
I am the prince of lovers

أنا أمير العشاق

1. I am the prince of lovers
My heart is my fluttering banner

١. أَنَا أَميرُ العُشَّاقْ
قَلْبي لِوائي الخفَّاقِ

2. And it is an army
In it are the arrows of eyes

٢. وَإِنَّه كِنَانةٌ
فيها سهام الأَحْدَاقْ

3. And it is a camp
To it hearts are tents

٣. وإِنَّه مُخَيِّمٌ
له القلوبُ أَوطاق

4. A king has camped in it
To him souls are yearning

٤. خيَّم فيه مَلِكٌ
له الجُسُومُ رُسْتَاقْ

5. He has ruled beauty and surpassed
The beauty of horizons

٥. قد مَلَكَ المُلْحَ وقد
فاق مِلاَحَ الآفاقْ

6. A blossom of beauty, no
Withering need be feared

٦. مُثْرٍ من الحسن فما
يُخْشَى عليه الإِمْلاَقْ

7. Downcast of glance, no
Parting need be called for

٧. وَمُدْنَفُ الطَّرفِ فما
يُدْعَى لَهُ بالإِفْرَاقْ

8. And his magic is real, so how
True it has been for me and converged

٨. وسِحْرُهُ حَقٌّ فكم
قد حَقَّ بي وقد حاقْ

9. Though my heart is with him
All of me yearning to him

٩. مَعَ أَنَّ قَلْبي مَعَهُ
كُلِّي إِليْهِ مُشْتَاقْ

10. It drinks my kiss whenever
Yearnings pour upon it

١٠. يَنْثَالُ لَثْمِي كلَّما انْ
ثالتْ عليه الأَشْوَاقْ

11. I spend the night in fear for it
Embracing to lock out separation

١١. يبيتُ من خَوْفي علي
هِ للعِنَاق أَغْلاَقْ

12. When his stature bends
The branch amid leaves

١٢. إِذا تَثَنَّى قَدُّهُ
فالغُصْنُ بَيْنَ الأَوْراقْ

13. And whoever sees his smile
Sees garlands of truths

١٣. وَمَنْ رَأَى مَبْسِمَهُ
رأَى عُقُودَ الأَحْقَاقْ

14. And if his trinkets sing
Have you heard sighing?

١٤. وإِن تَغنَّى حَلْيُهُ
فهل سَمِعْتَ إِسْحَاقْ

15. His languor and cheek
A line on it continuing

١٥. عِذَارُه وخَدُّهُ
سَطْرٌ عَلَيْهِ أَلْحَاقْ

16. And after this a chastity
That has relaxed for lovers

١٦. وَبَعْدَ ذَا صِيَانَةٌ
قد بَرَّحَتْ بالعُشَّاقْ

17. How much they have advised it and how
Much they have screamed and said stop

١٧. كَمْ نَصَحُوا مِنْها وَكَمْ
صَاحُوا وكَمْ قالُوا قَاقْ

18. Ask me of his wrist
And ask not of the leg

١٨. سَلْنيَ عن مِعْصَمِهِ
ولا تَسَلْ عَنِ السَّاقْ

19. How excellent is the creation and how
Excellent are those morals

١٩. ما أَحْسَنَ الخَلقَ وَمَا
أَحْسَنَ تِلْكَ الأَخْلاَقْ

20. My conceited ones in his beauty
Have bowed their necks

٢٠. عَواذِلي بِحُسْنِهِ
قد خَضَعُوا بالأَعْنَاقْ

21. And fallen silent for they
Have dazzled with bridles

٢١. وسكَتُوا لأَنَّهُمْ
قد شَرِقُوا بالأَرْيَاقْ

22. They did not look and were struck dumb
This blind and that mute

٢٢. لَمْ يَنْظُروا وأُخْرسُوا
هَذَا عَمىً وذَا خنَاقْ

23. After him no eyelid
Except the pouring clouds have scratched

٢٣. لم يَحْكِ جَفْني بَعْدَهُ
إِلاَّ السَّحابُ الغَدَّاقْ

24. The dust of earth was in
The tears of my eyes sustenance

٢٤. كان لتُرْب الأَرْض في
دُمُوعِ عَيْنِيَ أَرزاقْ

25. O wonder at my tears
Purified by prolonged spending

٢٥. يَا عَجباً لأَدْمُعِي
تَزْكُو بطولِ الإِنْفَاقْ

26. You healed my heart so it
Told me and the shelters

٢٦. شُفِيتَ يا قلبُ بهِ
فقالَ لي وَالآمَاقْ

27. And the cause of my humiliation is a glance
That climbed up to the waistband

٢٧. وأَصْلُ ذُلِّي نظرةٌ
تسَلَّقتْ إِلى النِّطاقْ

28. And a theft so the body was
Punished with the penalty of the thief

٢٨. وَسَرْقةٌ فعُوقِبَ
الجِسمُ عِقابَ السُّرَّاقْ

29. This is the injustice
Judged for lovers

٢٩. هذا هو الظلمُ الَّذِي
يُقْضى بِهِ للعُشَّاقْ

30. O killer of fervor, passion
You have not tasted what it tasted

٣٠. يا قاتِل الصَّبِّ هوىً
لا ذُقْتَ مِنْهُ ما ذاقْ

31. You slew me with a glance
So revive me with a wink

٣١. أَمَتني بنظرة
فأَحْيِني بإِطْرَاقْ

32. You slayed me so revive me
O poison or antidote

٣٢. أَمتَّني فأَحْيِني
يا سُمُّ أَو يَا دِرْيَاقْ

33. I drowned in agony and you did not
Forbid me with rejecting

٣٣. أَغْرقتُ في النَّزع وما
حرَّمتني بالإِعْرَاقْ

34. Nothing remains in me you have not
Consumed entirely with burning

٣٤. لم يَبْقَ شيءٌ فيَّ أَو
شَمِلْتَهُ بالإِحْرَاقْ

35. And my hair turned white
For my white hair is burning

٣٥. وإِنَّ شَيْبي أَسودٌ
لأَنَّ شيْبي حُرَاقْ

36. I have the example of the sun which
You have burdened with dawning

٣٦. لي أُسوةُ الشمسِ التي
أَثْكَلْتَها بالإِشْرَاقْ

37. And a beauty who laughed when
You have saddened her with shining

٣٧. ومزنةٌ ضَحِكَتْ إِذَا
فجَّعْتَها بالإِبْرَاقْ

38. If my captivity made him happy
Then captivity is like freedom

٣٨. إِن كان أَسْرِي سَرَّهُ
فالأَسْرُ مثلُ الإِطْلاَقْ

39. Or if a breast tightened around me, my
Breast with worries does not tighten

٣٩. أَو ضاقَ صدراً بي فَصَدْ
رِي بالهُمُومِ ما ضَاقْ

40. Or if he betrayed my covenant
Then I do not betray the covenant

٤٠. أَو خانَ مِيثاقي
فإِنِّي لا أَخونُ المِيثاقْ