
O my joy from my exultation when you exult

أيا طربي من غنيتي إذ تغنت

1. O my joy from my exultation when you exult
And O my sorrow from my paradise when you are sorrowful

١. أَيا طربي من غُنْيَتي إِذ تَغَنَّتِ
وَيا حَزَني من جَنَّتي إِذ تَجنَّتِ

2. My heart desired the union of one who slays me
Yet it is naught but my demise or my desire

٢. تَمنَّى فؤادي وَصْلَ مَنْ هُو قَاتِلي
فما هوَ إِلاَّ مُنْيَتي أَوْ مَنِيَّتي

3. And we related the tale of the ribs in their separation
Why then did he not relate it in the turning away?

٣. وقَلْنا حَكى رِيمَ الفَلاَ في نِفَارِه
فما بالُه لم يحكِهِ في التَّلفُّتِ

4. He defends against my union with frowning
Would that he defend with coming to me!

٤. يُدَافِعُني عَنْ وصْله بتجهُّمٍ
فيالَيْتَهُ لَوْ كَانَ يَدْفَعُ بالتي