
My love for her has returned as it began,

أما الغرام بها فعاد كما بدا

1. My love for her has returned as it began,
And her crescent, like her cheek, misleads as it guides.

١. أَمَّا الغَرامُ بِها فعادَ كَمَا بَدا
وهِلاَلُ وَجْنَتِها أَضَلَّ كَما هَدى

2. A passion renewed by time like her beauty,
So both will be seen ever renewed.

٢. عِشقٌ يُجَدِّدُه الزَّمانُ كَحُسْنِها
فكِلاَهُما أَبَداً تَراهُ مُجَدَّداً

3. Oh long is my concealed love for the beloved!
For my eyes still see him though he's far.

٣. يا طولَ عِشْقِي لِلْحَبيبِ مُقَنَّعاً
إِذْ لاَ يزالُ يَراهُ طَرفِي أَمْرَدَا

4. A lover whose foe was cruel to a tender love -
Which of them then is guilty of wrong?

٤. وحبيبةٍ رقَّ العَدُوُّ وَقَد قَستْ
ظُلْماً فأَيُّهمَا يُعَدُّ مِن الْعِدَى

5. Her eyes called to me loudly,
And my heart answered ere my ears heard the call.

٥. نادت ملاحَتُها عليها جهرَةً
فأَجاب قَلْبي قَبْلَ أَنْ سَمِع النِّدَا

6. Like kohl, her eyes lined mine with black -
Why then do my eyes still appear darkened?

٦. كحْلاءُ ما كَحَلَتْ جُفُونِي بالْكَرَى
فَعَلامَ تُبْصِرُهَا جُفونِي مِرْوَدَا

7. Kohl above kohl - and she needed it not,
Save to water my heart with passion made new.

٧. كُحْلٌ عَلى كَحَلٍ ومَا احْتَاجَتْ لَهُ
إِلاَّ لِتَسْقِينيَ السُّلافَ مُوَلَّدَا

8. Time has not rusted her sword of allure -
But on her lips I saw the tatters.

٨. لم تصدئ الأَيَّامُ سيفَ لِحَاظِها
لكِنْ عَلَى الشَّفَتَين أَبْصَرْتُ الصَّدا

9. What have women to do with bearing arms?
Or have your lashes borne the litter?

٩. ما لِلنِّسَاءِ وللسِّلاحِ وَحَمْلِهِ
أَوَمَا جُفونُكِ قَدْ حَمَلْنَ مُهَنَّدَا

10. And if they've borne the litter in sedition,
It's only right they should go forth unsaddled!

١٠. وإِذا حَمَلْنَ مُهَنَّداً فِي فِتْنَةٍ
فَمِنَ الضَّرورَةِ أَنْ يَكُون مُجَرَّدا

11. My pledge, after your distance, binds me still
To my claim on you - let the rest fall as it may.

١١. عَهْدِي بطيفِك بَعْدَ بُعْدِكِ قَاضِياً
حقِّي عليكِ فَما عَدا فِيما بَدا

12. "Raise the beautiful!" - and it began with her;
Or isn't one commanded to begin with beauty?

١٢. رفع الجميلُ وكان مبتدئاً به
أَوَ لَيْسَ قَدْ أَمَرُوا بِرَفْعِ المُبْتَدا

13. Time knew my disdain for punning,
And so refused to pair scimitar and kindness.

١٣. عَلِمَ الزَّمانُ عَنِ الجِناسِ تَرَفُّعِي
فَلِذَاكَ مَا جَمع الجِدَايةَ والجَدَى

14. Oh you fault-finders, through whom would one sleep troubled
By you, and wake happy your love to see?

١٤. يا عاذِلين وَكَومْ يبيتُ مفنِّدا
بِكُمُ ويُبْصِرُها فَيُصْبِح مُسعِدَا

15. Passion swore by her while you were absent
In censure - and the lovers bore witness!

١٥. قَسَم الغَرَامُ بِها وَكُنْتُم غُيَّباً
في العَذلِ والعشَّاقِ كَانُوا شُهَّداً

16. Your fairness imprisons you - yet they
Sold it, and bought error with guidance.

١٦. حبسٌ عليكمُ عدْلُكم لكنَّهمْ
بَاعُوه واشْتَروُا الضَّلالةَ بِالْهُدى

17. The ardent king does not turn back from passion,
Nor the mighty king retract the promise.

١٧. لا يَرْجعُ الكَلِفُ المشوقُ عَنِ الْهَوى
أَو يَرْجعُ الملكُ العَزِيزُ عَنِ النَّدَى

18. Never will he go against his nature -
The loftiest of kings, highest in rank and most generous.

١٨. هيهَاتَ يَرْجعُ عَنْ سَجِيِّةِ خَلْقِه
أَعْلَى الملوكِ سَماً وأَنْداهُم يَداً

19. King of kings - though you hear another claimed,
Take what you see and reckon him passed.

١٩. مَلكُ الملوكِ وإِن سمعتَ بِغَيْرِه
خُذْ مَا تَرَاهُ وعَدَّ قَدْ عَدا

20. And if you reach the clouds before him,
Know you've not attained his lofty heights.

٢٠. وإِذا وصلْتَ إِلى السَّحائِب قَبْلَه
فاعْلَم بِأَنَّك ما نَقَعْتَ بِها صَدَى

21. Kings worship his face with their faces,
And their grandees abase themselves before him.

٢١. تعنُو الملوكُ لِوجْهِهِ بوجُوهِها
وتَظَلُّ سادَتُها لَديْه أَعْبُدا

22. To him they come in meekness when they come meekly,
And before him they fall prostrate when they prostrate.

٢٢. وإِلَيْه تَأْتِي حِين تَأْتِي خُشَّعاً
وعلَيْه تَدْخُل حِينَ تَدْخُل سُجَّدا

23. Thus you see their gifts brought by his glory,
And their power eclipsed by his power.

٢٣. فترى مَواهِبَها بِنَائِلِه هَبَا
وَتَرى سِيَادَتَها بِسؤْدُدِه سُدَى

24. Willingly or not they come, obedient,
Whether wealthy or destitute.

٢٤. يأْتونَه طَوْعاً وَكَرْهاً طائعٌ
ورَدَ الغِنَى أَوْ كَارِهٌ وَرَدَ الرَّدَى

25. He gives the lands of the obedient generously
Since he is too lofty to be meanly giv'n.

٢٥. ويُنيلُ طائعَها البلادَ تكرُّما
لَمَّا ترفَّع أَنْ يُنيلَ العَسْجَدا

26. And he makes the defiant taste punishment, for he
Has wronged creation or transgressed against it.

٢٦. وَيُذيقُ عاصيَة العذابَ لأَنَّه
للخلقِ عَادَى أَو عَلى الخلقِ اعْتَدَى

27. And for many a wilful rebel
He forgives, though intending fully to punish.

٢٧. ولرُبّ جان قد جَنَى مُتَعَمِّداً
فَتَراهُ عَنْهُ قد عَفَا مُتَعَمِّداً

28. The king of foes - revered and beloved!
Until you wish to be sacrificed for his sake.

٢٨. ملكَ الأَعَادِي هيبةً ومحبَّةً
حتى تودَّ بأَنْ تكونَ له الفِدَا

29. A star rose; a full moon appeared; a sword flashed;
A sea raged; a cloud threatened; a lion charged -

٢٩. نَجْمٌ علاَ بَدْرٌ بدا سيفٌ سَطا
بَحْر طَمَا غيثٌ هَمَى لَيْثٌ عَدَا

30. By his resolve that will not be sated
Until the galaxy is its watering hole.

٣٠. لِله عَزْمَتُه الَّتِي لاَ تَرْتَوِي
حَتَّى تكُونَ لها المَجَرَّةُ مَوْرِدَا

31. And indeed he established religion after its decline
Through resolve that made the age rise and sit.

٣١. ولقد أَقام الدينَ بَعْد قُعودِه
عَزْمٌ أَقَام الدَّهرَ منه واَقْعَدا

32. His sword struck heads while sheathed -
Imagine then how it would be if he drew it bare!

٣٢. ضربَ الرِّقابَ وسيفُه في غِمْدِه
بأْساً فكَيْف تَظُنُّه لو جَرَّدَا

33. Beware of him whether selecting by merit
Or donning the swords for justice.

٣٣. إِيَّاكَ فَاحْذَرْ مِنْه إِمَّا في الحديـ
ـدِ إِذَا اجْتَبى أَوْ بِالْحُسام إِذَا ارْتَدى

34. He witnessed wars, of stoutest heart,
Fiercest in onslaught, and noblest in aspect.

٣٤. شهِد الحروبَ فكانَ أَشْجَع خَاطِراً
وأَشَدَّ عَارضَةً وأَكرَمَ مَشْهَدَا

35. Passionately he wields the sword in fray
And sees it as a cheek stained with blood.

٣٥. يهوَى الحُسَامَ من الضراب مغلجاً
ويراه خداً بالدماء موردا

36. In the day of battle he kneads the brave
With a burnished sword that hews the valiant.

٣٦. يعفر الشجعان في يومِ الوَغَى
بمُهَنَّدٍ يَذَرُ الشُّجَاعَ مُقَدَّدَا

37. A blow that drives through armour and mail
And splits saddle, steed and man.

٣٧. ضربٌ يَقُدُّ بِه الكميَّ ودِرْعَه
وبِدَادَه وجَوادَهُ وَالْجَلْمَدا

38. Kings fell short of what you carried,
And what through night vigil you perfected.

٣٨. عجزَ الملوكُ بما نهضتَ بحمْلهِ
وسهرتَ فيه حِينَ باتُوا هُجَّدا

39. You satisfied your Lord in guarding his religion,
And gladdened Jesus when you supported Muhammad.

٣٩. أَرضيتَ رَبَّكَ في حِرَاسَةِ دينهِ
وسَرَرْتَ عِيسى إِذْ نَصَرْتَ مُحَمَّدا

40. No kingdoms attained what you attained
In the prime of youth, after the length of days.

٤٠. ما نالَت الأَملاكُ ما قد نلتَ في
عصرِ الشَّبابِ وبَعْدمَا بَعُد المَدَى

41. All avert their gaze from you in awe
As from the sun whose glare the sightless bear.

٤١. كلٌّ يَغُضُّ الطرفَ عنكَ مَهابَةً
كالشَّمسِ يُبصرها بِعَيْنَيْ أَرْمَدا

42. The traces of your justice in the land are followed,
And your excellent governance is emulated.

٤٢. آثارُ عدلِك في البَرِيَّةِ تُقْتَفَى
وَبِدِين فَضْلِكَ في السياسة يقتدي

43. He who sought to rival your glory died frustrated,
Whether he died or lived on embittered.

٤٣. من رام شأو علاك مات مفصصاً
إن مات أَوْ إِنْ عَاشَ عَاشَ مُنَكَّدَا

44. You are the sea, most excellent in calm waters,
You are time, most noble in aiming high.

٤٤. البحرُ أَنْتَ وأَنتَ أَنْدى رَاحَةً
والدَّهرُ أَنْتَ وأَنْتَ أَشرفُ مَحَتِدَا