1. I foolishly fluttered around in his garments,
And drank from his cups like a constant companion,
١. رُبَّ لَهْوٍ رَفَلتُ في أَثوابِهِ
ونديمٍ كَرَعْتُ من أَكْوابِهِ
2. Love bubbles lingered in his glass,
And the glow of wine lit up his cheeks,
٢. ظلَّ في كأسِه حُبَابُ ثنايا
هُ وفي خَدِّه شعاعُ شَرابِه
3. Though a child, his face seemed aged by sorrow,
His smooth cheek undisturbed by the lifting of clouds,
٣. هُوَ كَهْلُ الحِجَى وإِن كَانَ طِفْلاً
مَا سَخَا جِيدُه بنزعِ سَحَابِه
4. I didn't mix wine to dilute my rapture,
But mixed rapture to dilute my wine,
٤. ما جَعَلْتُ الرُّضَاب مزجَ مُدامي
بل جَعَلْتُ المُدَام مَزْجَ رُضابه
5. Into his glass was poured the gentlest wine,
The glass swore it knew nothing of what was in it!
٥. صُبَّ في جَامِه رقيقُ شرابٍ
أَقسمَ الجامُ أَنَّه ما دَرَى بِه