
Syria is the abode of Islam, the land of permanence,

الشام للإسلام دار القرار

1. Syria is the abode of Islam, the land of permanence,
While before it was the path of escape.

١. الشامُ للإِسلامِ دَارُ الْقَرار
وكانَ مِنْ قبلُ طريقَ الفَرارْ

2. It was in the darkness of pitch black night,
Then Uthman came with daybreak.

٢. وكانَ في ظُلمةِ ليلٍ دَجَتْ
فَجاءَ عُثمانُ معاً والنهار

3. He came to it with innocence after distress,
And he came to it with security after caution.

٣. وجاءَهُ بالبرءِ بَعْدَ الضَّنىَ
وجاءَهُ بالأَمنِ بَعْد الحذار

4. O refuge of disbelief, do not feel safe,
In a land that is no refuge for disbelief.

٤. فيا أَمان الكفرِ لا تَأْمَنُوا
بدارٍ ما الشَّام لكفرٍ بدار

5. O pillar of religion, O you who has,
Every glory in the heights has glory.

٥. ويا عمادَ الدِّين يا من لَهُ
كُلُّ مبارٍ في المعالي مُبار

6. You came to build it while around it,
Are people like the number of pebbles under siege.

٦. جئت لتبنين ومِنْ حولها
قومٌ كأَعدادِ الحَصى للحصار

7. They blocked its paths until they almost,
Blocked the path of the train.

٧. سدّوا عَليْها الطُّرقَ حتى لقد
كادوا يَسُدُّون طريق القطارْ

8. The birds pass over it but on the wings,
Of fear, it made them fly to it hastily.

٨. يجوزها الطيرُ ولكن عَلى الأَخ
طارِ أَدَّاه إِليه الخِطارْ

9. Disbelief brought its great armies to it,
Led by mighty kings.

٩. ساق إِليها الكفرُ أَجناسه الـ
ـعظامَ قادَتْها الملُوكُ الكبارْ

10. Everyone who roars angrily at it,
Is like a fire from the setting of the sun.

١٠. مِنْ كلِّ مَنْ يزأَرُ من غَيْظِه
كأَنه مِن مغرب الشمسِ نارْ

11. Whether it came galloping on land,
Or flew on the wings of castles in the sea.

١١. إِمَّا على البَرِّ أَتَى راكضاً
أَو بجَنَاحِ الْقَلعِ في البحر طارْ

12. They covered the sea with ships but,
No land appeared and they marched on it in barrens.

١٢. وطَبَّقُوا البحرَ سفيناً فما
بانَ وسَاروا فوقها فِي قِفَارْ

13. They besieged the fort and circled around it,
Clustering like necklaces not like bracelets.

١٣. ويمّموا الثغرَ وطَافوا به
وأَحْدقُوا كالغلِّ لاَ كَالسِّوَارْ

14. They gathered around and surrounded it,
Rushing like a flood and enclosing like fire.

١٤. واجتمعوا حولاً وهُمْ حولَه
مَرُّوا كسيلٍ وأَحاطوا كَنَارْ

15. That fort was with its people,
And before distress could overtake it.

١٥. وكانَ ذاك الثَّغْر معْ أَهْلِه
وقبلَ أَن يَحْضُره في احتِضَارْ

16. The people of disbelief were in ember,
When you shaded over them, they fled in sparks.

١٦. وكان أَهلُ الكُفر في جمرةٍ
فعندمَا أَظْللتَ طارُوا شَرارْ

17. They fled to the sea when they saw,
A raging sea in which seas drown.

١٧. وانهزَموا للبحرِ إِذْ أَبْصروا
بحرَ وغىً تغرقُ فيه الْبحارْ

18. Their excuse when they fled is clear,
Can the night withstand the day?

١٨. وعذرُهم إِذْ هربُوا واضِحٌ
هل يثبتُ اللَّيلُ أَمَام النَّهارْ

19. I swear they did not tighten their belts,
Except that the night has a loose belt.

١٩. أُقسِمُ ما شَدُّوا إِزاراً لَهم
إِلاَّ لأَنَّ الَّليلُ مَرْخِيُّ الإِزار

20. Had it not been for the people's hastiness,
I would have hastened misery upon the people.

٢٠. لولاَ سُرى القومِ وتعجيلُهم
عَجَّلت في القومِ شَقَاءَ الشَّفَار

21. The darkness of night confused them,
So let them thank it for the nights of concealment.

٢١. وظُلمةُ اللَّيلِ أَذمَّتْهُم
فليشكُروا مِنْه ليالي السِّرارْ

22. The rain was merciful to them,
For it was from you that it gave them refuge.

٢٢. وكان للغيثِ يدٌ عِنْدهم
لأَنَّه مِنك لَهُم قَدْ أَجَارْ

23. Had your sword not held back, no shower,
Of pouring rain would have poured.

٢٣. لو لم يَعُق سيفَك ما سحَّ مِن
هامٍ مَطيرٍ سحَّ هَامٌ مُطَار

24. They scrambled and scrambled from the path of ruin,
So they did not leave a creek or coast.

٢٤. عَجُّوا وعَاجُوا عَنْ طَريقِ الرَّدى
فما خَلَوْا مِنْ خَورٍ أَو خُوَار

25. Some of them whisper in fear,
So the talk of the people is but whispers.

٢٥. وبعضُهم يَهْمِس من خَوفِه
فما حديثُ القومِ إِلاَّ سِرَارْ

26. Their clothes turned into disgrace,
So the one in forgiveness became one in veil.

٢٦. وانقلَبَتْ بالذُّل أَزياؤُهم
فَصارَ ذُو المِغفر ذَاتُ الخِمَارْ

27. You gave that fort refuge from uprooting,
And none but you could overpower it.

٢٧. أَمَّنْتَ ذاكَ الثَّغرَ مِنْ عَقْره
ومنكَ لم يَقدرْ عليه قدارْ

28. From the siege of disbelief you saved it,
With might rather from shackles.

٢٨. ومن حِصارِ الكُفرِ خلَّصْتَه
بالبأَسِ بل من حَلقاتِ الإِسَارْ

29. We have never heard of an opening like this,
No rather one without even dust over it.

٢٩. وما سمعْنا قَطُّ فتحاً جرى
ما فيه لا بل مَا عليه غُبَار

30. They fled and there is no shame on them in it,
Fleeing from you has no shame.

٣٠. فرُّوا ولا عارَ عليهِم بِه
إِنَّ فراراً مِنْك ما فِيه عَارْ

31. Reason showed them to avoid the strife,
And for them it was the best choice.

٣١. أَراهُمْ الرَّأَيُ اجتنابَ الْوَغى
وهو لَهُم قد أَحْسَن الاخْتِيَارْ

32. O king who defeats enemies,
With awe, this and your noble father.

٣٢. يا ملكاً يَهزِمُ أَعْداءَه
بالرُّعب هَذا وأَبيك الفَخَارْ

33. You fulfilled the right of Syria when you visited it,
Braving the perils of those clouds.

٣٣. قضيتَ حقَّ الشَّامِ إِذْ زُرتَه
مُغامراً أَهوالَ تِلك الغِمَار

34. Disbelief there has been humiliated because of you,
So the blood of the tyrants in it became abundant.

٣٤. وذلَّ منكَ الكفرُ فيه فقد
أَضْحَى دَمُ الجبَّارِ فيه جُبار

35. So return to Egypt for it longs for you,
And reminiscing of you has saddened it.

٣٥. فارجع إِلى مصرَ فقد شَفَّها
إِليكَ شوقٌ وشَجَاها ادِّكار

36. It awaits your return yearning,
Nothing tires the yearner like waiting.

٣٦. وانتظرت عودَكَ مشتاقةً
ما أَتْعب المشْتاقَ بالانْتِظَارْ

37. It yearns for you the full moon, the lion,
The rain, and the bestower of thousands of flowers.

٣٧. تشتاقُ مِنك البدرَ والليثَ
والغيثَ ووهَّابَ الأُلوفِ النُّضارْ

38. Whoever settles in a place,
Glory and honor settle with him wherever he goes.

٣٨. ومَنْ إِذا ما حَلَّ في مَوطنٍ
حَلَّ به العِزُّ وإِن سَار سَار

39. You have expanded your mercy over Syria,
And it is time to have mercy over these lands.

٣٩. والشَّامُ قد أَوسَعْتها رحْمةً
وآن أَنْ ترحمَ هَذي الدِّيَارْ

40. Egypt is the land of kings and it is the one,
That reaped the hands of Islam those fruits.

٤٠. ومصرُ أَهلُ الملكِ وهي الَّتي
أجْنَت يدَ الإِسْلاَمِ تِلكَ الثِّمارْ

41. So return and you are still returning to us,
With grace, prosperity, and capability.

٤١. فعُدْ ولا زلت لنا عائداً
بالفضل والبسطة والأقتدار

42. And time, you are still wearing it for us,
A long life in short nights.

٤٢. والدهر ولا زلتَ لنا به لابساً
عمراً طويلاً في ليالٍ قِصَارْ

43. You remain the length of life and the likes of it,
Long, and these words from me are a summary.

٤٣. تبقَى مدَى الدُّنيا وأَمثالها
طُولاً وهَذا القولُ مِنِّي اخْتصارْ