
You think I have become lovesick

تظنني قد بت محموما

1. You think I have become lovesick
Because I have become deceived

١. تظُنّني قدْ بِتُّ مَحمُومَا
لأَنَّني أَصْبحتُ مَتْخُومَا

2. I am fed up with hunger yet as
You know me, I remain resolute

٢. تخِمتُ من جُوعٍ وإِنِّي كما
تعرِفُني مَا زِلْتُ مَنْهُوما

3. With a scoundrel I was when I came to him
More blameworthy than him in existence

٣. عِند لئِيمٍ كنتُ إِذْ جئتُه
أَكثرَ مِنْه في الورَى لُوما

4. I wronged myself in my inclinations towards him
And I have long been wronged

٤. ظلمتُ نفْسي في رَوَاحِي له
وطَالَمَا قد كُنتُ مَظْلُوما

5. I followed him foolishly so it is no wonder
Ruin comes to those who follow the wicked

٥. تبعتُه جهلاً فلا يُنكر الـ
ـخرابَ من يَتْبَعُ البُوما

6. And I delayed eating until my
Eyes overflowed with their tears

٦. وأَخَّر الأَكل إِلى أَن غدتْ
عَيْني مِن دمْعتها مِيما

7. So disorders gathered in my stomach
And it filled up with their evils

٧. فانصبَّت الأَخْلاطُ في معدتي
وامتلأَت من شرِّها شُوما

8. Food passed me by from his provisions
Oh how I wish I was deprived of it

٨. وسام مني الأَكل من زاده
يا ليت منه كنتُ مَحْرُوما

9. And after a while he came to us
With tears welling up in his eyes

٩. وجاءَنا من بعد لأْيٍ به
ودمْعُه في العين مَسْجوما

10. Appearing downcast and broken, it seemed
To me whatever was his became cast out

١٠. مُنْكشِفاً منكسراً قد بدا
ما منه عِندي صَار مَرْجُوما

11. And he was worried and determined
As if he had slaughtered a sheep

١١. وكان في همٍّ وفي هِمَّةٍ
كأَنَّه قد نحَرَ الكُومَا

12. But I did not find meat, rather I found
Beans, potatoes and garlic

١٢. ولم أَجِدْ لحْماً ولكن وجد
تُ الفول والكُرَّات والثُّومَا

13. So those ingredients mixed with that ruin
And became poison in the stomach

١٣. فاختلط الخلطُ بذاك الخرا
وصارَ في المِعدة زقُّوما

14. Oh what a lethal meal from eating
Perhaps it was even poisoned

١٤. يا لَطَعامٍ متُّ من أَكْله
لعلَّه قد كان مَسْمُوما

15. And the singer came to us but did not
Sing any poetry except nonsense

١٥. وجاءَنا الشَّادِي يُغنِّي فما
غنَّى من الشِّعر سوى قُوما