1. No! By the land of hearts with cracks
And the sky of eyelids that turn back
١. لاَ وأَرضِ القلوبِ ذَاتِ الصَّدعِ
وسماءِ الجفونِ ذَاتِ الرَّجْع
2. I see no heart filled with joy or comfort
After the people who once gathered are gone
٢. لا أَرى الْقلبَ بالمسرّة والرا
حةِ جَمْعاً من بَعْدِ سُكَّانِ جَمْع
3. Stars that severed my rope - I'm not surprised
When a star comes to sever
٣. أَنْجُمٌ قَدْ قَطَعْن حَبْلي ولا أَعـ
ـجَب للنَّجْم حينَ يَأتِي بِقَطْع
4. Their beauty conversed with my eyes
And I saw their faces with my hearing
٤. حدَّثَ العينَ ربعُهم وأَراني
أَواجهَ القومِ في أَحادِيثِ رَبْع
5. With the caravan an ostrich shaking off fatigue
A wonderful creature - death holds no novelty for it
٥. فسمعتُ الأَخبارَ منها بِعيْني
ورأَيت الوُجُوهَ مِنْها بِسَمْعي
6. Thirst of the heart is the thirst of twenty and twenty
Not quenched in a full or new moon
٦. ومَع الرَّكْبِ أَمْرَدٌ ينفضُ المر
دَ بديعٌ ما الموتُ فيه بِبِدْع
7. An Arab by ancestry who knows no tenderness
Due to his grammatical inflection and declension
٧. عَطِشُ القلبِ ظَمْءُ عشرٍ وعشرٍ
لم يَردْها في بَدْرِ سَبْعٍ وسبْع
8. His curly hair is the origin of my love - never before
Have I heard of a branch traced back to a root
٨. عربيُّ الأَنسابِ لا يعرف اللحـ
ـن لإِعْرابه بِضَمِّي ورَفْعي
9. Lord of a night in which I stayed my course
His hair is my night and his cheek my candle
٩. فرعُه الجعدُ أَصلُ عشقي ولم أَسـ
ـمع بأَصلٍ من قبلُ يُعزى لِفَرْع
10. Gentle roaming is my relief, and kissing lips
My raisins, and the sweet smile my fruits
١٠. ربَّ ليلٍ أَقمتُ فيه مُقامي
شَعْرُه لَيْلَتي وخدَّاه شَمْعِي
11. That was an age now past, and a time now concluded
And days now gone - beautiful in making
١١. والرُّضَابُ الشَّهِيُّ راحي ولثم الـ
ـفم نُقْلي والمَبْسَم الحُلْوُ طَلْعي
12. So my pact has expired and my measure lightened
And my columns have dissolved and my crops cleared
١٢. ذاكَ دهرٌ مَضى وعصرٌ تَقَضَّى
وزمانٌ ولَّى جميلَ الصُّنْع
13. What was healing to me is now harm to my face
My hold became confinement, and - by God - my armor
١٣. فعفى معْهدي وخَفَّ قطيني
وذَوَتْ أَثْلَتي وصَوَّحَ زَرْعي
14. How can another eye be added to the blood of my eye?
I shed my blood - so why is it said I shed tears?
١٤. كَان رَدْعي في الثوب مني سُروراً
ثم أَضحى للسُّقْم في الوجْه رَدْعي
15. My fortress became like a weakened encampment
Just as my wellspring turned into a puddle
١٥. وتولَّى هَمِّي عليَّ إِلى أَن
ضاق ذرعي واللهِ بلْ ضاقَ دِرْعي
16. Though I am split by fate, the son of Abdurraheem
Will mend my crack, should fate cast and pull me down
١٦. وكيف قَد زِيد في دَم العين عَيْنٌ
أَنا أُجري دَمي فَلِمْ قيل دَمْعي
17. What people are more deserving of serving him than I?
And whom is he more deserving to uplift and protect?
١٧. عاد كالْعِهن بالنوائبِ طَوْدي
مثل مَا كالثِّمام أَصبح نَبْعي
18. From the horizon I emerged, so the gleam
Of the rising moon hid my shine in a blink
١٨. أَنا بالدَّهر قد صُدِعْتُ ولكن
بابن عبد الرحيم يجبرُ صَدْعي
19. From his nest I stepped forth, so the raptor
Thought to swoop down on me as I walked
١٩. أَيّ خلقٍ أَولى بخدمَتِه منِّي
وأَولَى مِنه برَفْعي ونَفْعي
20. From his soil I grew, so the towering tree
Has risen, and my roots and branches lengthened
٢٠. أَنا مِن أُفْقه ظهرتُ فأَخفى
لمعَ بدرِ السماءِ باللَّمِحِ لَمْعي
21. Through his father my station was exalted
And the crescent seemed diminished next to my expanse
٢١. أَنا مِن عُشِّه درجتُ فأَضحى
طائرُ النَّسر هَمَّ مِني بَوقْع
22. Through his father I was alerted after slumber
And through him was I raised from lowness
٢٢. أَنا من تُربِه نبتُّ فقد سا
خ وقد طال منه أَصْلي وفرعي
23. And from him I learned what I recited
In my poetry praising him with rhyme and meter
٢٣. بأَبيه عَلاَ مَكَانِي فأَضْحى
شاسِعاً والهلالُ أَصْبَحَ شِسْعي
24. My custom was to mend my fracture through him
If fate had cast me down and torn my riches
٢٤. بأَبيه نُبِّهت بَعْد خُمولٍ
وبه قَدْ رُفِعْتُ مِنْ بَعْدِ وَضْعِي
25. Then when he passed on I clung
To Ahmad the hoped for, for aid and protection
٢٥. وتَعلَّمتُ منه ما قلتُ فيه
من مديحي له بِنَظْمي وسَجْعي
26. The most glorious one, who possesses mighty generosity
He attained it through effort and nature
٢٦. كان رَسْمِي عليه جبراً لكسري
إِن رماني دهري وجَذْباً لِضَيْعي
27. Bestower of thousands after thousands in gifts
To a pauper whose wealth he doubled in half a moment
٢٧. ثم لمَّا مَضَى تعلَّقْت من
أَحمدَ المرتجى لِنَفْعٍ ودَفْعِ
28. Leave every place and travel to his pavilion
For the refuge of benevolence is in that land
٢٨. الأَجلُّ الذي له السؤدد الأَعـ
ـظم قد حازَه بكسب وطَبْع
29. He has brought us from favors a sequence
And he brings from bounty one after another
٢٩. واهب الأَلْف بعدها أَلف عُذر
لفقيرٍ غِناه في نِصْف رُبْعِ
30. How endless are his benevolence, generosity and favors
Miracles and divine currents ever streaming
٣٠. كُلُّ صُقْع دعه وسَافِر لِناديـ
ـه فَمَثوى النَّدى بذاك الصُّقْع
31. His gifts never poisoned with reproach
Many a gift returned with blame as refusal!
٣١. قد أَتانا منه الزَّمانُ بوَتْر
وهو يأتي من النَّوال بِشَفْع
32. A pure nature and noble character
And brilliance that sears enviers with burning
٣٢. كم له في النَّدى وفي الجود والسؤ
دُد من مُعْجِزٍ وكم مِن شَرْع
33. Joining piety and youth - were it not for him
Such harmony would never have convened
٣٣. مَنْحُه قطُّ لم يكدَّر بمنٍّ
ربَّ منحٍ بالمنِّ عادَ كَمَنْع
34. He attained before twenty what none attained
Beyond ninety in years and in strength
٣٤. خُلُقٌ طاهر وخَلْق شريف
وذكاءٌ يكوي الحسودَ بِلَذْعِ
35. Most knowledgeable of people and situations
And aware in the war of these times and cunning
٣٥. جَمَع النُّسْك والشَّبابَ ولولا
ه لما أَذِنَّا ِلشَمْلٍ بَجَمْع
36. I see the idea that is fire
Destroying foes with bursts and sparks
٣٦. نالَ قبل العشرينَ ما لم ينلْه
من تعدَّى التسعين عاماً بتسع
37. Everything he says is prose of jewels
And what comes after is rhyme and embellishment
٣٧. أَعلم النَّاسِ بالأَنامِ وأَدرى الـ
ـخلق في حربِ ذا الزَّمان بِخَدْع
38. A wonder it is when he writes words
Of essence yet of form cut like timber
٣٨. وأَرى الخاطِرَ الَّذي هو نارٌ
مهلكا لِلْعِدَى بلَفْحٍ وسَفْح
39. Indeed, Abdul Hameed can be counted as a female servant
If measured next to him among the entourage
٣٩. كل قولٍ يقوله نظم درٍّ
والذي قيل بعدَه نَظمُ وَدْع
40. Do not blame one who sees his novel meanings
When faced with vulgarity, shrugging it off
٤٠. وعجيبٌ إِذ خطَّ بالنقشِ لَفْظاً
هو من جَوهرٍ وفي لونِ جَزْع
41. O lord, whom all who come to see grow weary
And all who stand before tire and bend
٤١. إِنَّ عبد الحميد يُحْسب إِن قيـ
ـس إِليه من الإِماءِ الوُكْعِ
42. I hope - and you are my dawn - that a night in which I have hid
May be brightened, and my foe and enemy see
٤٢. لا تَلُم من رأَى جديدَ معانيه
إِذا قابلَ الخليعَ بِخَلْعِ
43. My side honored, my truth nurtured
How I've tasted brine, and others nearly
٤٣. أَيها السِّيد الذي كل من جاء
راه يَعْيا وكل من قام يُقْعِي
44. Drained oceans dry down to the last gulp
If I've thirsted and hungered, in your comforts
٤٤. أَنا أَرجو وأَنت صبحيَ أَن ينـ
ـجاب ليلٌ خفيتُ منه بقَطعْ
45. Quench and feed me, for my relief
When you remain true to me, I will exchange
٤٥. ويَرى منك حَاسِدي وعَدُوِّي
جانبي مُكْرَماً وحقِّيَ مَرْعى
46. My tight existence for a capacious life
٤٦. كم أَمُصُّ الثماد وحْدي وغيري
كادَ يُفْنِي البحرَ المحيطَ بجرْع
٤٧. ولئن كنتُ قد عطشتُ وقد جعـ
ـتُ فمن راحتيك ريِّي وشبْعي
٤٨. وإِذا ما بقيتَ لي فسأَلْقى
مِن زماني تبديل ضيقٍ بوسْع