
With myself is a girl whose branch writes

بنفسي فتاة يكتب الغصن إن مشت

1. With myself is a girl whose branch writes
If she walked to its length from her loving servant

١. بنفسي فتاةٌ يكتبُ الغصنُ إِن مَشَتْ
إِلى قدِّها الميَّاسِ مِن عَبْدِ عَبْدِها

2. And I have a body that remains imprisoned by its impediment
Until it recounted in sickness what adorned her cheek

٢. ولي جَسدٌ ما زال مأْسورَ صَدِّها
إِلى أَن حَكَى في السُّقْم ماسُورَ خدِّها

3. I liken that cheek of hers to an ember
And the adornment of the imprisoned is rising to meet it

٣. أُشبِّه ذاك الخَدَّ منها بِجَمْرةٍ
وشابورةُ الماسُورِ طالعُ نَدِّهَا