
O you who is delighted whenever

يا ذا الذي يطربه كلما

1. O you who is delighted whenever
It is said to him that so-and-so is ill

١. يا ذا الَّذِي يُطْرِبُه كُلَّما
قيل له إِنَّ فُلاناً سَقِيمْ

2. Then when it is said to him that he
Has recovered, he returns like the healthy one

٢. ثُمَّ إِذا قيل له إِنَّهُ
عادَ سلِيماً عادَ مِثلَ السَّلِيم

3. O you whose laughter makes him weep for himself
And whose mention of the old tales is endless

٣. يا ضُحْكَةً يَبْكي على نَفْسِهِ
ويا حدِيثاُ ذِكْرُهُ في القَدِيمْ

4. You are diseased, so do me a favor and
Speak straightforwardly and clearly

٤. أَنت من الداءِ فدَايَ فلا
تحْردِ فقولي واضِحٌ مستقيمْ

5. My father is like Abraham in his sacrifice
And they gave him good news of a forbearing boy

٥. أَبي كإِبراهيمَ في نُسْكِه
وبشَّروهُ بغلامٍ حليمْ

6. And that is me, so understand, and it is inevitable
That I will be ransomed, and far be it from you, with a great ram.

٦. وهْوَ أَنا فافْهمْ ولا بدّ أَنْ
أُفْدَى وحاشَاك بكبشٍ عظيم