
Had she kept contacting me, I'd not have died,

لو واصلتني يوما لم أمت أبداً

1. Had she kept contacting me, I'd not have died,
Or hadn’t she contacted me, so let me die for her as I have lived.

١. لو وَاصَلَتْنِيَ يَوْماً لم أَمُتْ أَبَداً
أَوْ لَمْ تَصِلْنِي فَيا مَوْتِي بها كمَدا

2. To whom should I bequeath the inheritance of passion for her?
Never! Never! I’d please no one with her.

٢. لِمَنْ أُوصِي بميراثِ الغَرامِ لَها
هَيْهات هَيْهاتَ لاَ أَرْضَى لَها أَحَداً

3. And my passion has countless tears,
How can I count what I've not counted?

٣. ومِنْ غَرامِي دموعٌ ما لها عَدَدٌ
وكَيْفَ أَسْخُو بِما لَمْ أُحْصِه عَدَدا

4. And if you doubt that I've been killed by her,
Consult fate or ask the spy.

٤. وإِنْ تَشَكَّكتَ أَنِّي قد قُتِلتُ بها
فاسْتَقْسمِ الدَّلَّ أَو فَاسْتَشْهِد الغَيَدا

5. For her mouth, cheek, and figure
Have over me wreaked havoc as desire wished.

٥. فثغرُها ومُحيَّاها وقامَتُها
كانوا عليَّ كَما شاءَ الْهَوى لُبَدَا

6. I was bewitched by that eye that never slept
And burned by that cheek that never cooled.

٦. وقد سُحِرْتُ بِتلكَ الْعَيْنِ لاَ قَذِيتْ
كما احْتَرقْتُ بِذَاك الخَدِّ لا خَمَدا

7. Her mouth's denial of my blood is fruitless,
For her cheek has testified to the judge of beauty.

٧. وليس يَنْفعُ فَاهَا جحدُه لِدَمِي
وخَدُّها عِنْد قَاضِي الحسنِ قَدْ شَهدا

8. I have seen each wonder of her coquetry
To the point I saw wine and cold in her mouth.

٨. رأَِيت كُلَّ عجيبٍ من مَلاحَتها
حتَّى رأَيتُ بِفيها الخَمْرَ والبَرَدَا

9. Had it not been for her eyelashes, who'd have taught the gazelle coquetry
Or the branch grace without her swaying gait?

٩. من علَّمَ الظَّبيَ لولا طرفُها حوراً
وعلَّم الغُصْن لولا قَدُّها مَيدَا

10. The full moon is shamefaced at the sight of her
And the pale narcissus complains of eye disease.

١٠. لم تبْدُ للبدرِ إِلا واسْتَحَى خَجَلاً
والنرجِسِ الغَضِّ إِلاَّ وَاشْتَكَى رَمَدا

11. While unaware, her eyes asleep are dearer to me
Than my own awake, however bleary.

١١. وعينُها وهي لا تَدْري وإِن رقدت
أَعَزُّ عِنْديَ مِنْ طَرْفِي وَإِن سَهَدَا

12. Tell Heaven I have found no bliss in you,
My joy in you is done, completely spent.

١٢. قولُوا لِجنِّةِ عَدْنٍ وهْيَ قَاتِلتي
مَا لِي رأَيْتُ نَعِيمي فِيكِ قَدْ نَفَدَا

13. She said: “My beauty is a blessing if it lasts,
And if you want me, become a body.”

١٣. قَالَت فإِنِّي بِحُسنِي نعمةٌ حَسُنَتْ
وإِنْ أَرَدْتَ وصَالاً لي فكن جِسَداً

14. While you weep dewdrops during daytime,
Rarely do sun and dew combine.

١٤. وأَنتَ يَوْمَ نَدىً بالدَّمع تَهْطِله
وقلَّما اجْتَمَعَتْ شَمْسٌ ويَوْمُ نَدَى

15. My eyes lowered not out of pride when I saw her,
But in awe of that beauty, humbly bent.

١٥. ما أَطرقَ الطرفُ منِّي يومَ رُؤيتها
كِبْراً ولكن لذاك الحُسْنِ قَد سَجَدَا

16. My heart stirred not with joy for her,
But quaked for fear of parting from her.

١٦. كذاك قَلْبي لَمْ يَخْفِق بها مَرَحا
وإِنَّما خاف يَومَ الْبَيْن فَارْتَعدا

17. Through love a man's slave becomes his master,
And a gazelle contends until it bests a lion.

١٧. بالحُبِّ يَرجعُ عبدُ المرءِ سيَّدَه
ويَجْتري الظَّبْيُ حتَّى يفرسَ الأَسَدَا

18. She wondered: “Did I tell her of my tears
Or of my panting breaths that blew the fires?”

١٨. قالت سلَوْتُ وما أَدْري أَأَعْلَمَها
بِذَاكَ دَمْعِيَ أَوْ أَنْفَاسِيَ الصُّعدا

19. She was cross with me - how many trails of tears
Her cheek left that scattered my tears' traces!

١٩. جارَتْ عَلَيَّ وسَلْ خَدِّي فكَم تَركَتْ
به طرائقَ مِنْ وبل البكا بددا

20. I see none worthy to kiss her smile
Save Abd al-Rahim's kiss, his hand.

٢٠. ولا أرى ذا هلاً من لثم مبسمها
إلا بلثمي من عبد الرّحيم يَدَا

21. A hand - if the rainclouds could kiss it,
They'd never thirst again.

٢١. يدٌ لَو أنَّ فَمَ الصَّادِي يُقَبِّلُها
ما كان يَظْمَأُ يوْماً بَعْدَهَا أَبَداً

22. A hand whose bounty makes the rain exclaim,
The sea ebb, and the night envy.

٢٢. يَدٌ تَسِحُّ فَقالَ الْغَيْثُ وا أَسفا
والْبَحرُ وا كمَدَا واللَّيْلُ وا حَسدَا

23. A hand with a fame like hers among all creatures,
Present for absent and witness alike.

٢٣. يَدٌ لها كاسمها في الخلقِ قاطبةً
تعمُّ من غَابَ مِنْهم عَنْه أَوْ شَهِدا

24. A hand - God's hand created it to spread grace
Or defeat my foe, or return a stray.

٢٤. يَدٌ يَدُ اللهِ صَاغَتْها لِيَبْسطِ ندىً
أَوْ كَفِّ عَدْوي عِداً أَوْ رَدِّ كَفِّ رَدَى

25. It gives oceans yet no cloudiness is seen,
Casts spells yet no sorcery manifests.

٢٥. يُعطِي البحارَ ولكِن لا تَرى كَدَرا
وينفُثُ السِّحرَ لكن لاَ تَرى عُقَدا

26. The best of all people, their lord and their superior -
Abd al-Rahim, none compared to him.

٢٦. خيرُ الأَنَامِ ومَولاَهُم وفاضِلُهم
عبدُ الرحيم ولا تَستَثْني لي أَحَداً

27. Of all who fixed affairs when damaged,
Rarely can what is damaged be fixed.

٢٧. مِنْ أَصْلَحَ الحالَ منهم بعدمَا فَسَدتْ
وقلَّما صَلُح الشِّيءُ الَّذِي فَسَدا

28. He awakened the fortune of the fortunate when it slumbered,
And who can wake good fortune if it sleeps?

٢٨. ونَبهَ السَّعدَ فيهم بَعْد رَقْدَتِه
ومَنْ يُنَبِّه جَفْن السَّعدِ إِنْ رَقَدا

29. He drove away devils in revolt,
And no revolting devil can be driven away.

٢٩. وردَّ عنهم شياطِيناً وقد مَردَت
وَلاَ مَرَدَّ لشيطانٍ إِذَا مَرَدا

30. They strive to fulfill their duty to him,
Yet his due cannot be paid, even in worship.

٣٠. هُمْ يَجْهدون لِيوفُوا حَقَّ نِعْمَتِهِ
وما يُوفَّى له حَقُّ ولو عُبِدَا

31. Those envious of him love him like loyalists -
Even the envious wish to be his ransom.

٣١. يُحِبُّه كَالْمُوالِي فيه حاسِدُه
حتى يَوَدَّ حَسودٌ أَنْ يَكُونَ فِدَى

32. Like sea in spate, rain in torrents,
Star in sky, full moon when it appears.

٣٢. كالْبَحْر حِين طَمَى والغيثِ حين هَمَى
والنَّجمِ حِين سَمَا والبَدْرِ حين بَدا

33. He sits invested while fates stand attendant -
Let one sit if he would sit as he did.

٣٣. في الدَّسْتِ يَقْعدُ والأَقدارُ قَائِنةٌ
مِنْ شَاءَ يَقعد فليقعدْ كما قَعدَا

34. Kings come to him in throngs,
Prostrating themselves at his door.

٣٤. تَأْتِي الملوكُ إِلى أَبْوابِه زُمَراً
ويَدخُلون عَلى أَبْوابِه سُجُدَا

35. They have seen Moses' fire in his insight
And come only to light their torch.

٣٥. قد آنسوا نَارَ مُوسى مِن بَديهته
فَما يَجيئُون إِلاَّ يَقْبِسون هُدى

36. They have composed panegyrics for him,
Yet they want his opinions for their codes.

٣٦. وحبَّروا فيه من مُدَّاحِه مِدَحا
لكن يُريدون مِنْ آرائِه الصَّفَدا

37. No person came to guide him
But was overwhelmed by his wisdom.

٣٧. ما جَاءَهُ بَشَر مِنْهم ليُرْشِدَه
إِلاَّ وَهَيَّاله مِنْ أَمْرِه رَشَدا

38. No kingdom prospered for a king
Unless he followed the path he took.

٣٨. ومَا استَقَامَت لِمَلْكٍ قطُّ مملكةٌ
إِلاَّ إِذا قَصَدَ النَّهجَ الَّذِي قَصَدَا

39. Nor were his triumphs quenched with cool victory
Save when he pursued the course he chose.

٣٩. ولاَ ارْتَوَتْ مِنْ زُلالِ العِزِّ عِزَّتُه
إِلاَّ إِذَا وَرَد الرَّأْي الَّذِي وَرَدَا

40. His insightful opinion leads surely
To correct conclusions, awake or dozing.

٤٠. مظفَّرُ الرأي مدلول بفطنته
على الإصابة يقظان وإن هجد

41. He enriched kings with his writings instead of their armies -
No pen but conquered lands.

٤١. أغنى الملوكَ بِكُتْبٍ عَن كَتَائِبهم
فما بَرى قَلَماً إِلاَّ غَزا بَلَدَا

42. At his script, the lance of fortune shook wildly
As you see it, and the Indian blade shuddering.

٤٢. بِخَطِّه عادَ رُمْحُ الحَظِّ مُضْطَرباً
كَما تَراه وسَيْفُ الهنْد مُرْتَعِدا

43. See how his eloquent writings receive phrases embroidered,
Then see the armies receive the armies charging.

٤٣. انْظرُ إِلى الكُتْبِ تَلْقَ اللَّفظَ مُطَّرِزاً
ثُمَّ انْظُر الجيْشَ تَلْقَ الجيْشَ مُضْطَرِدَا

44. His reasoning solves what opinions make complex -
They cannot solve what he has tied.

٤٤. تَحِلُّ مَا تعقِدُ الآراءُ فِطنتُه
ولا يُطيقون حَلاًّ لِلَّذِي عَقَدا

45. Fate showed him what is hidden to the keenest eye,
And good fortune brought near all that is far.

٤٥. أَبدى له الحظُّ ما يَخْفى لِدِقَّتِه
وقرَّبَ السَّعدُ منْه كُلَّ مَا بَعُدَا

46. And after this - the further I am
The more fires flare up in my heart and blaze.

٤٦. وبَعْدَ هذا فإِنِّي كلمَّا بَعُدا
أَضْرمتُ نَاراً على الأَحْشَاءِ مُتَّقِدَا

47. He left me no heart, liver, patience, resolve,
No eyelids, no composure, and no fortitude.

٤٧. لم يُبْقِ لي بُعده قلباً ولا كَبِدا
ولا جُفوناً ولا صَبْراً ولا جَلَدَا

48. And though some people count the arrows of estrangement,
My heart cannot reckon that count.

٤٨. وعند قومٍ عَلى حرب النَّوى عُدَدٌ
وليْس يُحسِن قلبي يَنْقُل العُدَدَا

49. O you whose absence made me wander, the time drags -
O you whose absence was prolonged - how brief your presence!

٤٩. يا ظاعِنين لقَدْ قَصَّرتُمُ أَمَلاً
يا غائِبينَ لقد طوَّلْتُمُ الأَمَدَا

50. Have you not yearned for Egypt that suffers your loss?
Have you not wearied of fortunate Syria?

٥٠. أَمَا تَشَوَّقْتُمُ مصرَ الَّتيِ شَقِيَتْ
ولا مَلَلْتُم مِن الشَّامِ الَّذي سَعِدا

51. O sovereign of my soul, why have you neglected it?
O conqueror of my heart, why not take my body?

٥١. يا مالِكَ النَّفْس لِمْ صَيَّرْتَها هَمَلاً
وآخِذَ الْقَلْبِ لمْ لا تَأخُذِ الجَسَدَا

52. You left me bewildered, an exile at home,
Lonely among kin, unique among all people.

٥٢. تركْتَنِي حائِراً في الدَّارِ مُغْتَرِباً
في الأَهْلِ مُستَوحِشاً في الخَلْقِ مُنْفَرِداً

53. How I strove with my utmost to reach him!
Whoever strives is right, even if mistaken.

٥٣. كم اجتهدتُ بِجهدي في اللَّحاق به
وقَدْ أَصَابَ ولَو أَخْطَا مَن اجْتَهدا

54. You promised auspicious stars shining upon us -
And one like you fulfills his promises.

٥٤. لقد وعدتَ نُجومَ السَّعدِ طالِعةً
فِينَا ومِثْلُكَ مَنْ أَوْفَى بِما وَعَدا