1. I come near to you, yet how far I remain
And how much I obey, yet disobey
١. أَدنو إِليكَ فأُقْصَى
وكم أَطيعُ فأُعْصَى
2. Unjustly you distance yourself
Yet the one distancing is unjust
٢. جَوْراً تَقَصَّيْتَ فيه
وجائِرٌ من تَقَصَّى
3. My love is complete, so why
Do I see it incomplete in you
٣. عِشْقِي كمالٌ فما لِي
أَرَاهُ عِنْدَكَ نَقْصَا
4. And my sins cannot be counted
Unless that which cannot be counted ceases to be
٤. وليس تُحْصَى ذُنُوبي
ما لَمْ يكُنْ لَيْسَ يُحْصَى
5. I hurried for you while my feet
Still followed hesitation's pace
٥. حَرصْتُ فيكَ وقِدْما
لم يَتْبعِ النُّجْعُ حِرْصَا
6. I have toiled since you were absent
But the sun's disk did not please me
٦. سعيتُ مذ غبتَ لكن
لم أَرْضَ بالشَّمْس قُرْصا
7. So my heart became a palace
Then it shrank with worries
٧. فكان قَلْبِيَ قَصْراً
فصارَ بالهَمِّ خُصّاً
8. My sighing sang and my heart
Danced with a flutter
٨. غَنَّى أَنِيني وَقَلْبِي
بالخفق يَرْقُصُ رَقْصَا
9. O hard-hearted, what is with me
That I see your edifice crumbling
٩. يا قَاسِيَ القَلْبِ مَالِي
أَرَى بَنَانَكَ رَخْصَا
10. The full moon is your face without
Ever returning crescent-less
١٠. البَدْرُ وَجْهُك لامَا
يعودُ بالنقصِ دِرْصا
11. O ring of the mouth, ask me
To make a kiss a severance
١١. يا خاتم الفَمِ سُؤلي
أَن أَجْعَلْ اللَّثمَ فَصّاً
12. When will you see me perish
Rubbing pillows in erasure
١٢. متى أَرَاني أُفْنِي
لَمىَ المراشِفِ مَصّاً
13. You sent your phantom love
It became in the eye a form
١٣. أَرسلتَ طَيْفَكَ وهْماً
فصارَ في العَيْنِ شخْصَا
14. You stole my sleep o phantom
When did I know you a thief
١٤. سرقتَ يا طيفُ نَوْمِي
متى عَهدتُكَ لِصّاً
15. O phantom, you invented nothing new
You are just made to be sent
١٥. يا طيفُ لَمْ تَخْتَرِعْ ذَا
ما أَنت إِلاَّ مُوَصَّى