْلىً غَدا له الحسنُ عبْدا

13. O gazelle who sang morning and night appeared
And crescent that rose and full moon that shone

١٣. يا غزالاً رنا وصبحاً تجلَّى
وهلالاً علا وبدراً تبدَّى

14. The season of roses came upon us and by my life
I always have your cheeks as roses

١٤. موسمُ الوَرْدِ جاءَنَا ولعَمْرِي
إِن لي دائماً بخدَّيك وَرْدَا

15. So respond to redeeming his right with a gathering
That makes the promise a cash substitute from the one comforting you

١٥. فأَجبْ نَقْضِ حقَّه باجْتِمَاعٍ
يَجْعَلُ الوَعْدَ من يُسلِّيك نَقْدَا

16. Do not blame me for loving you, for with me
Is what has left no excuse for you

١٦. لا تَلُمْني على هَواكَ فَعِنْدِي
لَكَ مِنْه ما لم يَدَعْ لي عِنْدَا