1. With kohl of the eyes with smoothness of youth
In it the glances and the softness like blackness
١. كحلَ العيونَ بمرودٍ مِن عسْجدِ
فيه الذوائِبُ واللَّمى كالإِثمد
2. So he saw and examined his face in a paradise
Revealed so its light of the bright-eyed is revealed
٢. فرأَى وعاينَ وجْهَه في جنَّةٍ
تُجلى فتَجلو نور عين الأَرْمَدِ
3. And the lover saw in it the yellowness of his complexion
Like the polished with a kiss in a mosque
٣. ورأَى بها المشْتاقُ صفرةَ لونِه
مثلَ الخَلوقِ بقُبلةٍ في مسْجِد
4. By my father and mother whoever is satisfied
With his beauty for his beauty like the guided
٤. بأَبي وأُمِّي من يكونُ المكتِفي
بجماله لجماله كالْمُقْتَدِي
5. Lonely unique in his beauty
Do not be surprised by the loneliness of the unique
٥. مستوحشٌ متفردٌ في حسنهِ
لا تعجبنَّ لوحْشَةِ المتَفَرِّدِ
6. And it is as if from his hanging forelock and shyness
A young gazelle but in the traits of a young mountain goat
٦. وكأَنَّه من دلِّهِ وحيائِه
غيداءُ لكِن في شَمائِل أَغْيدِ
7. And with the shyness he shows you the eyes of a resistant rebel
With killing but between cheeks of coral
٧. ومع الحياءِ يُريك عيْنَيْ ماردٍ
بالفَتْكِ لكنْ بيْن صُدْغَي أَمْردِ
8. And behind the mole on his cheeks in his dimples
The water of beauty wandering in heated redness
٨. ووراءَ نَدِّ الْخالِ في وجناتِه
ماءُ الجمال يجولُ في جمْرٍ نَدي
9. My youth stopped with the smile of a blossoming smile
In which there is no whiteness of withered old age
٩. وقَفَتْ صَبَابَاتِي بِبُرقَةِ مَبْسِمٍ
في فِيه لا صَحْبي بِبُرقَةِ ثَهْمَد
10. How many nights has my chest been a playground
With joining the gazelle of the sons of Adyan ran in it
١٠. كم ليلة قد بات صدري مَلْعَباً
بالضَّمِّ يَعدو فيه ظَبْيُ بَني عَدِي
11. And I shaded in it with his hair and forehead
Sometimes I am misguided by it and sometimes I am guided
١١. وظَلِلْتُ فيه بشعره وجَبينِه
طوراً أَضِلُّ بِه وطَوْراً أَهْتَدي
12. I stripped him but the locks of his hair
Made him when they covered him stripped
١٢. جرَّدتُه لكن ذوائِبُ شَعْره
جَعَلَتْه إِذْ سَتَرتْه غيرَ مُجرَّدِ
13. And his necklaces prevented his embrace
So I took them off him and he spent the night wearing my jewelry
١٣. وغدَتْ قلائِدُه تَعُوق عِناقَه
فنزَعْتُها عَنْه وبَاتَ مُقَلِّدي
14. And I stole a kiss from him while he was drunk
So I stole a jewel under the lock of chrysolite
١٤. وسرقْتُ مِنه قُبلَةً في سُكْرِه
فسرقْتُ درّاً تحت قُفْلِ زَبَرْجَدِ
15. Long live the living that army and its goodness
And he watered the covenants, covenants of the made covenant
١٥. حيَّا الحَيا تِلكَ الجِباةَ وطِيبَها
وسَقَى العهودَ عهودَ ذَاك المعْهَدِ
16. And may God reward the dew of the minister, for he
Quenched my thirst with it as he enriched my hand
١٦. وجزَى الإِلَهُ نَدَى الوزيرِ فإِنَّه
أَرْوى صدايَ بِه كَمَا أَغْنَى يَدِي
17. Who can bear, besides God, rewarding him
About me for blessings that come and go
١٧. مَنْ ذَا يُطيقُ سِوَى الإِلَهِ جَزَاءَه
عَنِّي على نِعَمٍ تَروحُ وتَغْتَدِي
18. While I say maybe it will end
What I was embarrassed by I see it starting
١٨. بيْنَا أَقولُ لعلَّها أَن تَنْتَهي
مِمَّا خَجِلْتُ بها أَراها تَبْتَدِي
19. That generous son of the generous patron
Good praise with the goodness of the rightly guided ancestor
١٩. ذاك الكريمُ ابْنُ الكريمِ المُقْتَنِي
طيبَ الثَّناءٍ بطيبِ ذاكَ المَحْتَدِ
20. He inherited generosity growing from generous
And he quenched authority a lord from lord
٢٠. ورثَ المكارِمَ كابِراً عن كابرٍ
ورَوى السَّيَادَةَ سيِّداً عن سَيِّد
21. Clever in the traits of generosity he increases it
That cleverness is the possession of thin flexible branches
٢١. فطِنٌ بِخَلاَّتِ الكرامِ يَزيُدُها
أَنَّ الفَطانَةَ مِلْكُ رِقِّ السُودَدِ
22. He wore the jewelry in which the destitute wore because it
His palm's cloud comes to him with smoothness
٢٢. لبس الحُليَّ به العفاةُ لأَنَّه
تَهمِي غَمامَةُ كَفِّه بالْعَسْجَدِ
23. And his appendage sufficed asking the supplicant
And he protected so the appendage and the aggressor were restrained
٢٣. وكَفَى سُؤَالَ المُجْتَدِي بِنَوالهِ
وحَمَى فكُفَّ المُجْتَدِي والمُعْتَدِي
24. So his appendage gathered the destitute and his might
Scattered the enemies each scattered
٢٤. فنوالُه جمعَ العُفَاةَ وبَأْسُه
قَدْ شَرَّد الأَعْدَاءَ كُلُّ مُشرَّدِ
25. And if you looked from the destitute to a shackled one
From it you looked from the enemy to a chained one
٢٥. وإِذا نَظرتَ مِن العُفَاةِ لمصْفَدٍ
مِنه نظرتَ مِن الْعِدا لِمُصَفَّد
26. The ministry he assumed shone from it with the rise of
Gardens and the illumination of the glowing forehead glorified
٢٦. دَسُت الوَزارَة ضَاءَ مِنْه بمشرقِ ال
وَجَنَاتِ وَضَّاحِ الجبين مُمجَدِ
27. And the victorious of resolves victorious over
The enemies the bold of heavens supported
٢٧. ومظفَّرُ العَزماتِ منْصورٌ على
الأَعداءِ مِقدِامُ الجَنانِ مؤيَّدِ
28. And the action from it alone in its beauty
None made actions more unique than the One
٢٨. والفعلُ منه أَوحدٌ في حُسنه
ما أَوْحَد الأَفْعَال غيرُ الأَوْحَدِ
29. And distress he kills with forgiving enveloping
And poverty he eliminates by killing deliberately
٢٩. والضَّغْنَ يقتله بعفوِ تَغَمُّدِ
والفَقرَ يُعدِمه بقتلِ تَعَمُّدِ
30. And he adorns from it sorcery an analyzer's eye
That captures prohibition in speech unrestricted
٣٠. ويزينُ منه السحرَ عينُ محلِّلِ
يَسبي النُّهى في اللَّفظ غيرَ مُعَقَّدِ
31. He possessed the possession of kings with his opinion and integrity
So they while they worshipped him were like the most devout
٣١. مَلكَ الملوكَ برأْيهِ ورُوَائِه
فهمُ وقد عَبدوه مثلُ الأَعْبُد
32. And they when they connected to him you see them
Bowing down kneeling prostrated to him
٣٢. وهمُ إِذا وَصَلوا إِليه تَراهمُ
من ركَّع تَجْثو لديه وسُجَّدِ
33. The keeper is not with his palm and lines
Except its ropes to hunt the hunted
٣٣. ليسَ اليراعُ بِكَفِّه وسُطورِه
إِلاَّ حبائِلَه لصيدِ الأَصْيد
34. He hurls his enemies with the lions of its carving
Or haven't you heard the spitting of poison of aswad
٣٤. يُردِي أَعادِيَه بأَسْودِ نَقْشِه
أَوَما سمِعْت بنفْثِ سَمِّ الأُسْودِ
35. And farewell the month of fasting O most loyal of people
Reward with good omen bird and most fortunate
٣٥. وأفاك شهر الصوم يا أوفى الورى
أجراً بأيمن طائر وبأسعد
36. And farewell yearning for what you accustomed
Of nearness and reciting and night vigil
٣٦. وافاكَ مُشتاقاً لما عَوَّدته
من قُربةٍ وتِلاوةٍ وتَهَجُّدِ
37. You have not ceased in it and in other than it fasting
For God from vanity that disgraces and lack of restraint
٣٧. ما زلتَ فيه وفي سِواه صَائِماً
لله من لَهْوٍ يَشين ومَوْرِدِ
38. And I am the one who for every day of it for me
A feast though I fast like one celebrating
٣٨. وأَنَا الَّذِي في كُلِّ يوم مِنْه لِي
عيدٌ فإِنِّي صَائِمٌ كمُعيِّد
39. I have with your blessings which its favours
Do not disappear my remembrance and checking
٣٩. عندي بأَنْعُمِكَ الَّتي آلاَؤُها
مَا أَن تَغِبَّ تَذَكُّرِي وتَفَقُّدِي
40. How many blessings for you I enjoyed nearness
After misery and how much with that of hand
٤٠. كم نعمةٍ لك قد نعمتُ بقُربها
بعد الشَّقاءِ وكَمْ بذلِكَ مِنْ يَد
41. O if only my people knew that I
Reached from your palms the furthest goal
٤١. يا ليتَ قوْمِي يعلمُون بأَنَّنِي
أَدْرَكْتُ من كَفَّيكَ أَقْصَى مَقْصِدي
42. And I climbed until I could no find ascent
And I ascended until I did not find ladder
٤٢. ورقيتُ حتَّى لَمْ أَجِدْ مِنْ مُرْتَقىً
وصَعَدْتُ حَتَّى لم أَجِدْ مِنْ مَصْعَدِ
43. And I made my saddle above the Pleiades
And I placed my feet atop Aldebaran
٤٣. وجعلتُ رَحْلِي فَوْق ظهرِ المُشْتَري
ووضَعْتُ رجْلِي فَوق فَرْقِ الفَرْقَدِ
44. You made me forget my family and dwelling of my clan
And destination of my she-camel and place of birth
٤٤. أَنْسَيْتنِي أَهْلِي ومَرْتَعَ مَعْشَرِي
ومحطَّ رَاحِلِتي وموضِعَ مَوْلِدي
45. By God your presence made me forget
My travel and made me absent from my scene
٤٥. قَسَماً لقد أَسْلَى حُضورِي عندهُم
سَفَرِي وأَنْسانِي مَغِيبي مَشْهَدي
46. How much they grieved over me and if they knew
My state they would be happy nay they'd envy me
٤٦. كَم وُلَّهٍ حَزِنوا عَليَّ ولو دَرَوْا
حَالِي لسُرُّوا بَلْ لَصَاروا حُسَّدي
47. I love you not because you give me
Righteous deeds nor because you make me prosperous
٤٧. إِنَّي أُحِبُّكَ لا لأَنَّك مُسْعِفي
بالصَّالحات ولاَ ِلأَنَّك مُسْعِدي
48. Except that you are better than the most high
Of anyone accused in the worlds and granter
٤٨. إِلاَّ لأَنَّك خيرُ مِنْ جَازَ العُلاَ
من مُتْهِمٍ في العالمين ومُنْجِدِ
49. And that your love knots every earner
And that your love is duty of every monotheist
٤٩. ولأَنَّ حُبَّك عقد كل محصَّلٍ
ولأَن وُدَّك فرْضُ كُلِّ مُوحِّد
50. And I am the released, I returned in you restricted
In love and my praise in you unrestricted
٥٠. وأَنا الطَّليقُ رجعتُ فيك مُقَّيداً
حبّاً ومَدْحي فيك غَيْرُ مُقَيَّدِ
51. People will perish while you remain immortalized
By my praises and except you none are immortalized
٥١. تفْنَى الأَنَامُ وما تَزالُ مُخَلَّداً
بِمَدائِحي وسِوَاكَ غيرُ مخلَّدِ