1. It's as if you see me die soon
By my tears or burning anguish
١. كأَنك بي قَدْ مِتُّ بَعْدَ قليلِ
بماءِ دُمُعي أَو بنار غَلِيلي
2. And I burden the hearts of people because
Fate has wounded it with afflictions
٢. وأَتعبُ خَلْقِ اللهِ قَلْبي لأَنَّه
أَلوفٌ رماهُ دهرُهُ بَمَلُولِ
3. God has decreed that love, when it rules
Kills souls or imprisons minds
٣. قضى اللهُ أَنَّ العِشْقَ يَقْضِي إِذا قَضَى
بقَتْلِ نُفُوسِ أَو بأَسْرِ عُقُولِ
4. And that the deeds of many with many
Are ugly, though they themselves are beautiful
٤. وأَنَّ كَثِيراً صُنْعُه بكُثَيِّر
وغيرُ جَمِيلٍ فعلُه بجميل
5. The lover in life is called a lover
And after death he's called the slain
٥. أَخُو العِشْقِ يَوْمَ العَيْشِ يُسْمَى بعاشِقٍ
وثانيه يُسْمى بينهم بِقَتيل
6. His life is ephemeral; his death
On a day of bliss or day of departure
٦. وعيشتُه معدُومةُ ووفاتُه
بِيَوْمِ مُقَامٍ أَو بيَوْمِ رحيل
7. Long has my torment been since I was slain
For I was slain by a sword of smooth blade
٧. وطال عذابي إِذْ قُتِلتُ لأَنني
قُتِلتُ بسيفٍ للحاظِ كليل
8. What pained me more is that I have thousands envious
Of her who has thousands of friends
٨. وممّا دهاني أَنَّ لي أَلفَ حاسدٍ
على مَنْ لها في النَّاس أَلْفَ خَليل
9. You come to her without a message
And neglect that one though a thousand messengers
٩. تَجيءُ إِلى هذا بغيرِ رسالةٍ
وتَعْقُدُ عن ذَا بَعْدَ أَلْفِ رسُولِ
10. So the aim of my request has become that I love her
Though, by God, she is the aim of my madness
١٠. فغايةُ سؤلي أَصبحَتْ مَنْ أُحِبُّها
على أَنَّها وللهِ غايةُ سُولِي
11. And she said to the days of joy, be short
And I said to the nights of misery, be long
١١. وقالت لأَيّامِ المسرَّة قصِّري
وقلت لليلاتِ الإِساءَةِ طُولِي