1. We blamed the days before his appearance,
So he blamed us until we apologized for blaming.
١. عَتِبْنا على الأَيَّامِ قبل ظُهوره
فأَعْتَبَنا حتى اعْتَذَرْنَا مِن الْعَتْب
2. He is feared and hoped for, whether in peace or war,
Generous when peaceful, and fierce when in combat.
٢. يُخافُ ويُرجى صَوْلةً وسماحَةً
إِذا جَادَ في سَلْمٍ وإِنْ صال في حَرْب
3. In war they told him, "O destroyer of enemies!"
In peace they told him, "O uncovered of clouds!"
٣. فقيل له في الحرْبِ يا مُهلكَ العِدا
وقِيل له في السِّلْم يا فاضِحَ السُّحْبِ
4. The blows of his might are feared though he smiles,
And his swords are dreaded though close at hand.
٤. تُخافُ عوادي بأْسِه وهْو ضَاحِكٌ
ويُرهَبُ من أَسيافِه وَهْي في القُرْب
5. He enslaves the free with generosity and joy,
And aids those with desire before armies.
٥. ويَستعبِدُ الأَحرارَ بالبَذْل واللَّهىَ
ويُنصر من قَبْلِ العَساكِر بالرُّغْب
6. His enemies wish to become his subjects,
To be close to him, safe from harm.
٦. تودُّ عِداه أَن تكونَ رعِيَّةً
لِتعدُو لديه وهْي آمنةُ السِّرْب
7. The sun in awe of his station,
When setting to the west, bows to the west.
٧. تُرى الشَّمسُ من إِجلالها لمحلِّه
إِذا ما دَنَتْ للغرب تَسْجُد للغَرْب