
To aid you until you possess the West through conquest

لنصرك حتى تملك الغرب بالغلب

1. To aid you until you possess the West through conquest
The flowers of stars in the West have gathered

١. لِنصرِكَ حتَّى تملكَ الغربَ بالغَلْبِ
قد اجْتَمعتْ زُهْرُ الكواكبِ في الغَرْبِ

2. And gathered only to aid an army
With your fortune, need no aid of shooting stars

٢. ومَا اجْتَمعتْ إِلاَّ لتنصرَ عَسْكراً
بِسَعدِك يَغْنىَ عن مُساعَدَةِ الشُّهْبِ

3. With your name, enemy hordes are routed before the fray
With your name, before war you're aided with dread

٣. وباسْمِك من قبلِ الوغَى تُهزَمُ العِدا
وباسْمك قَبْل الحرْب تُنْصَرُ بالرُّعْب

4. But it wished to win through a service
That despite its distance honors it through nearness

٤. ولكنْ أَرادَتْ أَن تفوزَ بِخدمَةٍ
تُشَرِّفُها مَعْ بُعْدِها مِنْكَ بِالْقُربِ

5. And take haven in the party of the victorious - verily
He who takes haven in that party is made victorious

٥. وتَأْوي إِلى حِزْبِ المظفَّرِ إِنَّه
يُظَفَّرُ مَنْ يَأْوِي إِلى ذلك الحِزْب

6. And expends therein what its nature required
So its sun reveals for it the darkness of calamity

٦. وتَبْذُلُ فيه ما اقْتَضَتْه طِباعُها
فتكشِفُ عنه شَمسُها ظلمةَ الخَطْبِ

7. And the shining moon makes smooth for it paths
So it finds easy every rugged difficult pass

٧. ويَجْلو له البدرُ المنيرُ مَسالِكاً
فيسهلُ مِنها كلُّ مُستوعَرٍ صَعْب

8. And Regulus makes it prosperous in peace as
Mars aids it in the fervor of war

٨. ويُسْعِده البِرجيسُ في السِّلم مثلَما
يُساعِده المرِّيخُ في حَوْمةِ الحَرْبِ

9. And Cancer hastens the doom of its enemy's lands
And hurries it to strip them bare and plunder them

٩. ويَنحَسُ كَيْوان بلادَ عَدُوِّه
ويُعْجِلُه بالسَّلِّ مِنْها وبالسَّلب

10. And Mercury opens the register of heaven
To draft tidings of glad news and epistles

١٠. ويَفْتَحُ ديوانَ السَّماءِ عُطارِد
لإِنشاءِ أَخبارِ البشائِر والكُتْبِ

11. And the Zahrah star is but an angel
Bringing the joy of victory to soul and heart

١١. وما الزَّهرةُ الزَّهراءُ إِلاَّ مَلِيَّةٌ
ببعثِ سرورِ النَّصر لِلنَّفسِ والقَلْب

12. And this is the true word, not that
Which astrologers distort with lies

١٢. وهذا هُو القَولُ المحَّقُ لاَ الَّذِي
يُحرِّفُه أَهْلُ النجوم مِن الكِذْب

13. They say the wind comes and verily
It devastates the land between East and West

١٣. يقولون إِنَّ الرِّيحَ تأْتِي وإِنَّها
تُبيدُ الوَرى ما بَيْن شرق إِلى غرْبِ

14. While you, if your dignity desired could flow
To it and restrain its devastating perturbations

١٤. وأَنْتَ الذَّي لو شاءَ أَسْرى وقارُه
إِلَيْها فهَدَّا مِن زَعَازعِها النُّكْب

15. And you, if you wished, could dam its flames
With an army that holds the wind from the path of blowing

١٥. وأَنْتَ الذَّي لو شاءَ سدَّ مَهَبَّها
بجيشٍ يصدُّ الريحَ عن مَسْلَكِ الْهَبِّ

16. Your munificence is security for existence from evil
Your munificence is security for countries from drought

١٦. وُجُودُك أَمنٌ للْوجودِ من الرَّدى
وَجُودُك أَمنٌ للبلادِ من الجَدْبِ

17. Yours are the mighty regiments, the whites and the spears
That trace the lines of victory even in the dust

١٧. لك الجَحْفل الجرَّارُ والبيضُ والقَنا
تَخُطُّ خطوطَ النَصرِ حتَّى على التُرْبِ

18. With them every steadfast knight rides unto death dauntless
And who can make the lion turn from its leaping nature?

١٨. به كلُّ وَثَّابٍ إِلى الموتِ باسلٍ
ومَنْ ذا يرد الأُسْدَ عن عَادَةِ الوَثْبِ

19. They disdain war spoils in the fray
For they have no gain but the horsemen's gain

١٩. يَعِفُّونَ عن كَسْبِ المغانمِ في الوَغَى
فَلَيسَ لهم غيرُ الفوارسِ من كَسْب

20. And capturing lions distracts them from cattle
And seizing souls distracts them from plunder

٢٠. ويَشْغَلُهم سَبيُ الأُسودِ عن الْمهَا
ويُلهيهمُ نهبُ النُّفوسِ عن النَّهْب

21. They have a miracle in thrusting and striking, wondrous
No thrust like their thrust, no blow like their blow

٢١. لَهُمْ مُعجزٌ في الطَّعنِ والضَّرب باهرٌ
فلا طعنَ في طعْنِ ولا ضَرْبَ في ضَرْب

22. And their swords strike terror before unsheathing
How many a sword that severed while still in the scabbard!

٢٢. ويُرهَبُ من أَسيافِهم قبلَ سَلِّها
ورُبَّ سيوفٍ قَطَّعَتْ وهي في القُرْب

23. So enemy cities have no secure sanctuary from them
And their villages no safe refuge

٢٣. فمدنُ الأَعَادِي غيرُ محميَّةِ الحِمى
بِهم وقُراهم غيرُ آمنةِ السِّرْبِ

24. And how many a king binding his head with the crown
They came to, and won that crown by wresting it

٢٤. وكم مَلِكٍ بالتاجِ يعصِب رأْسَه
أَتَوْهُ فحازُوا ذلك العَصْبَ بِالغَصْب

25. They revolve around you in service
As you remain for them the axis, ever as the axis

٢٥. يدُورون كالأَفْلاكِ حولَكَ خدمةً
وأَنتَ لهم كالقُطْب لا زلْت كالْقُطب

26. And you, by the grace of might, clemency and uprightness
Need no partisans, soldiers or comrades

٢٦. وأَنتَ بفضلِ البأْسِ والحلمِ والنُّهى
غنِيٌّ عن الأَنصارِ والجندِ والصَّحْب

27. But you saw the troops as a king's ornament
As God adorned the virgin's cheeks with moles

٢٧. ولكن رأَيتَ الجندَ للملكِ زينةً
كما زيَّن اللهُ المحاجرَ بالهُدْب

28. Congratulations on the kingship which you are its Lord
By exerting your soul in obedience to the Lord

٢٨. هَنيئاً لك الملكُ الَّذِي أَنتَ ربُّه
ببذلِك جهدَ النفسِ في طاعَةِ الرَّبِ

29. And sending destroyers of strength against unbelievers
Driving to the crucifixes, breaking the crosses

٢٩. وبَعْثِك للكفارِ هادمةَ القُوى
تسوقُ إِلى الصُّلْبانِ قاصِمَةَ الصُّلْبِ

30. And spreading a palm the clouds witness
It truly poured showers from the clouds

٣٠. وبَسْطِك كفّاً تشهدُ السُّحبُ أَنَّها
وقَد صَدَقَتْ أَنْدى بناناً من السُّحْبِ

31. And bringing the thirsty near to generosity and fresh rain
From the abundant overflowing spring and sweet creek

٣١. وإِدْنائِك الظمآنَ للجودِ والنَّدى
من المنْهلِ الفَيَّاض والمورِدِ العَذْبِ

32. And admitting the wronged to you without veil
Though you are veiled in the light of majesty

٣٢. وتَقْريبِك المظلومَ من غيرِ حَجْبهِ
وإِنْ كُنْتَ مِنْ نور الجلالةِ في حُجْب

33. And your traveling among us in the manner of Umar
To give rest to hearts and relief from distress

٣٣. وسَيْركَ فينا سِيرةً عُمَريَّةً
فَروَّحْتَ من قلبٍ وفرَّجتَ مِنْ كَرْبِ

34. And your restoring among us traditions from your ancestor
Thereby manifesting that duty from that precedent

٣٤. وَرَدِّك فينا مِنْ سَمِيِّك سُنَّةً
فأَظهرت ذاك الفرْضَ مِنْ ذَلِكَ النَّدْب

35. So O Egypt! lose yourself in his reign and revel in it
And say to him: your reign suffices me, suffices me!

٣٥. فيا مصرُ تيهي واسْتَطيلي بِمُلْكِه
وقُولي له حَسْبي بِمُلكِكَ لي حَسْبي

36. No wonder that it wanders bewildered by your reign
No surprise that it lavishes you with marvel

٣٦. ولا غَرْوَ إِنْ تَاهَتْ بِمُلكِكَ وازْدَهَتَ
ولا عجباً إِنْ أسْرفَتْ بكَ في العُجْب

37. And you were gladdened by a month that came to it
Heralding your lasting, guarding it with your angry sword

٣٧. وهُنِّئْتَ شهراً قد أَتاها مبشِّراً
ببقياك تَحميْها بِصارِمِك العَضْبِ

38. That you therein have lasting kingship and strength
That you therein have firmness of fortress and cliff

٣٨. وأَنَّك فيها ثابتُ المُلْكِ والعُرَى
وأَنَّك فيها راسخُ الطَّودِ والهُضْبِ

39. I love you for the merit you possess
And none but the loving are excused from loving you

٣٩. أُحبُّكَ للفضلِ الَّذي أَنْتَ أَهْلُه
ويُعذَل إِلاَّ من يُحبُّكَ في الْحُبِّ

40. And my praise of you distracts my heart from passion
Though I was enamored with the beautiful that enamors

٤٠. وأَلْهَى مديحي فيكَ قلبي عن الْهَوى
وإِنْ كنتُ صبّاً بالملِيحِ الذي يُصبي

41. For your person is dearer to me than my soul and sight
And praising you is sweeter in my tongue and heart

٤١. فشخصُك أَشْهى من فُؤادِي وناظري
ومدحُك أَحْلى في لِسانِي وفي قَلْب