1. Does fate push me away from my goal
And increase the misfortunes that hinder my quest?
١. أَيَدْفَعُني الدَهْرَ عَنْ مَطْلَبي
ويُكْثِرُ من لُؤْمِه المَطْلَ بي
2. It heads for preventing me when I head
To reach the watering place of my hopes.
٢. ويَقْصِدُ صدِّي إِذا ما صَدَايَ
أَرَادَ الوُرُودَ عَلَى مَشْرَبي
3. If I attempt the easiest thing against it
You see it praying against my paths.
٣. وإِنْ رُمْتُ أَسْهَلَ شَيْءٍ عليهِ
تَرَاهُ يصلِّي عَلى أَشْعَبِ
4. I ask it to improve its morals,
But it quotes Abu al-Tayyib's verse at me
٤. وأَسأَلُه نَقْلَ أَخْلاَقِه
فَيُنْشِدُ بَيْتَ أَبي الطيب
5. And does not know that I am very dignified
And that the praiseworthy Caliph is my father.
٥. ولم يدرِ أَنِّي كثيرُ الإِباءِ
وأَنَّ الرَّشِيدَ المرَجَّى أَبي
6. I boasted to people about him
Due to the combination of ancestry and office.
٦. وأَنِّي بِه قَد فَخرْتُ الأَنامَ
بفضلِ النِّصابِ مَعَ المَنْصِبِ
7. If I wished, through his good fortune,
I would shoe my feet with stars,
٧. وأَنِّي لو شئتُ من سَعْدِه
لأَنْعَلْتُ رِجْليَّ بالكَوكَب
8. If I wished, the new moon for me
Would be a boat on the Milky Way's river.
٨. ولو شئتُ كَان لَديَّ الهِلالُ
بِنَهْرِ المجرَّةِ كالمركب
9. But I have a Lord who, if He willed,
Could make the difficult thing easy.
٩. ولكنَّ لي أَرَباً لو أَرادَ
لصيَّرهُ غَيرَ مُسْتَصْعَب
10. I hoped through Him to attain the heights
And model glory after office.
١٠. رجَوْتُ به أَن أَنَال العُلىَ
وأَن يُقْتَدَى الفَخْرُ مِنْ مَنْصِبِ
11. And to wear might enjoying myself
And throw off humiliation from my shoulders.
١١. وأَن أَلبسَ العزِّ مُسْتَمْتِعاً
وأَن أَطْرحَ الذُّلَّ عن مَنْكبي
12. Whoever does not aspire for the heights
Appears not to have been given office among the people.
١٢. ومن لم يكن في العُلا نَاصِباً
يُرَى وهْوَ في القَوم لم يُنْصَبِ
13. Whoever does not head toward them will not succeed
In fulfilling any purpose or goal.
١٣. ومن لم يَسرْ نَحوها لَم يسرْ
بنُجحٍ لقَصْدٍ ولا مَطْلَبِ
14. Whoever does not block in youth will not block
When he is in the garb of old age.
١٤. ومن لم يسُد في الصِّبا لم يَسُدْ
إِذا صَار في حِلْيةِ الأَشْيَب
15. My master, I blame you,
Although, if you wished, I would not blame.
١٥. فيا سيِّدي إِنَّني عَاتِبٌ
عَلَيْكَ ولو شِئْتَ لَمْ أَعْتِب
16. The wines of indolence have intoxicated me
While you make drinking lawful for me.
١٦. لقد أَسكَرَتْني خُمورُ الخُمولِ
وأَنت تحلِّلُ لي مَشْرَبي
17. Does the dawn of my good fortune appear
That I may flee to it from the glooms?
١٧. أَيطلعُ فَجْر سُعُودِي وَلاَ
أَفِرُّ إِليه من الغَيْهَبِ
18. By your right, either you have disobeyed affection
And deemed abandoning it permissible,
١٨. بحقِّك إِما عَصَيْتَ الحُنُوَّ
وجَوَّزْتَ في تَرْكِه مَذهبي
19. Or you made separation from you easy for yourself,
But, when one makes it easy, it does not become difficult.
١٩. وهوَّنْتَ أَمْرَ فِرَاقي عَلَيْكَ
فما هوَّنَ المرءُ لم يَصْعُبِ
20. If you say no, then see me—
I blame you, so do not blame me!
٢٠. فإِنْ قُلْتَ لاَ ثُمَّ أَبْصَرْتَني
عَتِبْتُ عَلَيك فلا تَعْتِب