
You are the last love and the first

أنت الأخير هوى وأنت الأول

1. You are the last love and the first
Thus you are preferred over all

١. أَنت الأَخيرُ هوىً وأَنت الأَولُ
فلذاكَ أَنت عَلى الملاحِ مفَضَّلُ

2. You are the beloved, a love that has no end
With authority over you that cannot be removed

٢. أَنت الحبيبُ محبَّةً لا تَنْتهي
ولها عليكَ ولايةٌ لا تُعزَل

3. The redness of the sun's cheek is not from its beauty
As much as seeing you it becomes shy

٣. ما الشمسُ حُمْرةُ خَدّها من حُسْنِهَا
لكم تَرَاكَ كما أَرَاكَ فَتَخْجَلُ

4. If I possessed a soul for you I would say who
Dislikes intense love he is certainly stingy

٤. لَوْ جُدْت لي بالنَّفْس منك لقلتُ من
شَرَهِ المحبَّة إِنَّهُ لمُبَخلُ

5. My passion and another's passion for you differ
I passionately love while another jest

٥. وَجْدِي وَوَجْدُ سِوايَ فيكَ تفاوَتَا
إِنِّي أَجِدُّ وإِنَّ غَيْرِيَ يَهْزلُ

6. All cheeks are watered by the eyes
With one water yet they differ

٦. كلُّ الخُدودِ مِنَ العيونِ صبابةً
تُسْقَى بماءٍ واحدٍ وتفَضَّلُ

7. O you with closed eyelids while my eyelids are awake
Or rather O brief union my night is longer

٧. يا راقدَ الأَجْفَانِ جَفْني ساهرٌ
بل يا قصيرَ الوَصْلِ لَيْليَ أَطول

8. And threatening me with death though his soldiers
Are but words that speak and a glance that acts

٨. ومُهدِّدِي بالقَتْلِ حَيْثُ جُنُودُهُ
لفْظٌ يَقُولُ ولحظُ طَرْفٍ يَفْعَلُ

9. His glance is an arrow and my heart a slaughter
No, all is arrows and all mine is slaughter

٩. ما لحظُهُ سَهْمٌ وَقَلْبي مَقْتَلٌ
بَلْ كُلُّهُ سَهْمٌ وَكُلِّيَ مَقْتَلُ

10. You forbid shedding my blood though forbidden
And prevent tasting your sweetness though permissible

١٠. لأَبَحْتَ سَفْكَ دَمي وذَاك محرّمٌ
وَمَنَعْتَ عَذْبَ لَمَاكَ وَهْو مُحَلَّلُ

11. By the pact of your mouth's pact if I
Return it with a kiss it is dissolved

١١. وَوَحَقِّ عِقْدِكَ عِقْدِ ثَغْرِكِ إِنَّني
سأُعِيدُهُ باللَّثْمِ وهْوَ مُفَصّلُ

12. My thoughts of you are a crossing
And my heart for you is a dwelling

١٢. لَيَقِلُّ فِكْري إِنَّهُ لَكَ مَعْبَرٌ
وَيَقِلُّ قلْبي إِنه لَكَ مَنْزِلُ