
I see Galen's medicine is for the body alone,

أرى طب جالينوس للجسم وحده

1. I see Galen's medicine is for the body alone,
While the medicine of Abū ʿImrān is for the mind and body.

١. أَرى طِبَّ جالينوسَ للجسمِ وحده
وطبُّ أَبي عمرانَ للعقل والجِسْمِ

2. If only he had healed the times with his knowledge,
He would have cured it of the disease of ignorance with learning.

٢. فلو أَنَّه طَبَّ الزمانَ بعلْمِه
لأَبْرأَه من داءِ الجهالَةِ بالْعِلْمِ

3. And if the full moon of perfection were one who could heal him,
It would complete for him what he claims of perfection.

٣. ولو كان بدرُ التِّم مَنْ يستطبه
لتَّم له ما يدَّعيه من التِّم

4. And it would heal him on the day of perfection from any fraud in him,
And cure him on the day of secrets from illness.

٤. وداوَاه يوم التِّم من كَلَفٍ به
وأَبرأَه يومَ السِّرارِ من السُّقْم