
If my beloved's sickness was in my body,

لو كان سقم حبيب القلب في بدني

1. If my beloved's sickness was in my body,
It would be more suitable for me, or more merciful to me.

١. لو كان سُقْمُ حَبيبِ القلبِ في بدني
لكان أَوْفَقَ لي أَوْ كَان أَرفقَ بي

2. The sickness increased his beauty, it increased my torment,
So I became distressed by him, and at war.

٢. قد زادَه السُّقْمُ حُسْنَاً زادني كلفاً
فَصِرْت في طَرَبٍ منه وفي حَرَب

3. A fire inflamed him, and that color was from gold,
And fire is known to enhance gold.

٣. حُمَّاه نارٌ وذاك اللَّوْنُ من ذَهبٍ
والنَّارُ تُعرَفُ بالتحسينِ للذَّهب

4. How can he have cold and fever together?
This is from his cheek, or this is from his mouth.

٤. أَنَّى له البردُ والحمَّى مُغافِصةٌ
هذا من الخدِّ أَو هذا من الشَّنب

5. Indeed, that gap from his waist has increased,
As that cheek blazed from flame.

٥. لقد تزايدَ ذاكَ الثَّغْرُ من خصَرٍ
كما توقَّدَ ذاكَ الخدُّ من لَهب

6. O you, who finds it difficult to kiss him,
Inflamed out of fear for my heart from anger.

٦. يا من يَعزُّ عليه أَن تقبِّله
حُمَّاه خَوْفاً على قَلْبي من الغَضَب

7. I call you by the eclipsed sun, not the moon,
For the sun is feverish, so be content with this title.

٧. أَدْعُوك بالشَّمس لاَ بالبدْرِ مُنْكَسِفاً
فالشَّمسُ محمومَةٌ فاسْعد بِذَا اللَّقب

8. I hint but do not name whom I was burdened with,
And if I hinted, then my beloved is from the Arabs.

٨. أَكني ولست أُسَمِّي من كَلِفْتُ به
وإِن كنيتُ فمَحْبُوبي من العَرب

9. One who disdains cups of pure wine,
And craves the milking of milk in jugs.

٩. ممَّن يَعافُ كئوسَ الخمرِ صافِيةً
ويَشْتهي حَلَب الأَلْبانِ في الْعُلبَ

10. My eyelid involuntarily twitches because of him,
So the stamp of beauty on him is not fabricated.

١٠. تكسُّر الجفنِ منه غيرُ مفْتَعل
فطابَعُ الحسنِ منه غيرُ مُكْتَسبِ