
She is dark-skinned, yet gentle as dusk

سمراء إلا رقة الأسمر

1. She is dark-skinned, yet gentle as dusk
Let go of curls that gleam under moonlight

١. سمراءُ إِلاَّ رقةَ الأَسْمَرِ
ودَعْ ذُبُولاً لاحَ في السَّمْهَرِي

2. Lively in gesture when she sways
Alluring when she blinks her kohl-lined eyes

٢. نشيطةُ العِطْفِ إِذا ما انْثَنَتْ
وإ رَنَتْ فاتنةُ المحْجَرِ

3. Like a delicate flower, but one that has
Never once glanced at prospective buyers

٣. كالزَّهْرةِ الغرَّاءِ لكنها
ما نظرتْ قطُّ إِلى المُشْتَرِي

4. Beauty itself, ever present
In her veiled, unveiled countenance

٤. والحسن شخصٌ لم يَزَلْ قائماً
في وجْهِهَا المنتقبِ المُسْفِر

5. When she smiles discreetly, she shows
Two rubies nestled in her parted lips

٥. تُرِيكَ إِذ تَبْسِمُ عن خَفْرةٍ
من ثغرِها مَنْطَقَتَيْ جَوْهَر