1. A moon spent the night between my magic and slaughter,
And the steeds of tears flowed with a veil.
١. قمرٌ بات بَيْن سَحْري ونَحْرِي
وخُيولُ الدموع باللثمِ تجْري
2. So how many times did my tears separate
What was between his mouth and what was between my mouth.
٢. فلكَم فرَّقَتْ دُموعِيَ ما بَيْـ
ـنَ ثَغْرِه ومَا بَيْن ثَغْري
3. My anguish in life is from the fear of distance,
And my crying during union is from the fear of abandonment.
٣. جَزعي في الدُّنوِّ من خوفِ بُعدٍ
وبكائِي في الوصْلِ من خَوْفِ هَجْرِ
4. By the life of the beloved, the beloved of the soul
Is more delicious to the soul than Umm Amr.
٤. فلعمرُ الحبيبِ إِنَّ حبيبَ النَّفْسِ
أَشْهى للنَّفْسِ مِنْ أُمِّ عَمْرِو
5. And he ransomed an estate on the Nile alone,
Each quarter for the family of Mayyah is empty.
٥. وفَدى مَنزلاً على النيل فَرْداً
كُلُّ ربعٍ لآلِ ميّةَ قَفْرِ
6. Never has an elder cat traveled, and the riding animals
Of passion did not embark except to Egypt.
٦. كَلَفِي قَطُّ لَمْ يُسافِر ومَا خَفَّ
رِكَابُ الغَرامِ إِلا لمصرِ
7. And the desire of my soul is to me a charming gazelle
Who returned as a full moon though he lacked the teeth of a full moon.
٧. ومُنى النَّفْسِ عندي ظبيٌ غريرٌ
عادَ بدْراً وما حَوى سِنَّ بَدْر
8. We have not heard of the full moon completing in ten days,
Nor have four come after ten.
٨. ما سَمِعْنا بالبدرِ يَكْملُ في عشرٍ
ولم تَأْتِ أَربعٌ بَعْدَ عَشْر
9. I am slipping in patience from him,
And my heart is plucked from youthfulness.
٩. إِنني مُمْلِقٌ من الصَّبرِ عَنْه
وفُؤادي من الصَّبابَة مُثْرى
10. And if the Lord of the night of union prevented me,
I will return from its brightness the night of the full moon.
١٠. ولَئِن صدَّ رُبَّ ليلةِ وَصْلٍ
رَجَعت من سَناهُ ليلةَ بَدْرِ
11. My night was not grazed by the dawn of life,
Rather it is grazed from it at noon.
١١. لَم تُرَع لَيْلَتي بفجرِ مُحيا
هُ ولكِنْ تُراعُ منه بِظُهر
12. So we drank from the wine twice over,
Which purified the heart from the burning of every vein.
١٢. فشَرِبْنَا مِن المُدامَة شَفْعاً
أَخلصَ القلبَ مِن جَوى كُلِّ وَتْر
13. I was drunk from his saliva and his eyes,
So when I drank it, my drunkenness went away.
١٣. كنتُ من ريقهِ وعيْنَيْه سكرا
ناً فلما شرِبْتُها زَالَ سُكْرِي
14. So I got healing from my intoxication, and it was said:
The cure for intoxication is drinking wine.
١٤. فتدَاويتُ من خُماري وقد قيل
دَواءُ الخُمار في شُرب خمر
15. I guarded the wine of union in a cup of an eyelid,
In it there is breakage; indeed I brought magic.
١٥. صنتُ خَمْرَ اللِّحاظِ في كَأْسِ جَفْنٍ
فيه كَسْرٌ لقد أَتيت بِسحْر
16. O commander over hearts, when will you
Look into my story and uncover my matter?
١٦. يا أَميراً على القلوبِ متى تنـ
ـظُر في قِصَّتي وتكْشِفُ أَمْرِي
17. For you is my description, my blame, and for the most virtuous,
My master of mankind, my praise and thanks.
١٧. لك منِي وصْفِي وذَمِّي وللأَفـ
ـضلِ مولَى الأَنامِ مَدْحِي وشُكْري
18. In you I spent some of my composition, and I
Am spending in it all of my prose and poetry.
١٨. فيك أَنفقتُ بعضَ نَظْمي وإِنِّي
منفِقٌ فيه كلَّ نظمي ونَثْرِي
19. A king whose name is Ali, but
His cunning in his wars is the cunning of Amr.
١٩. ملكٌ اسمُه عليٌّ ولكن
كيدُه في حروبه كيدُ عَمْرِو
20. He does not cease between violent killing and conquest
When he alternates between blade and victory.
٢٠. ليسَ ينفَكُّ بين فتكٍ وفتح
حينَ يَخْتَال بينَ نَصْل ونَصْر
21. His face is the full moon in wars, and do not
Be surprised if his day is the day of Badr.
٢١. وجْهُه البدْرُ في الحروب ولا تعـ
ـجَب إِذا كان يومُه يومَ بَدْرِ
22. He mixed valor with benevolence, so you see fate
Flowing from him with benefit and harm.
٢٢. مزجَ الْبَأْسَ بالنَّدى فترى الأَقـ
ـدارَ تَجْري مِنْه بنفعٍ وضُرِّ
23. His day for whoever hopes in him
Is a feast of breaking fast, and in fighting is a feast of sacrifice.
٢٣. يومُه في النَّدى لمن يَرْتَجيه
عيدُ فطرٍ وفي العِدا عيدُ نحْرِ
24. He captured the covered in blessings with grace, so wonder
At a captive between grace and captivity.
٢٤. أَسرَ المعتفين بالمَنِّ فاعْجب
لأَسير ما بينَ مَنٍّ وأَسْرِ
25. So his enemies are shackled, and his loyalists
With two chains of iron and gold.
٢٥. فَمُعادِيه موثَقٌ ومُواليهِ
بقيدين من حَديدِ وَتِبْرِ
26. Acceptor of the kingdom and youth, so there is no boredom
Of a youthful kingdom and life.
٢٦. مُقْبِلُ الملكِ والشَّباب فلا زا
لَ مملَّى شبابَ مُلْكٍ وعُمْرِ
27. The kingdom settled with him for a rest,
And the faith took refuge with him for a home.
٢٧. سكنَ الملكُ عنده في مَقيلٍ
وثَوى الدِّين عندَه في مَقَرِّ
28. So he is for the kingdom a repeller of every affliction,
And he is for the faith a mender of every fracture.
٢٨. فهُو للملك دافعٌ كلَّ خطْب
وهْوَ للدِّين جَابرٌ كُلَّ كَسْر
29. Every kingdom vanished to his kingdom,
And every power crouched to his power.
٢٩. فتوارَى لملكه كُلُّ مَلْك
وتَطَاطَا لقدره كُلُّ قدر
30. His face is the most auspicious of faces for the faith,
Just as his time is the best of times.
٣٠. وجْهُه أَيْمَن الوُجوهِ عَلى الدِّين
كَمَا أَنَّ عَصْره خَيرُ عَصْرِ
31. And if his resolve vanquished every valor,
Then his age surely prevailed over every age.
٣١. ولَئِنْ شَادَ عَزْمُه كُلَّ عِزٍّ
فَلَقدْ سَادَ دَهْرُه كُلَّ دَهرِ
32. The heavens of sublime qualities were adorned with him
With stars of merits blossoming.
٣٢. زُيِّنَتْ عنده سماءُ المعالِي
بنجومٍ من المناقِب زُهْرِ
33. And his magnificent kingdoms were illuminated by him
With the full moon of glory and the lion of strategy.
٣٣. وتجلَّت منه ممالِكُه الغُرُّ
ببدرِ النَّادي وليث الْمكَرِّ
34. He sits in power and his gifts
To people and lands are flowing.
٣٤. هو في الدَّسْتِ جَالِسٌ وعَطايا
هُ إِلى الخَلْقِ والأَقاليم تَسْرِي
35. I am one to whom it flowed and crossed
Every righteousness and traversed every sea.
٣٥. أَنا مِمَّن سَرت إِليه وجَازَتْ
كلَّ برٍّ وجَاوَزَتْ كلَّ بَحْر
36. It called upon me every night with morning
And came to me in every hardship with ease.
٣٦. طرقَتْني في كُلِّ ليلٍ بصبحٍ
وأَتَيْتني في كُلِّ عُسْر بيُسرِ
37. His mention of me despite the distance is sublime;
My status in the wilderness is certainly sublime.
٣٧. جلَّ مقدارُ ذكرِه لِي عَلَى البُعْدِ
لَقَدْ جَلَّ في البَرِيَّة قَدْري
38. And the matter demanded from him my poetry, so I sent
To him according to the demand my poetry.
٣٨. واقتضَى الأَمرُ منه شِعْري فأَرسلتُ
إِليه بمقتَضَى الأَمرِ شِعْرِي
39. Every praise in it, so you I mean,
And with the names of whom I praised I signal.
٣٩. كلُّ مدحٍ فيه فإِيَّاكَ أَعْنِي
وبأَسماءِ مَنْ مَدحْت أُوَرِّي
40. You guided me to you, but you confused
My thinking in praising you.
٤٠. أَنتَ أَرْشَدتَني إِليكَ ولكنـ
ـكَ حيَّرت في مَديحِكَ فكْري