
O King who buys hearts with his wealth

ألا أيها الملك المشتري

1. O King who buys hearts with his wealth
And is most generous to people with his bounty

١. أَلا أَيُّها الملِكُ المشتَرِي
قلوبَ الأَنامِ بأَمْوَالِه

2. Giving gifts for the sake of being remembered
And gaining praise for his condition

٢. ومن أَوْسَعَ الخَلْقَ من فضْلِه
وجادَ عليهم بِأَفضاله

3. I congratulate you on a year that comes inclining
Towards you with its inclination

٣. فبذْلُ النَّوالِ عَلَى ذِكْرِه
وحَوْزُ الثَّنَاءِ على بالِه

4. And remains busy with none but you
Seeing you is the greatest of its occupations

٤. أُهنيكَ عاماً أَتى مُقْبِلاً
يَمُتُّ إِليك بإِقْبَالِه

5. I had offered congratulations before
The herald stood to chant them

٥. وما زال مشتَغِلاً عن سواك
ولُقياك أَكبرُ اشغَالِه

6. I speculated and then my heart hoped
For the good news of what his omens foretold

٦. وقد كنتُ هنَّأْتُ مِنْ قبلِ أَنْ
يقومَ البَشِيرُ بإِهْلاَلِه

7. And it began hoping for its circumstances
And desiring alertness in its state

٧. تَفَاءَلتُ ثم رَجَا خاطري
بشارةَ ما صحَّ من فأْلِه

8. And you, O most generous of the generous
Are inclined to fulfilling its hopes

٨. وأَصبحَ يأمُلُ في حَوْلِه
ويرجُو النباهةَ في حَالِه

9. So you have remained, and still remain, in grace
Congratulations for the likes of which are wished

٩. وإِنَّك يا أَكرمَ الأَكرمين
مليٌّ بتحقيق آمَاله

١٠. فدُمْتَ ولا زلتَ في نِعْمَةِ
تُهنَّأُ فيها بأَمْثَالِه