
I saw your glance on the day of parting as it inclined,

رأيت طرفك يوم البين حين همى

1. I saw your glance on the day of parting as it inclined,
So my tears became lips and the kohl of my eyelids was erased.

١. رأَيتُ طرفكَ يوم الْبَيْنِ حين هَمَى
فالدَّمعُ ثغرٌ وتكحيلُ الجُفُونِ لَمَى

2. So stop blaming me when I kiss it,
For I did not doubt that I had kissed a mouth.

٢. فاكفُف ملامَك عنِّي حين أَلْثُمُه
فما شككتُ بأَنِّي قد لثمتُ فَمَا

3. If he knew along with my knowledge his harshness,
The heart would not have suffered from the sting of blame.

٣. لو كان يَعلَمُ مع عِلْمِي بقسوتِه
تأَلَّم القلبِ من وَخْزِ الملاَمِ لَما

4. He glanced at me, so the reproachers cried "He glanced!"
But I do not say "He glanced," rather I say "He shot."

٤. رنا إِليَّ فقال العاذلون رَنَا
وما أَقولُ رَنا لكن أَقول رَمى

5. He shot me and made me deaf, and if he had not shot love,
Do you not see my leanness in his love, indeed?

٥. رمَى فأَصمى ولو لم يَرْمِ متُّ هوىً
أَما ترونَ نُحولي في هَواهُ أَمَا

6. And he kept my eyelids from the insomnia of concerns,
Yet I did not see the gazelle attributed to him as forbidden.

٦. وبات يَحْمي جُفوني عَنْ طروق كرىً
ولم أَرَ الظَّبيَ منسوباً إِليه حِمى

7. And he turned away the bird of my heart the day he bid me farewell.
O idol of beauty, you made it a sanctuary for him.

٧. وصاد طائرَ قلبي يوم ودَّعني
يا كعبةَ الحُسْن قد أَحْلَلْتِه حَرَما

8. O idol whose beauty's mark remained a pebble in it,
How much do I circumambulate it and how much do I touch it reverently!

٨. يا كعبةً ظلَّ فيها خالُها حجراً
كم ذا أَطوفُ وكم أَلْقاه مستلما

9. Since he saw my body kindled by the fire of passion,
The rays were seen glowing on his cheeks.

٩. مذ شَفّ جِسْمِيَ عن نار الغرام ضنىً
رُئِيَ الشُّعاعُ على خدَّيه مُضْطَّرما

10. And the cup of a mouth was healed by its softness,
So its dimples appeared arranged within it.

١٠. وشفَّ كأْسُ فمٍ منه لرقته
فلاحَ فيه حُبَابُ الثَّغْرِ مُنْتظِمَا

11. O heart-breaker, why did you name yourself heart-breaker when you broke it,
And its army you captured for the souls as booty?

١١. يا كَسرةَ الجفنِ لِمْ أَسْمَوْكِ كَسْرتَه
وجيشهُ بكِ للأَرواحِ قد غَنِما

12. Why did you tempt the souls as a plunderer,
If this was not due to a crime, then no crime.

١٢. ولِمْ أَغَرْتِ على الأَرواحِ ناهِبَةً
إِن كان ذلك عن جُرْمٍ فلا جَرَما

13. Your master surpassed the rulers of the earth altogether,
For he became the prince for whom they became servants.

١٣. مولاكِ فاق مِلاحَ الأَرض قاطبةً
فهْوَ الأَميرُ أَضْحَوا له حَشَما

14. I say as the wind raised its forelocks:
You became among them a prince; rather, for them a banner.

١٤. أَقولُ والرِّيحُ قد أَعْلَتْ ذوائِبَه
أَصبحتَ فيهمْ أَميراً بل لَهُمْ عَلَمَا

15. I complained of your apparition during its visitation,
For the likes of me cannot grow fat on pus.

١٥. شكوتُ طيفكَ في إِغبابِ زورته
لأَن مِثليَ لا يستَسْمن الوَرَمَا

16. Nor do I ask him for aid ever,
For the forbearing does not ask forbearance rudely.

١٦. ولستُ أَطلبُ منه رِفْدَةُ أَبداً
لأَن ذا الحِلْمِ لا يَسْتَرْفِد الحُلُما

17. Rather, I recall an old pact from you,
And perhaps forgot is the pact made long ago.

١٧. لكنَّ عهداً قديماً منكَ أَذكرُه
ورُبَّما نُسي العهدُ الذي قَدُما

18. My love for you increased manifold
And often the small thing became great.

١٨. وزاد حُبِّي أَضعافاً مضاعفَةً
وطالما صَغُر الشيءُ الذي عَظُما

19. I do not deny suspicion or blame,
Whoever knows love does not deny suspicions.

١٩. ولستُ أُنكر لا رَيْباً ولا تُهماً
من يَعْرفِ الحبَّ لا يستنكِر التُّهَما

20. Nor do I follow my love with boredom, as
The son of Ali does not regret his righteousness.

٢٠. ولست أُتبع حبِّي بالملال كما
لا يُتْبِع ابنُ عليِّ بِرَّه نَدَمَا

21. That most glorious one whose abodes
Are above the clouds and whose generosity reached its utmost,

٢١. ذاك الأَجلُّ الذي تلْقَى منازِله
فوقَ السِّماكِ وتلْقَى جُودَه أَكَمَا

22. The richest, most content, who gave to every beggar asking him,
And brought about generosity until he eliminated nothingness.

٢٢. أَغْنى وأَقْنى وأَعطَى سُؤْلَ سائِله
وأَوجَد الجودَ حتى أَعْدم العَدَما

23. The sea fell short of him, so it remains depressed,
Do you not see it clapping its waves in tumult?

٢٣. وقصَّر البحرُ عنه فهو مكتئبٌ
أَمَا تراه بكفَّيْ مَوْجِه الْتَطَما

24. The clouds poured down when they competed with him crying,
Do you not see the tears pouring from their eyelids joined together?

٢٤. وولَّت السُّحبُ إِذ جارته باكيةً
أَما ترى الدَّمعَ من أَجفانها انْسَجَما

25. If the son of Abi Sulma saw his gifts,
He would see the hump of an old camel like his name indicates.

٢٥. ولو رأَى ابنُ أَبي سُلمى مواهِبَه
رأَى جَدَا هَرمٍ مثل اسمه هَرِما

26. If he lent some of his traits to Shimam,
He would become in his burrow forbearant instead of hasty.

٢٦. ولو أَعار شَمَاماً من خَلائِقه
حلماً لأَصبح في عِرْنِينِه شَمَماً

27. And since I saw his spearhead penetrating,
I saw the spear give news of it decisively.

٢٧. ومذ رأَيت نَفاذاً في يَراعته
رأَيتُ بالرمح من أَخبارها صَمَماً

28. When the sublime pen rides his fingers,
It eclipses the Pleiades and illuminates the darkness and glooms.

٢٨. إِذا امتطى القلمَ العالي أَناملُه
جلا الطروسَ وجلَّى الظُّلمَ والظُّلمَا

29. God ordained good for him since he gave him a pen,
With which he brings about the decree and judgment.

٢٩. قَضَى له اللهُ مُذْ أَجْرى له قَلَماً
بالسَّعْدِ مِنْه وَقَدْ أَجْرى به الْقَلَما

30. The pillar-like right hand which encompassed a pen,
And it is the pillar of a kingdom it inscribed.

٣٠. ذاتُ العِمادِ يمينٌ قد حَوَتْ قَلَماً
وهو العمادُ لمُلْكٍ قد حَكَى إِرَما

31. It shows you the Pleiades in the horizon blossoming,
And the meadow's flowers can be seen through it smiling.

٣١. يُريك في الطَّرسِ وهْوَ الأُفْقُ زاهرةً
وقد يُرى منه زهرُ الرَّوضِ مُبْتَسِما

32. It registers victory through its regiments,
And we have heard no other numbering except his numbering.

٣٢. ويَرْقُم الوشيَ فيه من كتائِبه
وما سَمِعنا سِواه أَرْقَماً رَقَما

33. Its lines and their meanings which hid
Are the veils, and behind them are the cranes.

٣٣. سطورُه ومعانيها وما اسْتَتَرت
هُنَّ السُّتُور وهذي خَلْفَهُنَّ دُمَى

34. They coquettishly swayed though virgins, and no wonder,
For coquetry among its virgins is blameworthy.

٣٤. تبرَّجَتْ وهَيَ أَبكارٌ ولا عجب
إِنَّ التخفُّر من أَبكارها ذُمِماً

35. Pride of an era which Abd al-Rahim became through it,
Issuing rulings and judgments with wisdom and judgment.

٣٥. فخراً لِدَهْرٍ غدا عبدُ الرحيم به
بالأَمر والنَّهْي يُبْدي الحُكْم والحِكما

36. The highest of mankind whom they are inferior to in lineage and glory,
And the most magnanimous person whenever tired.

٣٦. أَسْمَى الوَرَى وهْوَ أَسْنَاهُمْ يداً وندى
وأَوسعُ النَّاسِ صدراً كلَّما سَئِما

37. The most flowing of people in truth in his leadership,
And the earliest of people in deserving it.

٣٧. وأَعْرَقُ النَّاسِ حقّاً في رِيَاستِه
وأَقدَمُ النَّاسِ في اسْتِحقاقِهَا قَدَمَا

38. Your Lord clothed you in light from His majesty,
Which meets the envious and clothes the onlookers in blindness.

٣٨. كساكَ ربُّك نوراً من جَلالَتِه
يَلقى الحسودَ فيكسو ناظِريْهِ عَمَى

39. In the breast the moon gleams when it rose high,
And the rain when it inclined, and the sea when it surged.

٣٩. يلُوحُ في الصَّدْرِ منه البدرُ حين سَما
والغيثُ حين هَمَى والبَحْرُ حين طَمَا

40. He smiles shyly and is too shy for his awe,
So he cannot be addressed reverently when he smiles.

٤٠. يُغْضِي حياءَ ويُغْضَى من مهابته
فما يُكَلَّم إِجلالاً إِذا ابتسما

41. Since I held to a rope from His care,
I reconciled my fate so I did not increase for it any blame.

٤١. لما عَلِقْتُ بحبلْ من عِنايَتهِ
صالحْتُ دَهْري فلم أُوسع له ذَمَمَا

42. And when my gaze met the good fortune of its rising,
I saw my gaze in the horizon of highness as a star.

٤٢. وحين طاله طرفي سَعْدَ طلْعَتِه
رأَيتُ طرْفي في أَفق العلاَ نَجَما

43. The feet of the powerful used to serve me,
So I became one who sees the powers serving me.

٤٣. وكان قَدْماً ذَوُو الأَقدارِ لي خَدما
فصرتُ منه أَرَى الأَقدار لي خَدما

44. O excellent sincere friend whose speech
I comprehend, and the purpose is understood.

٤٤. يأَيُّها الفاضلُ الصِّديق منطقُه
إِنِّي عَتيقُكَ والمقصودُ قَدْ فُهِما

45. You have restored for the slave when you returned to him
A spirit and destroyed for him enemies utterly.

٤٥. أَعَدْتَ للعبدِ لما جئتَ عائِدَهُ
رُوحاً وأَهلكتَ من حُسَّاده أُمَمَا

46. You left for me envious enemies in my infirmity,
And how they wished for me maladies and sickness!

٤٦. تركتهمْ ليَ حُساداً على سَقَمِي
وكَمْ تمنَّوْا لي الأَدْواءَ والسَّقَمَا

47. So I said, I have nothing to do with them, then You said to them:
Do not wish safety, for this slave is safe.

٤٧. فقلتُ ما بي إِليهم ثم قُلْتَ لهُم
لا تَسْلمُوا إِنَّ هذا العبدَ قد سَلِمَا

48. A favor from You raised my value among them,
And a blessing from You raised it above them to the highest point.

٤٨. تفضُّلٌ منك أَعْلَى بينهم قِيمي
ومِنَّةٌ منكَ أَعْلَتْ فوقَهُم قِمَمَا

49. Grant me some words to praise you with them, stingily,
For You have destroyed me, O Most Generous!

٤٩. هبْلي من القول ما أُثني عيك بِه
بُخْلاً فإِنَّك قد أَهلكتَني كَرَما

50. My gratitude for Your blessings is a debt I owe,
And ingratitude with me is to thank for the blessings.

٥٠. شُكْرِي لِنُعْمَاك دَيْنٌ لي أَدِينُ به
والكُفْرُ عِنْدِيَ أَن أَشْكُرَ النِّعما