1. No matter what, I have no way but you,
And my love has no desire except you,
١. على كلِّ حالٍ ليس لي عَنْك مَذْهبُ
وَمَا لِغَرَامِي عِنْد غيركَ مَطْلبُ
2. They claimed I was killed, that I
Was content, so why does the beautiful one get angry?
٢. وقدْ زَعمُوا أَنِّي قُتِلتُ وأَنَّنِي
رَضيتُ فما بالُ المليحةِ تَغْضَبُ
3. The musk of breaths, the softness of the afflicted,
With it, perfume is forgotten - for her the perfume is attributed,
٣. ومِسْكيةِ الأَنفاسِ نَدِّيةِ اللَّمى
بها الطِّيبُ يُنْسَى لاَلَها الطِّيبُ يُنْسَب
4. And a drinker of the wine of coquetry, so her time
Sings to her while she drinks,
٤. وشاربةٍ خمرَ الدلالِ فدهرها
يغنِّي عليها حلُيها وهي تشرَبُ
5. When she appears to the moon and the moon appears
It delays until it nearly sets in the east,
٥. إِذا طلعَتْ للبدرِ والبدرُ طالعٌ
تأَخَّرَ حتى كادَ في الشَّرقِ يَغْرُب
6. She has a complexion like silk and her cheek
Tells us that silk is embroidered,
٦. لها بَشَرٌ مثلُ الحريرِ وخدُّها
يُخِّبرُنا أَنَّ الحريرَ مُذَهَّبُ
7. From afar I gesture to her with a kiss
So I see her in her water getting inflamed,
٧. أُشيرُ إِليها من بعيدٍ بقبلة
فأُبصرُها فيِ مائه تَتَلَهَّبُ
8. I wade my tears while she plays heedlessly
For she and I both wade and play,
٨. أَخوضُ دُموعِي وهْي تلعبُ غَفْلةً
فإِنِّي وإِيَّاها نَخُوضُ ونَلْعَبُ
9. And I complain to the night of betrayal about her treachery
And I dictate to it while it writes in the ground,
٩. وأَشْكُو إِلى ليلِ الغَدائِر غدرَها
وأُمْلي عليه وهْو في الأَرْضِ يَكْتُبُ
10. And if my head turned white today from the bitterness of her estrangement
Then the pupil of my eye turned white before with tears,
١٠. وإِنْ شَابَ رأْسي اليومَ من مُرِّ هجْرها
فإِنسانُ عَيني قبلُ بالدَّمْعِ أَشْيَبُ
11. And the youth's white hair disgraces him before the girl
And disgrace is nothing but white hair while beauty is Zeinab,
١١. وشيبُ الفَتى عِند الفتاةِ يَشينه
وما الشَّينُ إِلا الشيبُ والزينُ زينَبُ
12. And Zeinab is like worldly life, loved and craved
Despite her betrayal, so trying her is well known,
١٢. وزينبُ كالدُّنيا تُحَبُّ وتُشْتهَى
على غَدْرِها فالغِرُّ فيها مُجرِّب
13. My two friends, pass by her and turn away,
Except her, for my heart has turned away from all others,
١٣. خليليَّ مُرَّا بِي عليها ونكِّبَا
سِواهَا فقلْبي عَنْ سِواهَا مُنَكَّبُ
14. And beware you both approaching Umm Jundab
For she is nothing but a beetle in her cloak,
١٤. وإِيَّاكُما أَنْ تَقربَا أُمَّ جُندبٍ
فما هِي إِلاَّ في القماءَةِ جُنْدُبُ
15. And beware you both deflecting me from the heights
For I have a way that leads to it and a way,
١٥. وإِيَّاكُما أَنْ تصدِفَا بي عن العُلا
فَلِي مَذْهَبٌ يُفْضِي إِليها ومَذْهب
16. And I am an ambitious one in my hopes toward her
And not every ambitious one in hopes is unskilled,
١٦. وإِني لطمَّاحُ المطامِع نحوَها
وما كُلُّ طماحِ المطامع أَشْعَبُ
17. And beware leaving me to long for her
For the palm of Abu Bakr suffices me whatever I pour,
١٧. وإِيَّاكُما أَن تَتْركانِي على الصَّدَى
فكَفُّ أَبِي بكرٍ بما شئتُ تَسْكُب
18. For I have trust in his generosity that does not fail me
And I have hope in his grace that does not disappoint,
١٨. فَلِي ثقةُ في جودِه لا تَخُونُني
ولي أَملٌ في فضلِه لا يُخَّيب
19. I have secured my time and awaited his bestowal
And for him the sea of bestowal, the sea is a follower,
١٩. أَمنتُ زمانِي وارْتَقَبْتُ نوالَه
وبحرَ نوالٍ عنده البَحْرُ مِذْنَبُ
20. He let flow the dryness of my state with his benevolence
So here I am, made happy by praise and elated,
٢٠. وطرَّى جفافَ الحالِ منِّي بجوُدِه
فَهَا أَنا أُطْرَي بالمديحِ وأَطْربُ
And I spread thanks - mentioning him is never exaggerated -
٢١. وأَنشُرُ شكراً ذكرُه ليس يُفْتَرى
وأَنْظِمُ مدْحاً دُرُّه ليس يُثقَبُ
22. And I string together poetry - its pearls are never pierced,
He is the king who gives life, gives death with his might
٢٢. هو الملكُ المحيي المميتُ ببأْسِه
ونائِله أَيَّانَ يرْضَى ويغضَبُ
23. And who attains his pleasure and anger when he pleases and rages,
The filled hearts plead to him in awe
٢٣. يرجِّيه ملآنُ الفؤادِ مهابةً
لترجيبه فهو المرَجَّى المرجَّبُ
24. To plead to him, for he is the hoped for, the most hoped for,
So those who hope are not blocked from the door of his bounty
٢٤. فلا يُحجَب الراجُون عن بابِ رِفْدِه
وعن بَابِه المِلكُ المحجَّبُ يُحْجَبُ
25. And from his door the hidden King is blocked,
At his door the angels cram to enter his court
٢٥. على بابه الأَملاكُ تَزْحَمُ وفدَه
وإِن قَرُبوا بالإِذن فالوفدُ أَقرَبُ
26. And if they approach by permission, the delegation is closer,
They tread upon a carpet in which there is lodging for the sun
٢٦. يطأْن بساطاً فيه للشَّمسِ منزلٌ
وإِنْ كَان فيه للسحائِب مَسْحبُ
27. And if in it there is pulling for the clouds,
The tyrants willingly and unwillingly submit to him
٢٧. تدينُ له طوعاً وكَرْهاً ضَراغمٌ
تسَّهلَ منها كلُّ ما يتصَعَّبُ
28. Among them, everything difficult is made easy,
So he cuts them with the decisive will, cutting,
٢٨. فيقْطعُها ماضِي العزائِم قاطعٌ
ويغلبُها عبلُ الضَّراغِمِ أَغْلَبُ
29. And overcomes them - the tyrants' plotting is most overcome,
Kings were transfigured after they were subjugated to him
٢٩. لقد نُسخَتْ من بعدمَا مُسِختْ له
ملوكٌ به آسادُها تَتَثَعْلبُ
30. With him, their lions become foxes covered in fur,
So his enemies dispersed in their own lands
٣٠. فأَعداؤه ثوَوْا بع في بِلادِهم
تُقيمُ وتَمْضِي حينَ يَرْضَى ويَغْضَبُ
31. They settle and carry on when he is pleased and rages,
And the sinner angers him so his nature
٣١. ويُسخِطُه الجانِي فيرجعُ خُلْقُه
إِلى طَبْعِه في العَفْوِ والطبعُ أَغْلَبُ
32. returns to pardon and nature mostly pardons,
And the fortresses are nothing but his clothes
٣٢. وليس القِلاعُ الشمُّ إِلاَّ ثِيابُه
فمن شاءَ يُكساها ومن شاءَ يُسلبُ
33. So whoever he wishes clothes them and whoever he wishes strips them
I advise you - avoid his might, for it destroys
٣٣. نصحتُك جنِّب بأْسَه فهو مُهْلِكٌ
وإِن شِئْتَ يمِّم جودَه فهو مَطْلَبُ
34. And if you wish - set your course to his benevolence, for it is sought,
If he unsheathes the sword of religion in the din of war
٣٤. إِذا سَلَّ سيفَ الدِّين في حوْمةِ الوَغى
فقد سَلَّ أَدْرَى بالقِرَاع وأَدْرَبُ
35. He will have unsheathed it, more knowing of striking and striking again,
And his firm heart and palm remain steadfast
٣٥. وجرَّدَ ماضِي الكَفِّ والقلبُ ثابتٌ
فما قلبُه يومَ الوغى يتَقَلَّبُ
36. For his heart in the din does not waver,
You have encompassed all peoples when you came to them
٣٦. وسعتَ شعوبَ الخلق لما أَتيتَهم
بجودٍ يعم الخلقَ إِذ يتشَعَّبُ
37. With benevolence that covers all peoples wherever it flows,
And no region remains that his bestowal has not entered
٣٧. ولم يبقَ صُقْعٌ لم يَلِجْه نَوَالهُ
بناءٌ مَشيدٌ أَو خِباءٌ مُطَنَّب
38. A building erected or a tent pitched,
You enumerate what you have taken charge of
٣٨. تَعُدُّ مَعَدُّ ما تولَّيتَها به
ويُعرِبُ شكراً عن أَيادِيكَ يَعْرُب
39. And the eloquent thank you on your behalf will enumerate,
Though there is no enumerator, but one falling short
٣٩. وَمَا فيهما مُحصٍ ولكن مُقَصِّرٌ
ومعترفٌ أَن ليسَ يُحسِنُ مُحسِب
40. And one admitting he cannot fully appreciate,
For I am a servant who remains standing before you
٤٠. وإِنيَ عبدٌ لم أَزَلْ فيكَ قائماً
بمَدْحِكَ أَشْدُو أَو بحمْدكَ أَخْطُب
41. Reciting your praise or addressing you in poetry,
I composed my eulogy of you while still young
٤١. نظمتُ مديحي فيك والسِّنُّ يافِعٌ
وهذا مَدِيحي فيكَ والرَّأْسُ أَشْيَبُ
42. And this is my eulogy of you while my head has turned white,
And every singing nightingale sang with my poetry of you
٤٢. وغنَّى بشِعْري فيك كلُّ مغرد
ونالَ الغِنَى مِنْه مُغَنٍّ وَمُطْربُ
43. And singers attained wealth from it as did musical performers,
And every ode I have said about you, it is, without doubt,
٤٣. وكلُّ قصيدٍ قلتُها فيكَ إِنَّها
بلا مِرْيَةٍ في الحسنِ والسِّيرِ كَوْكَبُ
44. A star in beauty and conduct,
So no speech but my words are radiant
٤٤. فلا مَنْطِقٌ إِلاَّ لِقَوْلِي مَشْرقٌ
ولا مِسْمَعٌ إِلاَّ لِقوليَ مَغْرب
45. And no hearing but my words are settings,
You brought abundant water to the people of the Nile and their lands
٤٥. أَعدْتَ لأَهلِ النِّيل رِيَّ بِلاَدِهم
بأَبحُرِ نيل عنْدَهَا النِّيلُ مِذْنب
46. With seas of Nile before which the Nile is a follower,
Congratulations to Egypt, its connection and arrival
٤٦. هنيئا لمصرٍ وصْلُه ووصولُه
فقدْ كَانَ يُؤْذِي مصرَ مِنْه التَّجَنُّبُّ
47. For severing from it had harmed Egypt,
You took from Damascus what rightfully belonged to Egypt
٤٧. أخذتَ لمصرٍ من دمشقَ بحَقِّها
فمصرُ بما أَوليْتَ تُطري وتَطرب
48. So Egypt with what you bestowed becomes happy and elated,
And Cairo has not ceased since it was good
٤٨. ومَا بَرِح الفُسْطاطُ مُذْ كَانَ طيِّباً
عَلى غيرِه لكنَّه اليوم أَطْيَبُ
49. To be above anywhere else, but today it is better,
So no place that was barren yesterday
٤٩. فلا موضعٌ قد كانَ بالأَمسِ مُجْدباً
بنأْيِك إِلاَّ وهْو في اليومِ مُخْصب
50. Except by your blessing today it is fertile,
The horizons have become diverse in their love of you
٥٠. تَغَايَرت الآفَاقُ فيكَ محبَّةً
ومنْ ذا الذِي يحبو ولا يتحبَّب