
They ask why so-and-so is infatuated with her

يقولون لم خلى هواه فلانه

1. They ask why so-and-so is infatuated with her
I said, ask about that face, ask about so-and-so

١. يقولون لِمْ خلَّى هواهُ فلانه
فقلت سلوا عن ذاك وجهَ فلانِ

2. That face led people with a sword, not a stick
And that is a Yemeni sword, when unsheathed

٢. هو الوجهُ ساقَ النَّاسَ بالسيف لا العصا
وذلك سيفٌ للِّحاظ يماني

3. When it appears, it bewilders even a guide
And trips someone who has two legs

٣. إِذا ما تجلَّى ضلّ من كَانَ هادياً
وقد زلَّ من كانَتْ له قَدَمَان

4. Go closer to it, blamer, and contemplate
Its eyes will make you a lover, I guarantee

٤. تعرّضْ له يا عاذِلي متأَملاً
لعَيْنَيه تُصْبحْ عاشقاً بِضَمَانِ

5. It says to us, oh I wish I never saw it
And oh I wish it never saw me

٥. يقول لنا يا لَيْتَني ما رأَيتُه
ويا ليتَه ما كان قَطُّ رآني

6. My religion is the worship of the One
I disbelieve in anything else, if I disbelieve in the Second

٦. أَيا واحداً ديني عبادةُ واحدٍ
كَفَرْتُ بما بي إِنْ كفَرْتُ بثَانِ

7. I sought safety from its love, but what came to me
Was the writ of my wishes, not the writ of safety

٧. طَلَبْتُ أَماناً من هواهُ فجاءَني
كتابُ أَمَانِي لا كتَابُ أَمَانِ

8. I lost my dignity in its love out of youthfulness
And lowered my devotion from it to the abode of disgrace

٨. أَزَلْتُ وقَارِي في هواهُ صَبابةً
وأَنْزَلْتُ نُسْكي مِنْه دَارَ هَوَانِ

9. When I remember it, I have racing horses
That my tears have stirred up out of love-sickness

٩. ولي عند ذكراهُ خيولٌ سوابقٌ
من الدَّمع ما هَيَّجتُها بِحِرَانِ

10. If the chest cannot refrain from you in its heart
How can the eye refrain from tears?

١٠. إِذا لَمْ يضِنَّ الصدرُ عنك بقَلْبه
فكيف تضنُّ العين بالهَملاَن

11. I have no patience in staying away from you
For missing you, and I have two hands for embracing

١١. وما لي يدٌ بالصبرِ عنك تأَسّفاً
عليك ولي عند العناق يَدَانِ